
The website HTML, generated Wikipedia content and the JavaScripts of Wikipedia define hundreds of classes and IDs. The use of most of them is not clearly explained or described anywhere. Most of these classes and IDs are used for styling using CSS and identify parts of the page that this styling should apply to. They can also be used to make manipulations to the webpages using JavaScript and some have additional semantic meaning and are used by external parties.

This page is an attempt to catalogue and describe the most used and most important classes and IDs used on this wiki.

Before getting started

There are many intricacies about Cascading Style Sheets and JavaScript, too many to discuss all of them here. Some important points however:

  • Classes are defined in the HTML document (generated by the server or by JavaScript). They are used as selectors in CSS.
  • Learn to use the browser inspectors of Firefox, lE, Chrome or Safari to inspect the webpages.
  • By default much of the CSS and JavaScript resources are processed for efficiency. Append ?debug=true or &debug=true to the URL to make them more readable when inspecting.
  • For styling to apply there are two concepts that are important:
    • Load order
      Things defined later have priority and thus override things defined 'earlier'. We will try to give an overview of load order, later on.
    • Specificity
      If load order is failing you when applying your styling, you should know that more complex selectors take priority over order of definition. This is called specificity. It is best practice to keep specificity as low as possible in order to be able to override contextually with lil code.[clarification needed]
  • Using !important is generally bad. Use different forms of specificity instead.

CSS is complex. Follow the links above and the other links throughout this article to learn more. If you do not understand how Cascading Style Sheets and JavaScript work and what symbols to use, please begin with Wikipedia's own articles about CSS and JavaScript, which contain a list of references and external links to relevant material.

Stylesheets and JavaScript

Note: try searching through git for the core skin CSS/JS (eg. Go to /skins/Vector/ and /skins/MonoBook/ and /core.git/resources/src/mediawiki.skinningfor the current default/global sets).

The following table is really outdated since MediaWiki 1.17 (June 2011). The complexity of MediaWiki itself has increased significantly and many of the locations of the styling rules have been split out and are only collected and bundled when delivered to the browser.

One way to inspect the core CSS and JS files is to inspect a page with Web development tools while loading any Wikipedia page with ?debug=true URL parameter (this will separate different CSS files, prevent minification and preserve comments). Another way is to look at these skin files (example of Vector in Git); note that most MediaWiki core JS files are to be found in /resources/src directory.

  1. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s Only available to logged-in users.
  2. ^ a b c Can be disabled via preferences.

Page/action specific

Several types of MediaWiki pages, actions, and preferences load conditional stylesheets and javascript, to reduce the burden of unnecessary script loading.

User group specific

Special stylesheets and JavaScript are loaded for some user groups.


We often add the name of a template or MediaWiki message itself as a class name in the code of the template or message. This allows users to style the message, and it allows future skinning of the message in the global CSS files. Please do not document such class names here, unless they are actually used in some CSS or JavaScript file, since there are (or at least should be) literally thousands of such class names.

