Liste der Libri von Thelema

Diese Liste enthält die Libri von Thelema, die Bücher des Thelema-Systems (lateinisch liber ‚Buch‘, Plural libri), stellt also eine Art Kanon des von Aleister Crowley begründeten Orden des Astrum Argenteum (A∴A∴), des Ordo Templi Orientis (O.T.O.) und allgemein der Nachfolger Crowleys und der Thelema-Tradition dar.

Die meisten Texte gehen auf Aleister Crowley zurück. Wenn nicht anders vermerkt, kann von einer Autorschaft Crowleys ausgegangen werden. Viele der kürzeren Schriften erschienen in der Zeitschrift Equinox oder auch in The International. Ebenso gehen die Inhaltsangaben weitgehend auf Crowleys A Syllabus of the Official Instructions of the A∴A∴ (Liber 207) zurück.

Die Titel entsprechen häufig dem Muster Liber A vel B sub figura X, was als Buch A oder B mit Nummer X gelesen werden kann, wobei X eine Zahl in römischen Zahlen ist.

Die Länge der der rund 140 Texte ist sehr unterschiedlich. Manche der „Bücher“ umfassen nur einige Absätze, andere haben den Umfang mehrbändiger Werke (zum Beispiel Liber 4).


Die Klasse der einzelnen Schriften ist eine Klassifizierung des A∴A∴ entsprechend der Bedeutung der jeweiligen Schrift, wobei die wichtigsten Schriften in der Klasse „A“ sind. Einige der Schriften gehören zu mehreren Klassen. Die Klassen A bis D gehen wie die Inhaltsangaben auf Crowleys Liber 207 zurück. Schriften des O.T.O. haben keine Klassifizierung. Die Klassen im Einzelnen[1]

ASchriften, deren Inhalt in keiner Weise verändert werden darf, da sie das Werk eines Adepten sind („books of which may be changed not so much as the style of a letter: that is, they represent the utterance of an Adept entirely beyond the criticism of even the Visible Head of the Organization“)
BSchriften, die Resultat gewöhnlicher Gelehrsamkeit sind („books or essays which are the result of ordinary scholarship, enlightened and earnest“)
CMaterialien, die eher als Anregung denn als sonst etwas dienen können („matter which is to be regarded rather as suggestive than anything else“)
Doffizielle Rituale und Anweisungen
EBekanntmachungen und Infoschriften

Liste der Libri

Die folgende Liste führt Libri von Thelema auf, zusammen mit bibliographischen Angaben zu Erstdruck, Erstausgabe in eckigen Klammern. Angaben der Form „Warburg XXX“ verweisen auf Bestände innerhalb der Sammlung der Crowleyana] von Gerald Joseph Yorke und Francis King in der Bibliothek des Warburg Institute (s. Weblinks).

I 1ALiber B vel MagiThis is an account of the Grade of Magus, the highest grade which it is ever possible to manifest in any way whatever upon this plane. Or so it is said by the Masters of the Temple.

[Erstausgabe London, ca. 1916, s. a. Equinox I,7 (1912)]

II 2EThe Message of The Master TherionExplains the essence of the new Law in a very simple manner.

[s. Equinox III,1 (1919)]

III 3DLiber III vel JugorumAn instruction for the control of speech, action, and thought.

[s. Equinox I,4 (1910)]

IV 4ABDELiber ABA (Magick)A general account in elementary terms of magical and mystical powers.

[Teile I und II Crowley und Soror Virakam [= Mary Desti] als Book 4 (1912), Teil III als Magick in Theory and Practice by the Master Therion mit Leila Waddell. Teil IV als The Equinox of the Gods (1936). Buchausgaben unter dem Titel Magick.]

V 5DLiber V vel Reguli — Being the Ritual of the Mark of the BeastAn incantation proper to invoke the Energies of the Aeon of Horus, adapted for the daily use of the Magician of whatever grade.

[Erstdruck in Magick in Theory and Practice, Appendix VI.]

VI 6BLiber O vel Manus et SagitaeInstructions given for the elementary study of the Qabalah, Assumption of God forms, Vibration of Divine Names, the Rituals of the Pentagram and Hexagram, and their uses in protection and invocation, a method of attaining astral visions so-called, and an instruction in the practice called rising on the Planes.
The instructions given in this book are too loose to find place in the Class D publications.

[s. Equinox I,2 (1909)]

VII 7ALiber Liberi vel Lapidis Lazuli, Adumbratio Kabbalae AEgyptiorvmThe Voluntary Emancipation of a certain Exempt Adept from his Adeptship. These are the Birth Words of a Master of the Temple. The nature of this book is sufficiently explained by its title. Its seven chapters are referred to the seven planets in the following order: Mars, Saturn, Jupiter, Sol, Mercury, Luna, Venus.

[Erstdruck in Crowley, ΘΕΛΗΜΑ (Privatdruck, 1909) und in Crowley, The Holy Books Bd. II (1909).]

VIII 8D8th Aether Liber CCCCXVIIIAnd thus shall he do who will attain to the mystery of the knowledge and conversation of his Holy Guardian Angel. See Liber 418.

[s. a. Equinox IV,1 (1996)]

IX 9BLiber E vel ExercitiorumThis book instructs the aspirant in the necessity of keeping a record. Suggests methods of testing physical clairvoyance. Gives instruction in Asana, Pranayama and Dharana, and advises the application of tests to the physical body, in order that the student may thoroughly understand his own limitations.

[s. Equinox I,1 (1909)]

X 10ALiber Porta LucisAn account of the sending forth of the Master Therion by the A∴A∴ and an explanation of his mission.

[s. Equinox I,6 (1911)]

XI 11DLiber NUAn instruction for attaining Nuit. An account of the task of the Aspirant from Probationer to Adept. Meditations on AL.

[s. Equinox I,7 (1912)]

XIII 13DLiber Graduum Montis AbiegniAn account of the tasks of the aspirant from Probationer to Adept.

[s. Equinox I,3 (1910)]

XV 15Ecclesiæ Gnosticæ Catholicæ Canon MissæThe central public and private rite of Ordo Templi Orientis and its ecclesiastical arm, Ecclesia Gnostica Catholica. Several equally canonical versions, with slight variations, of this document exist, published in several sources. This is a O.T.O. document.

