
Merry Christmas

Did you know ...

... that Herrscher des Himmels, erhöre das Lallen,
a Bach cantata for the Third Day of Christmas,
contains the only aria
that he newly composed
for the oratorio?

27 December 2021

"... dies selige Wunder ..." · read · listen

listen for magic

calling heaven and earth to be glad

Best wishes for 2021, - let's make it a year of taking courage!

Let's be thankful for 2020, a year of vision.

We shared knowledge, and continue.

We talked, and continue.

We remembered great people, and continue.

We celebrated Beethoven, were inspired to sing songs at places, and continue!

12 June
St. Martin, Idstein

Calendar 2021

2020 was another green year



Months and their music


29 November
Dreikönigskirche, Frankfurt
8 December
Klaus Schmidt - 60 years a priest
St. Martin, Idstein
13 December
20 December

Did you know ...

... that in Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland, a cantata in eleven movements for Advent,
Georg Böhm set all eight stanzas of Luther's hymn, and all differently?

... that "Mit Ernst, o Menschenkinder", a 1642 Advent hymn,
includes a call to penitence that John the Baptist took from the prophet Isaiah?

... that the Advent song "Kündet allen in der Not",
an appeal to tell those in need to take courage,
was written by Friedrich Dörr, based on Isaiah's prophecy?

... that "Macht weit die Pforten in der Welt", written for the Basel Mission,
was included with a new melody in Kirchenlied
to proclaim Christ the King in opposition to the Nazi regime?

... that in 1982, a Magnificat in German
composed in 1707 for soprano, traverso, strings, and continuo
and attributed to Bach and Telemann,
was identified as a composition by Melchior Hoffmann?

... that after the Dreikönigskirche escaped destruction in World War II,
it became Frankfurt's leading venue of church music performances? (19 January 2021)


Merry Christmastide!
the sound of bells as a symbol of peace and joy

Did you know ...

... that St. Michael, a 17th-century chapel
on a hill near Kaubenheim, Bavaria,
which offers services in summer and for Christmas,
received electricity around 1980? (story)

... that Friedrich Wilhelm Kritzinger wrote
"Süßer die Glocken nie klingen",
a popular 19th-century Christmas carol to the melody of an evening song,
evoking the sound of bells as a symbol of peace and joy? (story)

(24 December 2020)

24 December
St. Martin, Idstein Angels' Carol (live broadcast 2019)
27 December
31 December
calling heaven and earth to be glad

Did you know ...

... that Psalm 148, calling heaven and earth to be glad,
inspired the 17th-century Christmas carol
"Erfreue dich, Himmel, erfreue dich, Erde",
which Maria Luise Thurmair expanded
with more details from the psalm in 1963?

... that O magnum mysterium,
a motet for double choir by Morten Lauridsen,
is a setting of a medieval Latin text for Christmas
to music described as "ethereal sounds in imperturbable calmness"?

January · Wikipedia 20 · Jerome Kohl in Freundschaft

1 January
St. Martin, Idstein
2 to 30 January
St. Martin
31 January
Dreikönigskirche, Frankfurt

Did you know ...

Did you know ... that on 15 January, Wikipedia celebrated 20 years?
... that Oscar Fritz Schuh created a new style
to direct Mozart operas at the Vienna State Opera,
focused on the psychology of the characters?
(15 January 2021)
... that director Frank Stähle revived
the choir and orchestra of Dr. Hoch's Konservatorium
and conducted them in Mozart's Requiem
for the centenary of the Lutherkirche?
(15 January 2016)

... that it took more than half a century to complete
the Neue Bach-Ausgabe,
the second edition of the collected works of Johann Sebastian Bach?
(15 January 2011)

Luigi Nono and Stockhausen at the Darmstädter Ferienkurse

In Freundschaft

Did you know ...

... that Jerome Kohl,
a music theorist of the University of Washington,
was recognized internationally
as an authority on the composer Karlheinz Stockhausen,
publishing a book on his
Zeitmaße in 2017?

(28 January 2021)

February · Bach · Innisfree

6 February
St. Martin, Idstein
13 February
St. Martin
14 February
Dreikönigskirche, Frankfurt Bekennen will ich seinen Namen, BWV 200
28 February

Did you know ...

Did you know ...

... that Anne Bierwirth
has performed the alto part
in Bach's Christmas Oratorio,
and in a recording of
the first Passion oratorio in German
by Reinhard Keiser?

(pictured, 2nd from left,
in Christmas Oratorio
at Unionskirche, Idstein in 2018)

(9 February 2021)

Did you know ...

... that Innisfree Garden
in Millwood, New York,
was developed from the 1930s
by a painter fascinated
with an 8th-century Chinese artist,
and a landscape architect from Harvard?

(11 February 2021)


6 March
St. Martin, Idstein
13 March
St. Martin
14 March
Dreikönigskirche, Frankfurt

Did you know ...

... that Chieftain's Salute, composed by Graham Waterhouse,
is scored for Great Highland Bagpipe and string orchestra?

(22 August 2009)

... that Graham Waterhouse composed Rhapsodie Macabre
for piano and string quartet as an homage to Franz Liszt
and played the cello part in Munich and London?

(2 November 2012)

listened 6 March

21 March
27 March
St. Martin
28 March

Did you know ...


3 April · Easter Vigil
St. Martin, Idstein
17 April
St. Martin
25 April
Dreikönigskirche, Frankfurt

Did you know ...

... that Leonard Bernstein rediscovered
his setting of Psalm 148
for voice and piano, dated 1935,
in the mid-1980s,
and it was first performed in 1993?