classdescriptionin CSS[1]in HTML[1]
:activeA CSS pseudo-class. See the W3C standard.monobook/main.css (screen, projection)
activeUsed on the active tab button (monobook).monobook/main.css (screen, projection)skins/MonoBook.php
allpagesredirectRedirect in the listings of Special:Allpages and Special:Prefixindex.MediaWiki:Common.cssincludes/specials/SpecialAllpages.php
ambox, ambox-*Article message box template styles.
See also mbox-text etc. below.
MediaWiki:Common.css, MediaWiki:Print.css (hidden when printed from articles){{ambox}} meta-template that is used to create most article message boxes.
autocommentUsed for the section bits in edit summaries, i.e. the part between /* and */ on watchlist and rc pages.common/shared.cssincludes/Linker.php
autonumberClass used in the interface for external linksincludes/parser/Parser.php
autosignedClass used to format automatic signatures{{Unsigned}}
boilerplate(deprecated) Another template class
catlinksCategory links normally at the bottom of the page.includes/Skin.php
centerEmulates <center> functionalitymonobook/main.cssincludes/Linker.php
citationMarks a full citation.MediaWiki:Common.css{{Citation}}
cleanup(Deprecated) Used on some cleanup templatesMediaWiki:Common.css
cmbox, cmbox-*Category message box template styles.
See also mbox-text etc. below.
MediaWiki:Common.css{{cmbox}} meta-template that is used to create most category message boxes.
collapsible, collapsed, autocollapse, innercollapse/outercollapseAllows tables to be expanded and collapsed using associated javascript. See Help:CollapsingMediaWiki:Common.js{{navbox}}
collapseButtonApplied to the spans containing the show/hide links created by the CollapsibleTables javascript.MediaWiki:Common.css, MediaWiki:Common.js{{navbox}}
commentEdit summaries on watchlist and rc pages.monobook/main.css (screen, projection)includes/Linker.php
dangerousLinkUsed on Image pages to not have dangerous file types display previews.?includes/ImagePage.php
defUsed in the allmessagestable, Special:Allmessages (System messages)monobook/main.css (screen, projection)includes/specials/SpecialAllmessages.php
diff, diff-addedline, diff-context, diff-deletedline, diff-ntitle, diff-otitle, diffchangeUsed by the diff viewcommon/commonPrint.css, common/diff.css, MediaWiki:Monobook.cssskin on diff view, includes/normal/RandomTest.php
disputed(Deprecated) A cleanup class.?
editlinkClass to mark an Edit link for use in templates.MediaWiki:Print.css (hidden when printed){{ed right}}, {{ed2}}, {{ed}}
errorMarks up errorsMediaWiki:Monobook.css (only defined for paragraph elements), monobook/main.css (line 278)includes/Math.php, {{db-t3}}
editHelpInterface section?includes/EditPage.php
editOptionsUsed in the div surrounding the minor edit and watch this page checkboxes.monobook/main.css,includes/EditPage.php
editsectionClass used in the interface for section [edit] linkscommon/commonPrint.css (hidden when printed)includes/Linker.php
edittools-textPrevents the static edittools from flashing before the compact edittools is loaded.MediaWiki:Common.js/edit.jsMediaWiki:Edittools
externalClass used in the interface for external linksmonobook/main.css (screen, projection)includes/Linker.php
extiwUsed for Interwiki links.monobook/main.css (screen, projection)includes/Linker.php
expansion(Deprecated) A type of cleanup class?
div.fmbox-warning, mw-warning-with-logexcerpt, mw-cascadeprotectedwarningPink {{fmbox}} warning style for div based system warning notices. The interface renders a div with one of the "mw-" classes around messages like MediaWiki:Protectedpagewarning.MediaWiki:Common.cssMediaWiki:Editingold, includes/EditPage.php
firstHeadingUsed on the title of the page, e.g. "Wikipedia:Catalogue of CSS classes"monobook/main.css (screen, projection)skins/MonoBook.php
floatright, floatleft, floatnoneUsed to float something to the right/left of the page (or not float it at all)monobook/main.css (screen, protection)
common/commonPrint.css (print)
freeUsed in the interface for external linksincludes/parser/Parser.php
hatnoteUsed to mark disambiguation links at the top of pages.MediaWiki:Common.css{{hatnote}}
hlistRenders lists in horizontal styleMediaWiki:Common.css{{flatlist}}
hlist inlineAllows nesting horizontal lists on one lineMediaWiki:Common.css
imageInterface class used for links to images.?includes/Linker.php
