Benutzer:Mogadir/Liste der Wuerdentraeger des Begraebnisses von Papst Johannes Paul II

Die Karte kennzeichnet die Länder, welche offizielle Würdenträger zum Begräbnis von Papst Johannes Paul II. gesendet haben

Dies ist eine Liste der Würdenträger des Begräbnisses von Papst Johannes Paul II.. Nach dem Tod von Papst Johannes Paul II am 2. April 2005 im Vatikanstaat und bevor offizielle Einladungen des Kardinalskollegiums gesendet wurden, hatten bereits rund 200 Länder Interesse bekundet Repräsentanten zu den Begräbnisfeierlichkeiten zu entsenden. Das Begräbnis fand am 8. April 2005 statt und war die grösste Ansammlung von Staatsmännern in der Geschichte. Einige der Würdenträger haben ebenfalls an der Einführung von Papst Benedikt XVI. am 24. April 2005 teilgenommen.

Um es in Einklang zu bringen, jeder interessierten Gesellschaft, welche den Wunsch an der offiziellen Teilnahme an der Totenmesse bekundet hatte zu ermöglichen, wurden die Anzahl der Mitglieder durch den Heilligen Stuhl, für jede offizielle diplomatische Delegation auf fünf begrenzt. Eine Ausnahme bildete hier nur die polnische Delegation, da dies das Heimatland Johnnes Pauls II. war, sowie für die Delegation von Italien. Zusätzlich zu jeder offiziellen Länderdelegation, konnte eine beliebige Anzahl von offiziellen Regierungsvertretern als Pilger während der Totenmesse, ausserhalb der Basilika teilnehmen.

Während des Begräbnisses wurden den Würdenträgern in alphabetischer Reihenfolge in der französischen Aussprache ihres Ländernamens, sowie des diplomatischen Protokolls Sitzplätze zugewiesen.


Liste der offiziellen Delegationen (in französischer alphabetischer Reihenfolge, unvollständig)


Land (Reihenfolge in frz. Aussprache) Flag Offizielle Delegation Titel
Afghanistan Flagge von Afghanistan Hamid Karzai Präsident
Südafrika (Afrique du sud) Flagge von Südafrika Jacob Zuma
Nelson Mandela
deputy president
ehemaliger Präsident
Albanien (Albanie) Flagge von Albanien Alfred Moisiu Präsident der Republik
Fatos Nano Primierminister
Rexhep Meidani ehemaliger Präsident der Republik
Sali Berisha ehemaliger Präsident der Republik
Algerien (Algérie)
Flagge von Algerien
Abdelaziz Bouteflika Präsident der Republik
Deutschland (Allemagne) Flagge von Deutschland Horst Köhler
Wolfgang Thierse
Gerhard Schröder
Joschka Fischer
Dieter Althaus
Andorra (Andorre) Flagge von Andorre Joan Enric Vives i Sicília Co-Prinz (und Bischof von Urgel)
Jacques Chirac Co-Fürst (prinizpiell anwesend in seiner Funktion als Präsident von Frankreich, nicht als Co-Fürst von Andorra)
Marc Forné Regierungschef
Angola Flagge von Angola José Eduardo dos Santos President of the Republic
Argentina (Argentine) Flag of Argentine Daniel Scioli Vice-President of the Republic
Rafael Bielsa Minister of Foreign Affairs
Carlos Saúl Menem Former President
Eduardo Duhalde Former President
Armenia (Arménie) Flag of Arménie Andranik Markaryan Prime Minister
Australia (Australie) Flag of Australie Michael Jeffery Governor-General
Marlena Jeffery Spouse of Governor-General
Austria (Autriche) Flag of Austria Heinz Fischer Bundespräsident
Margit Fischer Ehefrau des Bundespräsidents
Wolfgang Schüssel Bundeskanzler
Hubert Gorbach Vizekanzler
Andreas Khol Nationalratspräsident