[Geschrieben 1913. Es gibt 3 von Crowley veröffentlichte Versionen der „gnostischen Messe“:

  • The International, Bd. XII Nr. 3, März 1918
  • Equinox III,1, 1919
  • Magic in Theory and Practice, 1923.]
XVI 16BLiber Turris vel Domus DeiAn instruction for attainment by the direct destruction of thoughts as they arise in the mind.

[s. Equinox I,6 (1911)]

XVII 17DLiber IAOSexual Magick. Gives three methods of attainment through a willed series of thoughts. The active form of Liber H.H.H (Liber 341). The article Energized Enthusiasm (Liber 811) is an adumbration of this book.

[Text scheint verloren. Eine Fälschung mit dem Untertitel The Book of Holy Kisses zirkuliert seit einigen Jahren im Internet.]

XXI 21Khing Kang King — The Classic of PurityTaoist classic put into rhyme. A new translation from the Chinese by the Master Therion.

[Erstausgabe Khing kang king, the classic of purity first written down by me Ko Yuen in the episode of the Dynasty of Wu and now made into a rime by me Aleister Crowley. O.T.O, London 1939.]

XXII 22ALiber XXII Domarum Mercurii Cum Suis Geniis[Enthalten in Liber 231, s. Equinox I,7 (1912)]
XXIV 24BDe Nuptiis Secretis Deorum Cum HominibusSexual magick.

[Warburg NS3 u. OS25. Deutsche Übersetzung von Theodor Reuß: Von den geheimen Hochzeiten der Götter mit den Menschen. In: De Arte Magica – Die Magie des Hochalters. Die Oriflamme. Schmiedeberg ca. 1913.]

XXV 25DThe Star RubyAn improved form of the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram.

[Eine Fassung des Textes erstmals in The Book of Lies (s. Liber 333, 25, 1913). Überarbeitete Fassung in Magick in Theory and Practice, Appendix VI (1929).]

XXVII 27ALiber TrigrammatonBeing a book of Trigrams of the Mutations of the Tao with the Yin and Yang. An account of the Cosmic process: corresponding to the stanzas of Dzyan in another system.

[Erstdruck in Crowley, ΘΕΛΗΜΑ (Privatdruck, 1909) und in Crowley, The Holy Books Bd. III (1909); enthalten in: The Holy Books of Thelema (Equinox III,9, 1983).]

XXVIII 28DSeptem Regum Sanctorum — The Ceremony of the Seven Holy KingsBeing an Initiation Ritual for certain select probationers to A∴A∴.

[Erstdruck in beschränkter Auflage Thelema Lodge, O.T.O., 1989[2]]

XXVIII 28Liber צבא vel Νικη — The Fountain of Hyacinth[siehe Liber 93]
XXX 30BLiber Librae — The Book of the BalanceKarma Yoga. An elementary course of morality suitable for the average man.

[s. Equinox I,1 (1909)]

XXXI 31AAL (Liber Legis), The Book of the Law, as delivered by 93 – עיוז – ΑΙϜΑΣΣ – 418 to תריון – ΤΟ ΜΕΓΑ ΘΗΡΙΟΝ 666Facsimile pages of the actual manuscript of The Book of the Law. This book is the foundation of the New Aeon, and thus of the whole of our Work. Received April 8, 9 and 10, 1904 by Aleister Crowley and Rose Kelly.

[Die Nummer 31 bezieht sich nur auf die Faksimileform von Liber AL vel Legis. Der eigentliche Text ist Liber 220.]

XXXI 31The Diary of Frater AchadBeing a part of the diary of Frater O.I.V.V.I.O. [Omnibus in Unus Unus in Omnibus = Charles Stansfeld Jones] concerning the fool Parzival and how he discovered the mystery of the one that is not. Written down in the fourteenth year of this Aeon when the sun was in the sign of Libra by Frater Arctaeon.

[Magisches Tagebuch von Charles Stansfeld Jones, 22. September – 19. Oktober 1918.]

XXXIII 33CAn Account of A∴A∴Broadly based upon Cloud on the Sanctuary by the Councillor Von Eckartshausen and now revised and rewritten in the Universal Cipher.
An elementary suggestive account of the work of the Order in its relation to the average man. The preliminary paper of M∴ M∴ M∴ may be classed with this.

[s. Equinox I,1 (1909) und IV,1 (1996)]

XXXVI 36DThe Star SapphireThis is Chapter XXXVI of the Book of Lies, giving an improved ritual of the Hexagram.

[s. Liber 333, 36.]

XLI 41CThien TAOAn advanced study of Attainment by the method of equilibrium on the ethical plane.

[s. Konx Om Pax (Liber 397, 1907).]

XLIV 44DThe Mass of the PhoenixThis is Chapter XLIV of the Book of Lies. An instruction in a simple and exoteric form of Eucharist.

[s. Liber 333, 44.]

XLVI 46The Key of the MysteriesA Translation of La Clef des Grands Mysteres, by Éliphas Lévi. Specially adapted to the task of the Attainment of Bhakta-Yoga.

[s. Equinox I,10, Special Supplement (1913)]

XLIX 49Shih Yi ChienAn account of the divine perfection illustrated by the seven-fold permutation of the Dyad. No full version of this is thought to survive.
XLIX 49The Collected writings of Jack ParsonsReceived by John Whiteside “Jack” Parsons (Belarion 8 = 3) on February 29, 1946 EV during the “Babalon Working”. Also: The Explosive Imagination of John Whiteside “Jack” Parsons.
LI 51The Lost ContinentAn account of the continent of Atlantis: the manners and customs, magical rites and opinions of it's people, together with a true account of the catastrophy, so-called, which ended in it's disappearance.

[Crowley 1913 in Confessions: „In particular there is a sort of novel, "The Lost Continent", purporting to give an account of the civilization of Atlantis. I sometimes feel that this lacks artistic unity. At times it is a fantastic rhapsody describing my ideals of Utopian society; but some passages are a satire on the conditions of our existing civilization, while others convey hints of certain profound magical secrets, or anticipations of discoveries in science.“[3]]

LII 52Manifesto of the O.T.O.This 1919 e.v. manifesto is by Crowley, others exist by other people.