imbox, imbox-*Image pages message box template styles.
See also mbox-text etc. below.
MediaWiki:Common.css{{imbox}} meta-template that is used to create most image message boxes.
interwiki-xxInterface class used for interlanguage links in the page margin for language with code xx.includes/SkinTemplate.php
infoboxFormatting for article infoboxesMediaWiki:Common.cssInfoboxes
internalUsed in the interface on "Edit summary" and the question mark by the minor edit checkbox links, and in the links in the copyright statement(to the GFDL and Wikipedia:Copyrights).?includes/Parser.php, languages/Language.php, includes/Linker.php
ltr and rtlSet in HTML body element. ltr = Page text goes "Left To Right" like now. rtl = Text goes "Right To Left", like in the Arabic Wikipedia.body
magnifyThe two "magnify" rectangles in the caption of a thumb'ed image (magnify-clip.png)common/shared.css, monobook/main.css, common/commonPrint.css (print)Linker.php (line 675)
mbox-insideTag for templates that might contain mboxes like {{imbox}} and {{tmbox}}. So that mboxes can detect that they are inside and adapt their margins accordingly.MediaWiki:Common.css{{information}}, {{WikiProjectBanners}} and {{WikiProjectBannerShell}} should have this class.
mbox-text, mbox-image, mbox-imageright, mbox-empty-cellUsed in <td> and <th> elements inside message boxes. See Wikipedia:Ambox CSS classes.MediaWiki:Common.css{{ambox}}, {{tmbox}}, {{imbox}}, {{cmbox}}, {{ombox}}, and {{fmbox}} meta-templates that are used to build most message boxes.
mediawikiSet in HTML body element, to identify pages generated by of 31533 this should appear in all skins
metadataUsed to mark elements in articles that are considered not to be part of the proper content of the article. These are annotations, maintenance templates, navigation links, media controls etc. These elements are often filtered out of 'alternative' views of the content, like CD-ROM editions, bookprint, webpage print, mobile views etc.MediaWiki:Print.css (hidden when printed from articles){{dmbox}}, {{Catfd}}, {{tfd}}, {{ambox}}
minorUsed for the "m" marking minor edits.monobook/main.cssincludes/specials/SpecialContributions.php
mufiForces fonts used for Medieval Unicode Font Initiative (discussion){{mufi}}
mw-headlineThe headline in a heading (without the "[edit]" link)?includes/Linker.php
mw-headline-numberThe headline number, if auto-numbering the section headings (a user preference) is enabledincludes/parser/Parser.php
mw-hidden-cats-hidden"Hidden categories" with preference "Show hidden categories" offcommon/shared.cssincludes/Skin.php
mw-hidden-cats-ns-shown"Hidden categories" in the Category namespaceincludes/Skin.php
mw-hidden-cats-user-shown"Hidden categories" with preference "Show hidden categories" onincludes/Skin.php
mw-no-invertWikipedia:Dark mode (gadget) prevent flipping of the colors of an element when in dark modeMediaWiki:Gadget-dark-mode.css
mw-stackUsed to fix inconsistencies between pages with and without {{Stack}} / {{Stack begin}} on mobile view.?{{Stack}}, {{Stack begin}}
mw-tag-markersTags of the Edit filterMediaWiki:Common.css
namespacesettingsInterface section on Recent Changes page?includes/specials/SpecialRecentchanges.php
namespaceselectorPart of the Recent Chages page?includes/GlobalFunctions.php
navbarv•d•e links in navboxes and other templatesMediaWiki:Common.css{{navbar}}
navbox, navbox-*Navigational boxesMediaWiki:Common.css{{navbox}}
newThe redlink class; used on internal links to pages that do not have any undeleted history.monobook/main.css (screen, projection), common/commonPrint.css (print)includes/Linker.php, includes/Skin.php, languages/Language.php
Used in the allmessagestable, Special:Allmessages (System messages)monobook/main.css (screen, projection)includes/specials/SpecialAllmessages.php
newpageThe "N" used for new pages on watchlist, etc.monobook/main.css (screen, projection)includes/ChangesList.php
noarticletextSee mw:Manual:Interface/Noarticletext.monobook/main.css (screen, projection)includes/Article.php
nomobileHides content for mobile view.?{{Random slideshow}}, {{Sidebar}}, {{Sidebar with collapsible lists}}, and others.
nonumtocHides automatic numbering on the table of contents (in combination with explicitly stating __TOC__ or __FORCETOC__MediaWiki:Common.cssArticles