Country (order per French spelling) Flag Official delegation Title
Bangladesh Flag of Bangladesh Chowdhury Kamal Ibne Yusuf Food and Disaster Management Minister
Belgium (Belgique) Flag of Belgium H.M. King Albert II.
H.M. Queen Paola
Guy Verhofstadt
Didier Reynders
Herman De Croo
King of the Belgians
Queen Consort
Prime Minister
Deputy Prime Minister
President of the Lower House
Burma (Birmanie) Flag of Myanmar Khin Maung Aye
Charles Bo
Erzbischof von Rangoon
Bοlivia Flag of Bolivia Carlos Mesa
Valentín Abecia
President of the Republic
Bosnia and Herzegovina (Bosnie-Herzégovine) Flag of Bosnia and Herzegovina Borislav Paravac
Šefik Džaferović
Bariša Čolak
President of the Presidency
President of Parliament
Deputy Prime Minister
Brazil (Brésil) Flag of Brésil Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva
Fernando Henrique Cardoso
Itamar Franco
José Sarney
Marisa Letícia da Silva
Renan Calheiros
Severino Cavalcante
Nelson Jobim
President of the Republic
Former President
Former President
Former President
First Lady
President of the Senate
President of the House of Representatives
President of the Supreme Court
Bulgaria (Bulgarie)
Flag of Bulgaria
Georgi Parvanov President of the Republic


Country (order per French spelling) Flag Official delegation Title
Kanada Flag of Canada Paul Martin
Sheila Martin
Stephen Harper
Phil Fontaine
Prime Minister
Wife of the Prime Minister
Leader of Her Majesty's Loyal Opposition
Head of the Assembly of First Nations
Chile (Chili) Flag of Chile Ignacio Walker
Sergio Romero
José Antonio Viera Gallo
Gabriel Ascencio
Pablo Longueira
Minister of Foreign Affairs
President of the Senate
Socialist senator
President of the Chamber of Deputies
UDI deputy
Republic of China (Taiwan) (listed as Chine) flag de Taïwan Chen Shui-bian
Chen Tang-san
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Colombia (Colombie) Flag of Colombia Francisco Santos
María Victoria Santos
Vice-President of the Republic
Spouse of Vice-President of the Republic
Congo (Democratic Republic) flag of the Democratic Republic of the Congo Joseph Kabila
Jean-Pierre Bemba
President of the Republic
Vice-President of the Republic
South Korea (Corée du Sud) Flag of South Korea Lee Hai-chan Prime Minister
Costa Rica Flag of Costa Rica Abel Pacheco
Roberto Tovar Faja
President of the Republic
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Croatia (Croatie) Flag of Croatie Stipe Mesić
Ivo Sanader
President of the Republic
Prime Minister
Kuba flag de Cuba Ricardo Alarcón de Quesada
Caridad Diego
Raúl Roa Kourí
president of the National Assembly
Chief of Religious Affairs of the Communist Party of Cuba
Ambassador to the Holy See
Zypern Flag de Cypres Tassos Papadopoulos
George Poulides
Tasos Tzionis
President of the Republic
Ambassador to the Holy See
Director of the Diplomatic Office of the President


Country (order per French spelling) Flag Official delegation Title
Denmark (Danemark) Flag of Danemark H.M. Queen Margrethe II
HRH Prince Henrik
Anders Fogh Rasmussen
Queen of Denmark
Prince Consort
Prime Minister of Denmark
Dominican Republic (République dominicaine) Margarita Cedeño de Fernández
Alejandrina Germán
Carlos Rafael Marión-Landais
First Lady
Secretary of Education
Ambassador to the Holy See


Country (order per French spelling) Flag Official delegation Title
Egypt (Égypte) flag of Egypt Farouk Hosni minister of Culture
United Arab Emirates (Émirats arabes unis) flag of the United Arab Emirates Abdullah ibn Zayed Al Nahayan minister of Information
Spain (Espagne) Flag of Spain HM King Juan Carlos I.
HM Queen Sofía
José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero
Miguel Ángel Moratinos
Mariano Rajoy
King of Spain
President of the Government
Minister of Foreign Affairs
leader of the opposition
Estonia (Estonie)
Flag of Estonia
Arnold Rüütel president of the Republic
Ecuador (Équateur) Flag of Équateur Lucio Gutiérrez
Ximena Bohórquez
Patricio Zuquilanda
president of the Republic
"first lady"
minister of foreign affairs
United States (États-Unis d'Amérique) flag des États-Unis d'Amérique George W. Bush
Laura Bush
Condoleezza Rice
George H. W. Bush
Bill Clinton
President of the United States
First Lady
U.S. Secretary of State
Father of the current, and also a former President
former President


Country (order per French spelling) Flag Official delegation Title
Finland (Finlande)
Flag of Finland
Matti Vanhanen prime minister
France Flag of France Jacques Chirac
Bernadette Chirac
president of the Republic
spouse of the president of the Republic