[s. Equinox III,1 (1919)]

LIII 53The Stone of the Philosophers[s. Konx Om Pax (Liber 397, 1907).[4]]
LV 55CThe Chymical Jousting of Brother PerarduaAn account of the Magical and Mystic Path in the language of Alchemy.

[s. Equinox I,1 (1909)]

LVIII 58BThe QabalahA general discussion of the Method and uses of the Qabalah in The Temple of Solomon the King

[s. Equinox I,5 (1911)]

LIX 59CAcross the GulfA fantastic account of a past life in Egypt. It's principal interest lies in the fact that it's story of the overthrowing of Isis by Osiris may help the reader to understand the meaning of the overthrowing of Osiris by Horus in the present Æon.

[s. Equinox I,7 (1912)]

LX 60The Ab-ul-Diz Working[s. Equinox IV,2 (1998)]
LXI 61DLiber Causae A∴A∴The Preliminary Lection, including the History Lection. Explains the actual history and origin of the present movement. It's statements are accurate in the ordinary sense of the word. The object of the book is to discount Mythopeia. In other words, the collapse of the Order of the G∴D∴ and the founding of the A∴A∴.

[Erstdruck in Crowley, ΘΕΛΗΜΑ (Privatdruck, 1909) und Crowley, The Holy Books Bd. I (1909), s. a. Equinox III,1 (1919)]

LXIV 64BLiber IsrafelBy Allen Bennet, Crowley and others. Invocation of Thoth, as a prelude to preaching. Formerly called Liber Anubis, an instruction in a suitable method of preaching.

[s. Equinox I,7 (1912)]

LXV 65ALiber Cordis Cincti SerpenteAn account of the relations of the Aspirant with his Holy Guardian Angel. This book is given to Probationers, as the attainment of the Knowledge and Conversation of the Holy Guardian Angel is the Crown of the Outer College. Similarly Liber VII is given to Neophytes, as the grade of Master of the Temple is the next resting-place, and Liber CCXX to Zelator, since that carries him to the highest of all possible grades. Liber XXVII is given to the Practicus, as in this book is the ultimate foundation of the highest theoretical Qabalah, and Liber DCCCXIII to the Philosophus, as it is the foundation of the highest practical Qabalah.

[Erstdruck in Crowley, The Holy Books Bd. I (1909), s. a. Equinox III,1 (1919) und IV,1 (1996)]

LXVI 66ALiber Stellae RubeaeA secret ritual of Apep, the heart of IAO-OAI, delivered unto V.V.V.V.V. for his use in a certain matter of Liber Legis. Sexual Magick veiled in symbolism.

[s. Equinox I,7 (1912)]

LXVII 67CThe Sword of SongTwo Poems. A critical study of various philosophies. An account of Buddhism. 1925.

[Erstausgabe The Sword of Song. Called by Christians, The Book of the Beast. Society for the Propagation of Religious Truth, Benares [i.e. Foyers/Inverness] 1904. Aufgenommen in Crowley: Collected Works. Bd. 2. Foyers/Inverness 1906.]

LXX 70CΣταυροσ Βατραχου — The Cross of a FrogThe Ceremonies proper to obtaining a familiar spirit of a Mercurial nature as described in the Apocalypse of St. John the Divine from a frog or toad.

[Crowley soll das Ritual der Kreuzigung eines Frosches bzw. einer Kröte am 17. Juli 1916 während eines magischen Retreats am Lake Pasquaney, dem heutigen Newfound Lake in New Hampshire durchgeführt haben.[5]]

LXXI 71BThe Voice of the Silence / The Two Paths / The Seven PortalsBy H. P. Blavatsky, with an extensive commentary by Crowley.

[s. Equinox III,1, Supplement (1919)]

LXXIII 73The Urn – The Diary of a MagusThis is a sequel to 'The Temple of Solomon the King', and is the Diary of a Magus. This book contains a detailed account of all the experiences passed through by the Master Therion in his attainment of this Grade of Initiation, the highest possible in any manifested Man.

[Magisches Tagebuch Crowleys mit Einträgen von Ende 1914 bis Anfang 1918.]

LXXVI 74DLiber Testis Testitudinis vel עד[Kurze Schrift; nummerierte Liste mit 12 Punkten.]
LXXVII 77Liber OZThe Thelemic declaration of rights of Man.

[Erstausgabe O.T.O., London und Kalifornien 1939, s. a. Equinox III,10.]

LXXVIII 78BOn the TarotA description of the Cards of the Tarot with their attributions, including a method of divination by their use.

[s. Equinox I,8 (1912)]

LXXXI 81Moonchild (The Butterfly Net)Magical adventure story concerning homunculi, particularly concerning the planet Luna, written in the form of a novel. Satirical of some members of the G∴D∴

[Roman. Erstausgabe: Mandrake Press, London 1929.]

LXXXI 81The Tao Teh King[s. Liber 157.]
LXXXIV 84BLiber ChanokhA brief abstraction of the Symbolic representation of the Universe derived by Dr. John Dee through the Scrying of Sir Edward Kelly.

[s. Equinox I,7 und 8 (1912)]

XC 90ALiber Tzaddi vel Hamus HermeticusAn account of Initiation, and an indication as to those who are suitable for the same.

[s. Equinox I,6 (1911)]

XCIII 93Liber צבא vel Νικη – The Fountain of HyacinthA diary of the use of cocaine and heroin and the relations of the Magician therewith. See Liber Al vel Legis II,22.

[Auch als Liber 28. Der zitierte Vers lautet: I am the Snake that giveth Knowledge & Delight and bright glory, and stir the hearts of men with drunkenness. To worship me take wine and strange drugs whereof I will tell my prophet, & be drunk thereof! […].] ]

XCV 95CThe Wake WorldA poetical allegory of the relations of the soul and the Holy Guardian Angel.

[s. Konx Om Pax (Liber 397, 1907).]

XCVI 96BLiber GaiasA Handbook of Geomancy. Gives a simple and fairly satisfactory system of Geomancy. A guide but with some intentional inaccuracies.

[s. Equinox I,2 (1909)]

XCVII 97Soror Achitha's Vision — The Amalantrah WorkingLiber 729 is also The Amalantrah Working. Liber 97 may be a different, and now lost, document.