noprintHides content when printed. But for most usage, see metadata above instead.common/commonPrint.css, MediaWiki:Print.css (hidden when printed){{ed right}}, {{ed2}}, {{ed}}, {{edit}}, {{Shortcut}}, and others.
noresizePrevents images from being compressed to smaller size on Vector 2022 (desktop) and Minerva (mobile) skins, adds scrollbars on mobile view.?{{Annotated image}}, {{Image label begin}}, {{Superimpose}}, {{Wide image}}, and others
notice(Deprecated) Style for "notices"? Used to be used in {{disambig}} etc.MediaWiki:Common.css
nounderlinesDisables underlines on links who are children of this element (original request)MediaWiki:Common.cssArticles
nourlexpansionWhen printing only print the title of the link and not the link itself. (replaces "plainlinksneverexpand")MediaWiki:Print.css
nowrapGeneric no-wrap class.MediaWiki:Common.css
nowraplinksPrevents line wraps inside links, but allows word wraps between the links and in normal text. Useful for instance for long link lists.MediaWiki:Common.css{{nowraplinks}}, {{nowraplinks end}}, {{navbox}}
ns--1, ns-0 - ns-101Set in HTML body element. Shows which namespace the page is in. ns-0 (main), ns-1 (Talk) and so on. "ns--1" is used on all "Special:" pages. See Wikipedia:Namespace#Enumeration.includes/Skin.php
ns-talk, ns-subject, ns-specialSet in HTML body element. Shows which namespace the page is in. "ns-talk" = all talk pages. "ns-subject" = all non-talk pages, such as articles, "Wikipedia:", "Image:" and so on. "ns-special" = all "Special:" pages (see Special:SpecialPages). See also Wikipedia:Namespace.
ombox, ombox-*Other pages message box template styles.
See also mbox-text etc. above.
MediaWiki:Common.css{{ombox}} meta-template that is used to create most other pages message boxes.
origUsed in the allmessagestable, Special:Allmessages (System messages)monobook/main.css (screen, projection)includes/specials/SpecialAllmessages.php
page-PagenameEach page has its own name as a class in the body tag. Formed by the pagename with spaces and colons replaced by underscores, and prefixed by "page-". Like this page's body has the class "page-Wikipedia_Catalogue_of_CSS_classes" in its body tag.includes/Skin.php
pBodyUsed all-around on the various body-like pieces of the interface, including personal tools, sidebar, and tabs.monobook/main.cssskins/MonoBook.php
plainlinksDisables the external link arrowcommon/shared.css{{Catfd}}, {{tfd}}, and many other places.
plainlinks2Changes the color of external links to en: to the internal links color.MediaWiki:Monobook.css
plainlinksneverexpand(Deprecated) Replaced with "plainlinks nourlexpansion"
plainrowheadersChanges the font style of table row headers that have the scope="row" tag applied.MediaWiki:Common.css
portletUsed on the tab buttons, and the left navigation columns (in monobook)MediaWiki:Monobook.cssskins/MonoBook.php, config/index.php
prettytable(Removed) Predecessor of wikitable. No longer works.
printfooterUsed to mark the footer of the page in the interface.?includes/Skin.php
protected(Deprecated) Used on some templates that go on protected pages.?
rcoptionsInterface section on Recent Changes page?includes/specials/SpecialRecentchanges.php
redirect-in-categoryredirect in the list of members, on a category pageMediaWiki:Common.cssincludes/CategoryPage.php
redirectTextSpan around the link on a redirect pagemonobook/main.css, MediaWiki:Vector.cssincludes/Article.php
referenceThe class is assigned to the reference note links occurring within the article text and generated by Cite.php.MediaWiki:Common.cssMediaWiki:Cite reference link
reference-accessdateSome (not all as of 2008-06-08) citation templates wrap the "Retrieved on date" in this class, so it can be hidden in CSS optionally or by default.
references, reflist, refbeginThese classes are assigned to the ordered list of reference notes generated by Cite.php, and to the {{Reflist}} and {{Refbegin}} templates.MediaWiki:Common.css{{Reflist}}, {{Refbegin}}
references-column-count, references-column-count-n, references-column-widthAssigned to reference lists with columns{{Reflist}}, {{Refbegin}}
references-small(Removed [2]) For small-font references at 90% in articles (in any format, not only Cite.php). To be used where the per article consensus demands smaller font for the references. (original discussion). Also used to style the font size in tables. search in articlesMediaWiki:Common.cssManually assigned by editors with <div class="references-small">...</div>