Country (order per French spelling) Flag Official delegation Title
Ghana Flag of Ghana John Kufuor president of the Republic
Greece (Grèce) Flag of Greece Karolos Papoulias
Panagiotis Skandalakis
Konstantinos Georgiou
President of the Republic
Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs
General Secretary of the Presidency
Guatemala Flag of Guatemala Óscar Berger
Wendy de Berger
Jorge Briz Abularach
Rigoberta Menchú
president of the Republic
"first lady"
minister of foreign affairs
Nobel Peace Prize laureate 1992
Guinea (Guinée) Flag of Guinea Sidibé Fatoumata Kaba minister of foreign affairs
Equatorial Guinea (Guinée équatoriale) Flag of Equatorial Guinea Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo president of the Republic


Country (order per French spelling) Flag Official delegation Title
Haiti (Haïti) Flag of Haïti Gérard Latortue prime minister
Honduras Flag of Honduras Ricardo Maduro president of the Republic
Hungary (Hongrie) Flag of Hungary Ferenc Mádl
Dalma Mádl
Ferenc Gyurcsány
Viktor Orbán
Katalin Szili
president of the Republic
"first lady"
prime minister
former prime minister
president of parliament


Country (order per French spelling) Flag Official delegation Title
India (Inde) Flag of India Bhairon Singh Shekhawat
P. R. Kyndiah
Oscar Fernandes
Vizepräsident Indiens
Minister of Tribal Issues and the Development of the North-East
Minister of Relations with the Parliament
Indonesia (Indonésie)
Flag of Indonesia
Maftuh Basyuni
Freddy Numberi
Alwi Shihab
minister of religious affairs
minister of fisheries and maritime affairs
minister for people's welfare
Iran Flag of Iran Mohammad Khatami President of Iran
Republic of Ireland (Irlande) Flag of Irlande Mary McAleese
Bertie Ahern
Mary Harney
Uachtarán na hÉireann (President)
Taoiseach (Prime Minister)
Tánaiste (Deputy-Prime Minister)
Israel (Israël) Flag of Israël Moshe Katsav
Silvan Shalom
President of Israel
deputy prime minister and minister of foreign affairs
Italy (Italie) Flag of Italie Carlo Azeglio Ciampi
Franca Ciampi
Silvio Berlusconi
Gaetano Gifuni
Antonio Puri Purini
Gianfranco Mazzuoli
Marcello Pera
Pier Ferdinando Casini
Piero Alberto Capotosti
Gianfranco Fini
President of the Italian Republic
"first lady"
Prime minister of Italy
Counsellor of State, General Secretary of the Presidency
Diplomatic Counsellor to the Presidency
Counsellor Coordinator at the Presidency
President of the Senate
President of the Chamber of Deputies
President of the Constitutional Court
minister of foreign affairs


Country (order per French spelling) Flag Official delegation Title
Japan (Japon)
flag of Japan
Yoriko Kawaguchi advisor to the prime minister
Jordan (Jordanie) Flag of Jordan Abdullah II.
Queen Rania


Country (order per French spelling) Flag Official delegation Title
Kenya Flag of Kenya Chirau Ali Mwakwere minister of foreign affairs
Kuwait (Koweït) Jaber Al Abdullah Al Jaber Al Sabah member of the royal family


Country (order per French spelling) Flag Official delegation Title
Lesotho Flag of Lesotho Letsie III.
Monyane Moleleki
minister of foreign affairs
Latvia (Lettonie) Flag of Latvia Vaira Vīķe-Freiberga president of the Republic
Lebanon (Liban) Flag of Liban Emile Lahoud
Omar Karami
Issam Fares
Nabih Berri
president of the Republic
prime minister
deputy prime minister
speaker of parliament
Liechtenstein Flag of Liechtenstein HSH Prince Hans-Adam II.
HSH Princess Marie
HSH Prince Nikolaus
The Sovereign Prince of Liechtenstein
Princess Consort
Prince of Liechtenstein
Lithuania (Lituanie) Flag of Lithuania Valdas Adamkus president of the Republic
Luxemburg Flag of Luxembourg HRH Grand Duke Henri
HRH Grand Duchess Maria Teresa
Jean-Claude Juncker
Grand Duke of Luxembourg
Grand Ducal Consort
Prime Minister of Luxembourg


Country (order per French spelling) Flag Official delegation Title
Macedonia (Macédoine) Flag of Macédoine Branko Crvenkovski president
Marc Ravalomanana president
Malta flag de Malta Eddie Fenech Adami president
Morocco (Maroc ) Prince Moulay Rachid prince and brother of king Muhammad VI.
Mauritius (Maurice) flag de Mauritius Paul Bérenger prime minister
Mexico (Mexique) Flag of Mexico Vicente Fox
Marta Sahagún de Fox
President of Mexico
First lady of Mexico
flag de Monaco
Patrick Leclercq minister of state