[Aufzeichnungen zu einer Serie von Befragungen, Januar–Juni 1918.]

C 100DLiber כף, Αγαπη Αζοθ Sal Philosophorum — The Book of the Unveiling of the SangraalThe Book of the Unveiling of the Sangraal wherein it is spoken of the Wine of the Sabbath of the Adepts. Secret instructions of the IX O.T.O. (Sex Magick).
CI 101BOrdo Templt Orientis. An Open Letter to those who may wish to join the OrderEnumerating the Duties and Privileges. These Regulations Come Into Force In Any District Where the Membership Exceeds One Thousand Souls.

[Erstausgabe London, ca. 1916, s. a. Equinox III,1 (1919)]

CVI 106Concerning DeathA treatise on the nature of death and the proper attitude to be taken towards it.

[Erstdruck in The International Dezember 1917, S. 365.]

CXI 111BLiber AlephAn extended and elaborate commentary on 'The Book of the Law', in the form of a letter from the Master Therion to the son of mankind. Contains some of the deepest secrets of Initiation, with a clear solution of many cosmic and ethical problems.

[Erstausgabe Thelema, West Point, Kalifornien 1961, s. a. Equinox III,6 (1961)]

CXVI 116BOriginal number for Liber 96.
CXX 120DLiber Cadaveris — The Ritual of passing through the TuatA Ritual of Initiation for certain Select Zelators.

[Material aus seinem Tagebuch, das Crowley Frater Semper Paratus (vermutlich Thomas James Windram) übersandte.]

CXX 120Liber Samekh Theurgia Goetia Summæ, Congressus cum Dæmone[s. Liber 800]
CXXIV 124Of Eden and the Sacred OakOf the Greater and Lesser Hospitality of the O.T.O.

[Brief von Crowley an Thomas James Windram.]

CXXXII 132ApotheosisA treatise on the Incarnation of a God, instructions to Realize and Proclaim His Identity.

[Schrift Crowley von 1943, in welcher er Wilfred Talbot Smith, damals Leiter der Agape Lodge #2 des kalifornischen O.T.O., als Inkarnation (Apotheose) eines Gottes identifiziert, der sich daher nicht mit weltlichen Dingen wie der Leitung einer Loge befassen darf. Erstdruck in: Martin P. Starr: The unknown God : W. T. Smith and the Thelemites. Teitan Press, Bolingbrook, Ill. 2003, ISBN 0-933429-07-X. 132 ist die numerologische Entsprechung der Initialen V.O.V.N. von Smiths magischem Motto Velle Omnia Velle Nihil.]

CL 150ELiber CL vel נעל, A Sandal, De Lege LibellumA further explanation of the Book of the Law, with special reference to the Powers and Privileges conferred by it's acceptance. The Law of Liberty Love Life and Light.

[s. Equinox III,1 (1919)]

CLI 151Liber QNA vel Nomen DeiBook by Frater Achad [= Charles Stansfeld Jones] on the value and meaning of letters.

[Niederschrift am 23. April 1936.]

CLVI 156ALiber Cheth vel Vallum AbiegniA perfect account of the task of the Exempt Adept considered under the Symbols of a particular plane, not the intellectual. Sexual magick veiled in symbolism.

[s. Equinox I,6 (1911)]

CLVII 157Tao Teh ChingA new translation with a commentary by the Master Therion. This is the most exalted and yet practical of the Chinese classics. Also called Liber LXXXI

[Crowleys Übersetzung von Laozis Daodejing. Erstausgabe Thelema Publications, Kings Beach, Kalifornien 1976, s. a. Equinox III,8 (1975).]

CLVIII 158CThe Soldier and the HunchbackAn essay on the method of equilibrium on the intellectual plane.

[s. Equinox I,1 (1909)]

CLXI 161The Law of ThelemaAn epistle written to Professor L– B– K– who also himself waited for the New Aeon, concerning the O.T.O. and it's solution of Property, and now reprinted for the General Circulation.

[s. Equinox III,1 (1919)]

CLXV 165BA Master of the TempleFrater Achad's [= Charles Stansfeld Jones] magical diary with comments by Crowley.

[s. Equinox III,1 (1919)]

CLXXV 175DLiber Astarte vel Liber BerylliAn instruction in attainment by the method of devotion, on Bhakta-Yoga; how one may unite oneself to any particular Deity. Both Magical and Mystical methods are given.

[s. Equinox I,7 (1912)]

CLXXXV 185DLiber Colegii SanctiBeing the tasks proper to the Grades and their Oaths proper to Liber XIII. This is the Official Paper of the various Grades. It includes the Task and Oath of all Grades to, and including, Adeptus Minor.

[Erstausgabe London ca. 1909, s. Equinox IV,1 (1996)]

CLXXXVI 186DLiber ק vel Gnosticorum Missa Minor[Abdruck in: A. R. Naylor (Hrsg.): O.T.O. : Rituals and sex magick. I.H.O. Books, Thame 1999, ISBN 1-872189-93-8.]
CXCIV 194An Intimation with Reference to the Constitution of the OrderAny Province of the O.T.O. is governed by the Grand Master and those to whom he delegates his Authority, until such time as the Order is established, which is the case when it possesses eleven or more Profess-houses in the province. Then the regular constitution is automatically Promulgated. The Quotation is slightly adapted from an address in one of the Rituals.

[s. Equinox III,1 (1919)]

CXCVII 197CThe High History of Good Sir Palamedes the Saracen Knight and of his following of the Questing BeastA poetic account of the Great Work and enumeration of many obstacles.

[Erstausgabe Wieland & Co., London 1912.]

CC 200DLiber Resh vel HeliosAn instruction for the adoration of the Sun four times daily, with the object of composing the mind to meditation, thus to bring conscious relation with the center of our system. For advanced students, to make actual Magical contact with the Spiritual energy of the Sun and thus to draw actual force from Him.

[s. Equinox I,6 (1911)]

CCVI 206DLiber RU vel SpiritusFull instructions in Pranayama, describes various practices of controlling the breath, how to insure success, what results to strive for, and how to use them for the Great Work.

[s. Equinox I,7 (1912)]

CCVII 207AA Syllabus of the official instructions of the A∴A∴An enumeration of the Official Publications of the A∴A∴ with a brief description of the contents of each book.