Did you know ...

... that in the 1930s, the Baroque parterre
of the Schlosspark (aerial view pictured) in Brühl,
now part of a World Heritage Site,
was restored according to the original 1728 plans?

10 April 2021

Did you know ...

... that Jesu, meine Freude
(Jesus, my joy),
a motet by Bach,
has a complex symmetrical structure
in which six hymn stanzas alternate
with five Bible verses?

(15 April 2021)

... that the hymn "Jesu, meine Freude"
by Johann Franck and Johann Crüger
mentions singing in defiance
of the "old dragon", death, and fear?

(see also: learning patience)


8 May
St. Martin, Idstein
9 May
Dreikönigskirche, Frankfurt
13 May Ascension OEKT
Ökumenischer Kirchentag Frankfurt
Da berühren sich Himmel und Erde
15 May
St. Martin

Did you know ...

Did you know ...

... that Philipp Harnoncourt
initiated the restoration of
a Gothic chapel with a triangle floorplan,
originally dedicated to the Trinity
and reopened on Trinity Sunday 2020?

30 May 2021

The building,
useless but not senseless
("nutzlos, aber nicht sinnlos"),
was opened with trombone music,


3 June Corpus Christi
St. Nikolaus von Flüe, Wörsdorf
5 June
St. Martin, Idstein
12 June
St. Martin
13 June
Dreikönigskirche, Frankfurt

Did you know ...

Did you know ...

... that the Jubilate by Benjamin Britten
was written in 1961 for St George's Chapel
at the request of the Duke of Edinburgh,
and performed there for some of his birthdays
and his funeral?

10 June 2021
(his centenary)

19 June
St. Martin
27 June
St. Martin

Rheingau Musik Festival

26 June
Eberbach Abbey
1 July
Le Concert Spirituel
23 July
Christian Gerhaher
25 July
Anna Prohaska
30 July
Kurhaus, Wiesbaden
1 August
Friedrich Thiele and Ildikó Szabó, cello
6 August
Daniel Barenboim, piano
13 August
Joby Talbot: Path of Miracles
15 August
Eternal Monteverdi
19 August
Tchaikovsky: Piano Concerto No. 1
27 August · RMF
Lutherkirche, Wiesbaden
2 September · RMF
Tchaikovsky: Violin Concerto

Did you know ...


Did you know ...

... that the Heiligen-Geist-Kapelle in Bruck,
a unique late-Gothic chapel with a star rib vault,
was almost demolished to make room for a highway?

4 July 2021 · listen

... that a verse from Psalm 85 has inspired artworks
depicting the kiss of Justice and Peace?

3 July 2021 again

3 July
St. Martin
11 July
Protestant Church, Borgholzhausen
17 July
St. Martin
24 July
Gott ruft sein Volk zusammen
18 July
Dreikönigskirche, Frankfurt

Did you know ...


5 July
Bockenheimer Depot
Lucia Ronchetti: Inferno
8 July
Oper Frankfurt
Poulenc: Dialogues des Carmélites
10 July
Alfred Fischer Hall, Hamm
11 August
Kammeroper Frankfurt

Did you know ...

27 September
Oper Frankfurt
7 October
Bockenheimer Depot
31 October
Nielsen: Maskarade
6 November
Humperdinck: Königskinder

Did you know ...

9 November · Opernhaus Zürich
Verdi: Il Trovatore
26 November
Komische Oper Berlin
7 December
Nationaltheater München

Did you know ... ... that the Polish mezzo-soprano Agnieszka Rehlis, who sang in the Grammy Award–winning album Penderecki conducts Penderecki, was Verdi's Azucena in Zürich in 2021?

... that Elena Guseva's training as a choral conductor helped her analyse the score when playing Polina in Prokofiev's The Gambler at the Vienna State Opera?

... that at age 22, Yoel Gamzou from Tel Aviv conducted an orchestra that he had founded, playing his completion of Mahler's Tenth Symphony in Berlin?


1 Aug
St. Martin, Idstein
7 August
St. Martin, Idstein
15 August
St. Martin, Idstein
22 August
St. Martin, Idstein
29 August
St. Martin, Idstein

Did you know ...


4 Sep
St. Martin, Idstein
5 September
Syburger Sonntagsmusiken
11 September
St. Martin, Idstein

Did you know ...

19 September
St. Martin, Idstein
25 September
St. Martin, Idstein
30 September
Stadthalle Kronberg


2 October
Kreuzkapelle, Bad Camberg
3 October
Chor von St. Bonifatius
10 October
St. Martin, Idstein

(Chor St. Martin's low voices)

13 October
Idstein cemetery

Did you know ... Did you know ...

17 October
St. Martin, Idstein
23 October
St. Martin, Idstein
30 October
St. Martin, Idstein

Did you know ...

Did you know ...

... that In Freundschaft
was composed in friendship
by Karlheinz Stockhausen
as a clarinet solo
for Suzanne Stephens,
and later adapted to the instruments
of other friends?

28 October 2021


1 November
St. Bonifatius
7 November
St. Martin, Idstein
13 November
St. Martin, Idstein
20 November
St. Martin, Idstein
25 November
Pierre Boulez Saal
27 November
St. Martin, Idstein · women's choir:

Did you know ...


1 December
Pierre Boulez Hall, Paris
4 December
St. Martin, Idstein
9 December
Gasteig HP8
12 December
St. Martin, Moosach
18 December
St. Martin, Idstein
24 December
St. Martin, Idstein
26 December
St. Martin, Idstein
31 December
St. Sylvester, Schwabing