rimage(Deprecated) Less useful equivalent of floatrightmonobook/main.css, common/commonPrint.css (print)
rtl"Right To Left" text direction, see ltr (Left To Right).
searchButtonUsed in the interface on exactly what you would expect.monobook/main.cssskins/MonoBook.php
selectedUsed on the currently selected tab button in the interface. It changes the border-color.monobook/main.cssincludes/SkinTemplate.php, skins/MonoBook.php
selflinkUsed on links pointing to the same page (e.g. Wikipedia:Catalogue of CSS classes)??
skin-skinnameEach skin has its own name as a class in the body element. These classes allow skin-specific print rules to be easily applied. Skin name is lowercase: skin-monobook, skin-modern etc./includes/Skin.php
sortableRelated to sortable tableswikibits.js
sortarrowRelated to sortable tableswikibits.js
sortbottomRelated to sortable tableswikibits.js
sortheaderRelated to sortable tableswikibits.js
specialUsed for non-links in watchlists, etc. Like the "(diff)" on a new page.?includes/QueryPage.php, includes/ImagePage.php
subpagesused on the line listing the parent of a subpagemonobook/main.css (screen, projection)includes/Skin.php, includes/SkinTemplate.php
sysop-showMakes the enclosed content visible to admins. Only use this for very short items (such as the red "Group notice" and "Page notice" editnotice links), since some browsers show hidden items to all users.MediaWiki:Group-sysop.css{{editnotice load}}
template-documentationFor the box around template documentation.MediaWiki:Common.cssTemplate:Documentation
templatesUsedsurrounds the div listing the templates used on a page, on the edit page.?includes/EditPage.php
texhtmlapplies to span element that contains a formulacommon/shared.css, MediaWiki:Common.css
textClass used in the interface for external linksincludes/parser/Parser.php
thumbOuter div of a thumbnail. Its border (margin in monobook) is the outer "margin" for thumbnails. Also doubles as the inner padding for galleries.monobook/main.css, MediaWiki:Common.css, MediaWiki:Monobook.css, common/commonPrint.css (print)includes/Linker.php
thumbborderOn the image when |border is specified.monobook/main.css, common/commonPrint.css (print)includes/Linker.php
thumbcaptionDiv with the thumbnail's caption.common/shared.css, monobook/main.css, common/commonPrint.css (print)includes/Linker.php
thumbimageOn the thumbnail.monobook/main.cssincludes/Linker.php
thumbinnerInner div of a thumbnail.monobook/main.css, MediaWiki:Common.cssincludes/Linker.php
tleft, trightFloated thumbnailscommon/commonPrint.css (print)includes/Linker.php
tmbox, tmbox-*Talk page message box template styles.
See also mbox-text etc. above.
MediaWiki:Common.css{{tmbox}} meta-template that is used to create most talk page message boxes.
toc, toctitle, toclevel-1, toclevel-2, toctext, tocnumber, toctoggleUsed by the Table of Contents. Should not be used by anything else; use class="toccolours" or a more semantic class (like "navbox") instead.monobook/main.css, common/commonPrint.css (print)skin on TOC
toccoloursSame formatting as class="toc", but can be used by other things.common/oldshared.css, modern/main.css, monobook/main.css, vector/main-ltr.css, MediaWiki:Modern.css, MediaWiki:Monobook.csslots of places
topiconFormatting for top right icons like featured article star, protected page etc.MediaWiki:Monobook.css{{top icon}}
unsortableRelated to sortable tableswikibits.js
userlinksUsername, for unambiguous letterforms like l, 1, i.{{userlinks}}
usermessage"You have new messages" boxmonobook/main.css (screen, projection), modern/main.css (screen, projection)
watchlistredirFor redirects on Special:Watchlist/editSpecial:Watchlist/edit
wikitableFor content tablescommon/shared.csseverywhere
wpbFor WikiProject banner tables.MediaWiki:Common.css{{WPBannerMeta}} and other WikiProject banners
wpb-headerFor the header row of a WikiProject banner.MediaWiki:Common.css{{WPBannerMeta}} and other WikiProject banners
wpbsFor WikiProject banner shellsMediaWiki:Common.css{{WikiProjectBannerShell}}
wrapGeneric wrap class to override nowrap.MediaWiki:Common.css
wraplinksAllows line wraps inside links (to override nowraplinks)MediaWiki:Common.css
classdescriptionin CSS¹in HTML¹