[s. Equinox I,10 (1913)]

CCXVI 216The I ChingA new translation, with a commentary by the Master Therion. The Yi King is mathematical and philosophical in form. It's structure is cognate with that of the Qabalah. The I Ching reduced expertly to a series of six-line mnemonic keys, one for each hexagram.

[Crowleys Übersetzung des I Ging, s. Equinox III,7 (1971)]

CCXX 220ALiber AL vel Legis, The Book of the LawAlso: Liber L. vel Legis sub figurâ CCXX as delivered by XCIII = 418 unto DCLXVI. Received April 8, 9 and 10, 1904. This book is the foundation of the New Æon, and thus of the whole of our Work.

[Erstdruck in Crowley, ΘΕΛΗΜΑ (Privatdruck, 1909) und in Crowley, The Holy Books Bd. III (1909), s. a. Equinox I,10 (1913), erste selbständige Ausgabe Tunis 1926]

CCXXVIII 228BDe Natura DeorumWritten between Sep 6 and Oct 8, 1914.

[Warburg OS25]

CCXXXI 231ALiber Arcanorum των ATV του TAHVTI QUAS VIDIT ASAR IN AMENNTI. Liber Carcerorum των QLIPHOTH cum suis Geniis. Adduntur Sigilla et Nomina EorumAn account of the cosmic process so far as it is indicated by the Tarot Trumps. The sequence of the 22 Trumps is explained as a formula of Initiation.

[s. Equinox I,7 (1912)]

CCXXLII 242CAHA!An exposition in poetic language of several of the ways of attainment and the results obtained. In the form of a Discourse between and Adept and His Pupil.

[s. Equinox I,3 (1910)]

CCLXV 265The Structure of the MindA treatise of physology from the mystic and magical standpoint. It's study will help the aspirant to make a detailed scientific analysis of his mind, and so learn to control it.

[Die Schrift wird zwar in Appendix I, Abschnitt 3 (Bibliography and Curriculum of the A∴A∴) von Book 4 aufgeführt, scheint aber verloren.]

CCXCVII 297BThe Goetia[Crowleys Version der Goetia von Samuel Liddell MacGregor Mathers. Erstausgabe: Society for the Propagation of Religious Truth, Boleskine, Foyers, Inverness 1904.[4]]
CCC 300EKhabs am PekhtA special instruction for the Promulgation of the Law. This is the first and most important duty of every aspirant of whatever grade. It builds up in him the character and Karma which forms the Spine of Attainment.

[s. Equinox III,1 (1919)]

CCCV 305The Herb Dangerous[s. Equinox I,1–4 (1909)[4]].
CCCXXV 325The Bartzabel Working[s. Equinox IV,2 (1998)]
CCCXXXIII 333CDThe Book of Lies falsely so-called93 short chapters each Qabalistically related to its chapter number. Deals with many matters on all planes of the very highest importance. It is an Official Publication for Babes of the Abyss, but it is recommended even to beginners as being highly suggestive. Its Chapters XXV, XXXVI and XLIV are in Class D.

[Erstausgabe London, 1913.]

CCCXXXV 335CAdonis an AllegoryA short play. Set in the hanging gardens of Babylon in classical times with classical characters. An account in poetic language of the struggle of the human and divine elements in the consciousness of man, giving their harmony following on the victory of the latter.

[s. Equinox I,7 (1912)]

CCCXLI 341Liber H.H.H.Gives three methods of attainment through a willed series of thoughts.

[s. Equinox I,5 (1911)]

CCCXLIII 343AMRITASome Comments on the Elixir of Life. Extracted from the Magical Record of the Beast 666 for the year 1920 e.v. By Aloster Kerval [= Aleister Crowley].
CCCLXV 365The Preliminary Invocation of the GoetiaWith the barbarous names of evocation used therein, and the secret rubric of the ritual, by the Master Therion. This is the most potent invocation extant, and was used by the Master Himself in his Attainment. Please note that this ritual is identical with Liber Samekh in many aspects, however, there are differences. This is the 1904 version.

[s. Liber 800.]

CCCLXVII 367BDe HomunculoWritten between Sep 6 and Oct 8, 1914.

[Warburg NS3 u. OS25. Deutsche Übersetzung von Theodor Reuß: Von der Bereitung des Homunkulus. In: De Arte Magica – Die Magie des Hochalters. Die Oriflamme. Schmiedeberg ca. 1913.]

CCCLXX 370ALiber A'ASH vel Capricorni PneumaticiContains the true secret of all practical magick. Analyzes the nature of the creative magical force in man, explains how to awaken it, how to use it and indicates the general as well as the particular objects to be gained thereby. Sexual magick heavily veiled in symbolism.

[s. Equinox I,6 (1911)]

CCCXCVII 397Konx Om PaxPresumably the whole book, even though most of the contents are also under separate numbers.

[Erstausgabe Society for the Propagation of Religious Text, Inverness 1907.[4] Inhalt:

  • Dedication and Counter-Dedication
  • The Wake World (Liber 95)
  • Ali Sloper
  • Thien Tao (Liber 41)
  • The Stone of Abiegnus (= The Stone of the Philosophers Which Is Hidden in the Mountain of Abiegnus, Liber 53)]
CD 400ALiber TAV vel Kabbalae Trium LiterarumA graphic interpretation of the Tarot on the plane of Initiation. Analyzes the Hebrew alphabet into seven triads, each of which forms a Trinity of sympathetic ideas relating respectively to the Three Orders comprised in the A∴A∴

[s. Equinox I,7 (1912)]

CDXII 412DLiber A vel ArmorumAn instruction for the preparation of the Elemental Instruments.

[s. Equinox I,4 (1910)]

CDXIV 414De Arte Magica[Warburg NS3. Deutsche Übersetzung von Theodor Reuß: De Arte Magica – Die Magie des Hochalters. Die Oriflamme. Schmiedeberg ca. 1913.]
CDXV 415ABOpus Lutetianum – The Paris Working (including Esoteric record and sundrys)A record of homosexual magick operations.