Classes not used in style sheets

Wikipedia also uses a number of classes with functions unrelated to style sheets.


idDescriptionin CSS/JSin HTML
aboutPart of the interface (footer).
allmessagestableTable with a list of system messages available in the MediaWiki: namespace.monobook/main.cssSpecial:Allmessages
articleMain content area for standard-derived skins. Everything on MediaWiki:Common.css must have any effect only within the element with this ID.standard-derived skins around content
bodyContentMain content area for monobook-derived skins. Everything on MediaWiki:Common.css must have any effect only within the element with this ID.monobook/main.css (screen, projection)monobook-derived skins around content
collapsibleTablen, collapsibleButtonnUsed by the collapsible tables codeMediaWiki:Monobook.jsMediaWiki:Monobook.js
column-contentpart of the rendered page structuremonobook/main.css (screen, projection), common/commonPrint.css (print)?
column-onepart of the rendered page structuremonobook/main.css (screen, projection), common/commonPrint.css (print)?
confirmemailNotice asking for users to confirm their email address?MediaWiki:Recentchangestext, Wikipedia:Administrators' noticeboard/Header
contentpart of the rendered pagemonobook/main.css (screen, projection), common/commonPrint.css (print)?
contentSubsurrounds the notice of the partents of subpagesmonobook/main.css (screen, projection)?
coordinatesUsed to show the coordinates below the page title (original discussion, talk page)MediaWiki:Monobook.css{{coord/display/inline,title}}
copyrightPart of the interface (footer).
Added by deletion templates (CSD/XfD/PROD); picked up by JavaScript and used to preload the deletion summary when such pages are deleted.MediaWiki:Group-sysop.jsCSD, XfD and PROD deletion templates
differences-prevlinkUsed in the diff pages??
disambig(Deprecated) Old disambiguation notices style. And it used to trigger the display of {{disambig editintro}} when editing a disambig page.MediaWiki:Common.css MediaWiki:Common.jsWas used in {{dmbox}} and disambig boxes built with it.
disambigboxTriggers the display of {{disambig editintro}} when editing a disambig page.MediaWiki:Common.jsUsed in {{dmbox}} and disambig boxes built with it.
disclaimerPart of the interface (footer).
editformPart of the interface.includes/EditPage.php
editpage-copywarnPart of the interface.includes/EditPage.php
editpage-copywarn2Part of the interface.MediaWiki:Edittools
editpage-copywarn3Part of the interface.MediaWiki:Edittools
editpage-specialcharsPart of the interface.MediaWiki:Edittools.js, MediaWiki:Common.js/edit.jsMediaWiki:Edittools
footerpart of the rendered pagecommon/commonPrint.css (print)?
GeoGroupTemplateAllow direct referencing of box (used once per page) containing map links(none){{GeoGroupTemplate}}
globalWrappersurrounds the whole pagemonobook/main.css (screen, projection), common/commonPrint.css (print)?
jump-to-navLinks to jump to the navigation or the search bar, mainly for screen readers.monobook/main.css (screen, projection) common/commonPrint.css (print)?
lastmodPart of the interface.
longpagewarningAllows hiding of the "long page" warning via user CSSMediaWiki:Longpagewarning
mw-youhavenewmessagesSo JavaScript can find the "You have new messages" text in all skins.MediaWiki:Youhavenewmessages
privacyPart of the interface.
searchBodyPart of the interface.
searchGoButtonPart of the interface.
searchInputPart of the interface.
searchformPart of the interface.
shared-image-descWrapper around the image description from commonsincludes/ImagePage.php
siteNoticeSite noticesMediaWiki:Monobook.css, monobook/main.css, common/wikiprintable.css (hidden), common/commonPrint.css (hidden)skin around MediaWiki:Sitenotice, skin around MediaWiki:Anonnotice
siteSubMediaWiki:Tagline - "From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia", appears under the page title.MediaWiki:Monobook.css, monobook/main.css (hidden)
stubStub notices (wikiproject)monobook/main.css (screen, projection) (only on links, i.e. A elements) common/commonPrint.css (print){{stub}}, all stub templates (list)
tfdTemplate:Catfd?{{Catfd}}, {{tfd}}
toc, toctitleTable of Contentscommon/commonPrint.css (print)skin on TOC
topanchor at the top of the page, used for links that go "back to the top"??
villagepumpfaqAllows the user to hide the FAQ on the top of Wikipedia:Village pump (technical)Wikipedia:Village pump (technical)
watchlist-message-RfXTemplate:RfA watchlist notice
wikiPreviewPart of the interface.