[s. Equinox IV,2 (1998)]

CDXVIII 418ABLiber XXX AERVM vel Saeculi — The Vision and the VoiceBeing of the Angels of the Thirty Aethyrs, the Vision and the Voice.
Besides being the classical account of the thirty AEthyrs and a model of all visions, the cries of the Angels should be regarded as accurate, and the doctrine of the function of the Great White Brotherhood understood as the foundation of the Aspiration of the Adept. The account of the Master of the Temple should in particular be taken as authentic.
The instruction in the 8th AEthyr pertains to Class D, “i.e.” it is an Official Ritual, and the same remarks apply to the account of the proper method of invoking AEthyrs given in the 18th AEthyr.

[Erstausgabe Thelema, Barstow, Kalifornien 1952, s. a. Equinox IV,2 (1998)]

CDXLI 441Ameth[Enthalten im Lowry-Typoskript von Book 4.[4]]
CDLI 451BLiber Siloam — Eroto-comatose LucidityThe chapter Of Eroto-comatose Lucidity in Liber CDXIV — De Arte Magica. A direct method of inducing trance.

[s. Liber 414.]

CDLXXIV 474CLiber Os Abysmi vel DAATHGnana Yoga. An instruction in a purely intellectual method of entering the Abyss.

[s. Equinox I,7 (1912)]

CDLXXXIX 489BOne Star in SightOriginally, this document had neither book number nor class. Both were applied later by some lineages of A∴A∴.

[Erstausgabe Kalifornien ca. 1943, s. a. Equinox IV,1 (1996) und Book Four, Part III, Appendix II.]

D 500BSepher SephirothBy Allen Bennet, Crowley and Friends. A dictionary of Hebrew words arranged according to their numerical value. This is an Encyclopedia of the Holy Qabalah, which is a map of the Universe, and enables man to attain Perfect Understanding.

[s. Equinox I,8 (Special Supplement, 1912)]

DXXXVI 536BLiber ΒΑΤΡΑΧΟΦΡΕΝΟΒΟΟΚΟΣΜΟΜΑΧΙΑ — BatrachophrenoboocosmomachiaAn instruction in the expansion of the field of the mind. Two practices designed to aid the student in developing an awareness of the Universe around him are given, one is active one passive. Requires Astronomical knowledge.

[s. Equinox I,10 (1913). Die Batrachomyomachía, der Froschmäusekrieg, ist eine antike Parodie auf die Epen Homers.]

DXXXVI 536On AstrologyA complete Treatise on Astrology. This is the only text book on astrology composed on scientific lines by classifying observed facts instead of deducting from a priori theories. Unpublished originally, but reconstructed from various sources in The General Principles of Astrology.

[Die Schrift wird zwar in Appendix I, Abschnitt 3 (Bibliography and Curriculum of the A∴A∴) von Book 4 aufgeführt, scheint aber verloren. Ein unveröffentlichtes Typoskript von Crowley mit dem Titel General Principles of Astrology befindet sich in Warburg NS89.]

DL 550Tannhäuser[Enthalten im Lowry-Typoskript von Book 4.[4]]
DLV 555DLiber HADAn instruction for attaining Hadit.

[s. Equinox I,7 (1912)]

DLXX 570AraritaAn account of the Hexagram and the method of reducing it to the Unity, and Beyond.

[Erstdruck in The Holy Books Bd. III (1909), s. a. Liber 813.]

DCXXXIII 633De ThaumaturgiaA statement of certain ethical considerations concerning Magick.

[Erstdruck als De Thaumaturgia. Concerning the Working of Wonders. in The International, Februar 1918.]

DCLXVI 666BLiber Artemis Iota vel de Coitu Scholia TriviæAn instructional paper for members of Agapé Lodge O.T.O. on the topic of sexual ethics.

[Erstdruck als Kapitel XV: Sex Morality in Magick without Tears. Thelema, Hampton, NJ 1954.]

DCLXVI 666The BeastAn A∴A∴ document which is an account of the Magical Personality who is the Logos of the present Æon.

[Vermutlich identisch mit The Master Therion: A Biographical Note, sonst nicht überliefert. Im Typoscript von The Master Therion fehlt eine Seite, die jedoch aus der deutschen Übersetzung (in: Pansophia. Urquellen inneren Lebens zum Heile der Welt. Abteilung VII Bd. I. Barth, München 1925) ergänzt werden kann. S. a. Equinox III,10 (1986).]

DCLXXI 671DLiber PyramidosA ritual of self Initiation based on the Neophyte ritual. It includes sub-rituals numbered from 672 to 676.

[s. Equinox IV,1 (1996)]

DCLXXI 671DLiber ThROAA ritual of Initiation with officers passing Probationer to Neophyte in A∴A∴. The practice of this in relation to Liber Pyramidos varies in A∴A∴.

[Überliefert in einem Manuskript von J. P. Kowal mit der Notiz, dass es sich um das in Liber 860 (John St. John) erwähnte Manuskript 671 handele. 671 ist der Zahlenwert von hebräisch Thora („Gesetz“) und Throa („Tor“).]

DCC 700Liber Vesta vel פרכחA book on the robes of the Order. See Equinox IV,i. Note that this is a document of modern provenance, as it appears in Equinox IV,i, which represents one specific set of robe designs. In general, there is substantial variance in robe design among the various A∴A∴.

[s. Equinox IV,1 (1996)]

DCCXIII 713BTime[Enthalten im Lowry-Typoskript von Book 4.[4]]
DCCXXIX 729CThe Amalantrah WorkingInterviews with a discarnate entity.

[s. Liber 97.]

DCCLXXVII 777B777 vel Prolegomena Symbolica Ad Systemam Sceptico-Mysticae Viae Explicandae, Fundamentum Hieroglyphicum Sanctissimorum Scientae SummaeA complete dictionary of the correspondences of all magical elements, reprinted with extensive additions, making it the only standard comprehensive book of reference ever published. It is to the language of Occultism what Webster or Murray is to the English language.

[Erstausgabe London 1909.]

DCCC 800DLiber Samekh. Theurgia Goetia Summæ (Congressus Cum Dæmone)Being the Ritual employed by the Beast 666 for the Attainment of the Knowledge and Conversation of his Holy Guardian Angel during the semester of His performance of the Operation of the Sacred Magick of Abramelin the Mage.

[Erstdruck in Appendix IV von Magick in Theory and Practice (1929), s. a. Liber 365.]

DCCC 800CThe ShipA mystery play.