ca-X, f-X, n-X, p-X, pt-X, t-X, wpX IDs

i.e. interface buttons, links, etc.

"ca-" in the class names stands for "content actions", "f-" for footer, "n-" for navigation, "p-" for "page", "pt-" for "personal tools" (at the top), and "t-" for "tools" (in the side bar).

idDescriptionin CSS[1]in HTML[1]
ca-addsection"+" or "new section" tab button on top of talk pages.monobook/main.css and MediaWiki:Monobook.css.?
ca-deleteDelete tab button for administrators??
ca-editedit this page tab buttonMediaWiki:Monobook.css?
ca-historyHistory tab button??
ca-moveMove tab button??
ca-nstab-user"user page" tab button in user space??
ca-nstab-wpWikipedia project page tab button??
ca-protectProtection tab button??
ca-talkTalk page tab button??
ca-unwatchUnwatch tab button??
f-poweredbyicoPowered by MediaWiki icon in the footercommon/commonPrint.css (print)?
f-copyrighticoCopyright Wikimedia Foundation in the footercommon/commonPrint.css (print)?
f-listPart of the interface.
n-Featured-articlesPart of the interface.
n-contactPart of the interface.
n-currenteventsPart of the interface.
n-helpPart of the interface.
n-mainpagePart of the interface.
n-portalPart of the interface.
n-randompagePart of the interface.
n-recentchangesPart of the interface.
n-sitesupportPart of the interface.
p-cactionsSets padding, margin, placement and colours of the page top tab buttons in Monobook.monobook/main.css and MediaWiki:Monobook.css.?
p-coll-print_exportSurrounds the "print/export toolbar"??
p-interationSurrounds the "interaction toolbar".??
p-personalSurrounds the "personal toolbar", i.e. userpage, talk page, prefs, watchlist, contribs, log out.monobook/main.css (screen, projection)?
p-langSurrounds the links to other language Wikipedias??
p-logoSurrounds the logo image??
p-navigationsurrounds the Navigation menu; i.e. Main page, Community Portal, etc.??
p-tbsurrounds the toolbox menu; i.e. whatlinkshere, related changes, etc.??
pt-userpageUserpage link personal toolbar link??
pt-logoutPart of the interface.
pt-mycontrisPart of the interface.
pt-mytalkPart of the interface.
pt-preferencesPart of the interface.
pt-watchlistPart of the interface.
t-permalinkPart of the interface.
t-recentchangeslinkedPart of the interface.
t-specialpagesPart of the interface.
t-uploadPart of the interface.
t-whatlinksherePart of the interface.
wpSaveSave buttonmonobook/main.css?
wpDiffPart of the interface.
wpMinoreditPart of the interface.
wpPreviewPart of the interface.
wpScrolltopPart of the interface.
wpSummaryPart of the interface.
wpSummaryLabelPart of the interface.
wpSectionPart of the hidden interface.
wpStarttimePart of the hidden interface.
wpRecreatePart of the hidden interface.
wpEdittimePart of the hidden interface.
wpEditTokenPart of the hidden interface.
wpTextbox1Part of the interface.
wpWatchthisPart of the interface.

JavaScript variables

About 30 variables that can be used in JavaScript. View the rendered code of any page and find for instance var wgUserName.

"wgCategories":["Wikipedia features"]
"wgTitle":"Catalogue of CSS classes"

See also


  1. ^ a b c d In some special cases in JavaScript.