[s. Equinox I,10 (1913). Teile davon auch in Liber 15 (Gnostische Messe).]

DCCCVIII 808Liber Serpentis Nehushtan[nicht veröffentlicht, vermutlich verloren]
DCCCXI 811CEnergised EnthusiasmAn essay developing the idea of creativity — and genius — as a sexual phenomenon. Specially adapted to the task of Attainment of Control of the Body of Light, development of Intuition and Hatha yoga.

[s. Equinox I,9 (1913)]

DCCCXI 811DLiber Collegii Internii[nicht veröffentlicht, vermutlich verloren]
DCCCXIII 813AAraritaAn account of the Hexagram and the method of reducing it to the Unity and Beyond. This book describes in magical language a very secret process of Initiation.

[Erstdruck in The Holy Books Bd. III (1909); s. a. Liber 570.]

DCCCXXXI 831DLiber IODFormerly called Liber Vesta. An instruction giving three methods of reducing the manifold consciousness to the Unity. Adapted to facilitate the task of Raja Yoga, and of the Knowledge and Conversation of the Holy Guardian Angel.

[s. Equinox I,7 (1912), dort als Liber TAU.]

DCCCXXXVII 837CThe Law of LibertyThis is a further explanation of the Book of the Law in reference to certain Ethical problems.

[Erstausgabe London ca. 1917, s. a. Equinox III,1 (1919)]

DCCCL 850The Rites of Eleusis[Erstausgabe Privatdruck, London 1910, s. a. Equinox I,6 (1911)]
DCCCLX 860CJohn St. JohnThe Record of the Magical Retirement of G. H. Frater O. M. (Aleister Crowley). A model of what a magical record should be, so far as accurate analysis and fullness are concerned.

[s. Equinox I,1 (Special Supplement, 1909)]

DCCCLXVIII 868BLiber Viarum ViaeA graphic account of Magical powers classified under Tarot Trumps. An analysis of the 22 letters. To each is attributed a magical or mystical practice of progressive difficuly until attainment is complete.

[s. Equinox I,7 (1912)]

DCCCLXXXVIII 888The Gospel According to Saint Bernard ShawAlso: Jesus. A complete study of the origins of Christianity. This was apparently also to have been Equinox III,ii, which was not issued. See also: Preface to Androcles and the Lion by George Bernard Shaw on which Liber 888 is a commentary.

[Erstausgabe Thelema, Barstow, Kalifornien 1953, geplant als Equinox III,2, dort nicht erschienen.]

CMXIII 913BLiber Viae Memoriae — תישארבGives methods for attaining the magical memory, or memory of past lives, and an insight into the function of the Aspirant in this present life. (So to enable the Aspirant to calculate his True Orbit in eternity.)

[s. Equinox I,7 (1912). Bereshit („Anfang“) ist im Tanach der Name des Buchs Genesis (hebräisch בְּרֵאשִׁית). Entsprechend hebräischer Schreibweise erscheinen die Buchstaben von rechts nach links, hier aber umgekehrt als Tisharb.]

CMXXXIV 934The CactusAn elaborate study of the psychological effects produced by Anhalonium Lewinii (Mescal Buttons), compiled from the actual records of some hundreds of experiments; with an explanatory essay.

[Die Schrift wird zwar in Appendix I, Abschnitt 3 (Bibliography and Curriculum of the A∴A∴) von Book 4 aufgeführt, scheint aber verloren, auch Crowley zufolge.[6] 1928 soll Crowley aber in einem Brief an Gerald Joseph Yorke bekannt haben, dass das Buch nie geschrieben wurde und dass es nur eine Sammlung von 100 Berichten mit Mescalinerfahrungen verschiedener Personen gegeben habe.[7]]

CMLXIII 963ABΘΗΣΑΥΡΟΥ ΕΙΔΩΛΩΝ — The Treasurehouse of ImagesA superb collection of Litanies appropriate to the Signs of the Zodiac. Only the short note pertains to Class A.

[s. Equinox I,3 (Special Supplement, 1910)]

MCXXXIX 1139The Utterance of the PythonessA graphic account of magical powers classified under the Tarot trumps.

[Wird in Liber 868 (Liber Viarum Viae) mit Nummer und Titel erwähnt. Nicht erschienen.]

MCLI 1151Liber MCLIBeing the requirements of Minerval to III°, in study and work in the O.T.O., as it has manifested under the Caliph. By Jim Graeb IX° O.T.O.
MCCLXIV 1264DThe Greek QabalahA complete dictionary of all sacred and important words and phrases given in the Books of the Gnosis and other important writings both in the Greek and the Coptic. It is to the Greek Qabalah what the Sephir Sephiroth is to the Hebrew. The present form is taken from Crowley’s notes by Bill Heidrick, IX○ O.T.O. who partially reconstructed the document.

[Eine Sammlung griechischer Worte mit den numerologischen Entsprechungen, von Crowley um 1919 begonnen. Unvollständig und nur teilweise überliefert. Eine rekonstruierte Fassung in The OTO Newsletter Bd. II, Nr. 3 u. 4.]

MMCCLCI 2261CA Note on GenesisBy Allen Bennet. A model of Qabalistic ratiocination. Specially adapted to Gnana Yoga. With a preface and notes by Crowley.

[s. Equinox I,2 (1909). In Liber 207 erscheint die Schrift unter Nummer MMCMXI (2911).]


Die Nummern der Libri wurden von Crowley nicht beliebig oder chronologisch vergeben, sondern stehen entsprechend der von Crowley entwickelten synkretistischen Zahlenmystik in Beziehung zum Inhalt der jeweiligen Schriften. Ausführliche Tabellen mit Entsprechungen zwischen Zahlen, Planeten, Göttern, Farben, Tarot-Trümpfen etc. finden sich im Liber 777. Einige Nummern (zum Beispiel die Nummern 28 und 31) erscheinen doppelt. Eine Zusammenstellung der Entsprechungen für die konkreten Libri gibt Crowley in Liber 207 wie folgt:

NummerErklärung Crowleys
I1 is the number of the Magus in the Tarot.
IIIRefers to the threefold method given, and to the Triangle as a binding force.
VIIRefers to the 7 chapters, and to the fact that the number 7 is peculiarly suitable to the subject of the Book.
VIIIThe Tarot card numbered 8, the Charioteer, the bearer of the Holy Graal, represents the Holy Guardian Angel.
IXRefers to Yesod. The foundation, because the elementary practices recommended in the book are the foundation of all the work.
XPorta Lucis, the Gate of Light, is one of the titles of Malkuth, whose number is X.
XIA concentration of the title N V, whose value is 56, and 6 and 5 are 11. (See CCXX. I, i. and II, i.)
XIIIThe number of Achad = Unity, and the title is perhaps intended to show that all paths of attainment are essential.
XVIThe key of the Tarot numbered XVI is the Lightning Struck Tower.
XVIII A O adds up to 17.
XXVThe square of 5, this being a ritual of the Pentagram.
XXVIIThe number of permutations of 3 things taken 3 at a time, and (of course) the cube of 3.
XXX30 is the letter ל, which is Justice in the Tarot, referred to Libra.
XXXIIIThis number was given on Masonic grounds.
XXXVIThe square of 6, this book being the ritual of the Hexagram.
XLIVFrom דם blood, because blood is sacrificed, also because the God Adored is Horus, who gave 44 as his special number. See Equinox VII, 376.
LVThe mystic number of Malkuth and of נה ornament; a number generally suitable to the subject of the book.
LVIIIחן Grace, a secret title of the Qabalah. See Sepher Sephiroth.
LIX, LXISee Sepher Sephiroth. The allusion is to the fact that this book forms an introduction to the series.
LXIVA number of Mercury.
LXVThe number of Adonai.
LXVIThe sum of the first 11 numbers. This book relates to Magic, whose Key is 11.
LXVIIThe number of זין a sword.
LXXVIIIThe number of cards in the Tarot pack
LXXXIVEnumeration of the name Enoch.
XCTzaddi means a fish-hook. “I will make you fishers of men.”
XCVThe number of מלכה “queen,” attributed to Malkuth.
XCVIThe total number of points in the 16 figures.
CEnumeration of the letter Kappa spelt in full. Κ and Φ are the initials of magical instruments referred to in the text.
CXXSee Rosicrucian Symbolism.
CXLVIIIמאזנים The Balances. CLVI. Babalon, to whom the book refers. See Sepher Sephiroth.
CLXXVThe number of Venus or Astarte.
CLXXXVCXCVII. Number of Z O O N, “Beast.”
CCThe number of ר «WEH NOTE: Corrected, the original text had Daleth as a typo.» the Sun.
CCVIThe number of R V, referred to in the text.
CCXXThe number of the Verses in the three chapters of the Book. It has, however, an enormous amount of symbolism; in particular it combines the 10 Sephiroths and 22 Paths; 78 is איואס . For 666 vide Sepher Sephiroth.
CCXXXISum of the numbers [0 + 1 + ….. + 20 + 21] printed on the Tarot Trumps.
CCXLII“Aha!” spelt in full.
CCCXXXIIIThe number of Choronzon.
CCCXXXVThe Numeration of Adonis in Greek.
CCCXLIThe Sum of the 3 Mothers of the Alphabet.
CCCLXXעש Creation. CD. From the large HB:Tau ת in the diagram.
CDXIINumeration of בית Beth, the letter of the Magus of the Tarot, whose weapons are here described.
CDXVIIIVide Sepher Sephiroth. Used for this book because the final revelation is the Lord of the AEon.
CDLIThe number of שילעאם Siloam.
CDLXXIVThe number of Daath.
DThe number of ο αριθμοσ the Greek word for Number.
DXXXVIThe number of the מסלות the sphere of the Fixed Stars.
DLVH a d fully expanded; thus הה , אלף, דלת; compare 11 where N u is fully contracted.
DLXXDCLXXI. From תרעא, the Gate, and the spelling in full of the name Adonai.
DCCLXXVIISee Sepher Sephiroth.
DCCCVIIIThe number of the name נחשתן.
DCCCXIThe number of I A O in Greek.
DCCCXIIISee Sepher Sephiroth.
DCCCLXThe number of 'Ιων “John.”
DCCCLXVIIIנתיבות Paths.
CMXIIIBerashith, the Beginning, spelt backwards in the title to illustrate the development of the magical memory.
CMLXIIIAchad spelt fully; see Sepher Sephiroth.
MMDCDXIBerashith spelt with Capital B as in Genesis i. 1.

Siehe auch


  • Aleister Crowley: Book 4. Part III: Magick in Theory and Practice. O.T.O., 1974, Appendix 1.
  • Aleister Crowley, Gregor A. Gregorius: Aleister Crowley's Magische Rituale. Schikowski, 1980.
  • Aleister Crowley: Magick : Liber ABA. Libro quattro, parti 1-3. Herausgegeben, erläutert und eingeleitet von Hymenaeus Beta. Übersetzung von Alexandr Canepa. Astrolabio, Rom 2021, ISBN 978-88-340-1797-5 (italienische Übersetzung).
  • The Yorke Collection – Microfilm Edition. Ordo Templi Orientis / Warburg Institute 2002, (PDF).


  1. Siehe die Einleitung auf der Libri-Seite des O.T.O.
  2. Ritual XXVIII. The Ceremony of the Seven Holy Kings, bibliographischer Eintrag bei Weiser Antiquarian, abgerufen am 8. März 2023.
  3. Aleister Crowley: The Confessions of Aleister Crowley : An Autohagiography. Hrsgg. von John Symonds und Kenneth Grant. Penguin/Arkana, 1989, ISBN 0-14-019189-5, S. 715.
  4. a b c d e f g Mit der auf dem Lowry-Typoskript basierenden italienischen Ausgabe von Book 4 von 2021 (s. Literatur) wurde dieser Text mit Nummer in den Kanon neu aufgenommen.
  5. Leo Lyon Zagami: The Invisible Master. CCC Publishing, 2018, ISBN 978-1-888729-72-6, S. 114f.
  6. Equinox III,1 (1919), S. 16.
  7. The Cactus was never written. What existed was a package containing something like 100 records of people who experimented with anhalonium lewinii. Zitiert nach: Patrick Everitt: The Cactus and the Beast : Investigating the Role of Peyote in the Magick of Aleister Crowley. Masterarbeit Universität Amsterdam 2016, PDF, S. 32.