Country (order per French spelling) Flag Official delegation Title
Nicaragua Flag of Nicaragua Enrique Bolaños Geyer
Norman José Caldera Cardenal
Armando Luna
José Cuadra
president of the Republic
minister of foreign affairs
ambassador to the Holy See
ambassador to Italy
Nigeria Flag of Nigéria Olusegun Obasanjo president
Norway (Norvège) Flag of Norvège H.M. Queen Sonja
Kjell Magne Bondevik
Queen Consort
Prime Minister of Norway
New Zealand (Nouvelle-Zélande) Flag of Nouvelle-Zélande Dame Silvia Cartwright
Peter Cartwright
Spouse of governor general


Country (order per French spelling) Flag Official delegation Title
Uganda (Ouganda) Flag of Ouganda Gilbert Bukenya vice-president of the Republic


Country (order per French spelling) Flag Official delegation Title
Flag of Pakistan
Mohammad Ejaz-ul-Haq minister of religious affairs
Palestinian Authority Flag of the Palestinian Authority Ahmad Qurai prime minister
Flag of Panama
Martín Torrijos
Vivian Fernández de Torrijos
First lady
Paraguay Flag of Paraguay Luis Castiglioni
Leila Rachid de Cowles
vice-president of the Republic
minister of foreign affairs
Netherlands (Pays-Bas) flag des Pays-Bas Jan Peter Balkenende prime minister
Peru (Pérou) Flag of Peru Manuel Rodríguez Cuadros
Eliane Karp
Eduardo Salhuana
Antero Flores Aráoz
Minister of Foreign Affairs
First Lady
Minister of Justice
President of the Congress of the Republic
Philippinen flag of the Philippines Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo
Evangelina Lourdes Arroyo
Thelmo Cunanan
Georgina de Venecia
Howard Dee
president of the Republic
"first daughter"
SSS chairman (former ambassador to Cambodia)
wife of House Speaker Jose de Venecia, Jr.
former ambassador to the Holy See
Poland (Pologne)
Flag of Poland
Aleksander Kwaśniewski
Jolanta Kwaśniewska
Lech Wałęsa
Danuta Wałęsa
Marek Belka
Włodzimierz Cimoszewicz
Longin Pastusiak
Hanna Suchocka
Tadeusz Mazowiecki
Wiesław Chrzanowski
president of the Republic
"first lady"
former president of the Republic
former "first lady"
prime minister
marshal of the Sejm
marshal of the Senate
ambassador to the Holy See
former prime minister
former marshal of the Sejm
Portugal Flag of Portugal Jorge Sampaio
Maria Jose Ritta
Diogo Freitas do Amaral
António dos Santos Ramalho Eanes
president of the Republic
"first lady"
minister of foreign affairs
former president of the Republic
Puerto Rico (U.S.) Flag of Puerto Rico Aníbal Acevedo Vilá
Luisa Gándara
Gouverneur von Puerto Rico
"First Lady"


Country Flag Official delegation Title
Hamad ibn Khalifa Al Thani Emir


Country (order per French spelling) Flag Official delegation Title
Romania (Roumanie) Flag of Roumanie Traian Băsescu
Călin Popescu-Tăriceanu
Michael of Romania
Emil Constantinescu
Ion Iliescu
president of the Republic
prime minister
former king
former president of the Republic
former president of the Republic
United Kingdom (Royaume-Uni) Flag of Royaume-Uni HRH The Prince of Wales
Tony Blair
Cherie Blair
Michael Howard
Charles Kennedy
The Prince of Wales
Prime minister
Spouse of Prime Minister
Leader of Her Majesty's Opposition
Liberal Democrat leader
Russia (Russie)
Flag of Russie
Mikhail Fradkov prime minister
Rwanda Charles Murigande minister of foreign affairs


Country (order per French spelling) Flag Official delegation Title
San Marino (Saint-Marin) Flag of San Marino Fausta Simona Morganti
Cesare Antonio Gasperoni
Fabio Berardi
Giovanni Galassi
Marcello Beccari
Capitano Reggente
Captain Regent
secretary of state for foreign and political affairs
ambassador to the Holy See
chief of state Protocol
El Salvador (Salvador) Flag of Salvador Francisco Laínez
Ana Ligia de Saca
René Figueroa
Roberto Simán
María Eugenia Brizuela de Ávila
minister of foreign affairs
"first lady"
minister of the Interior
former ambassador to the Holy See
former minister of foreign affairs
Senegal Flag of Sénégal Abdoulaye Wade president of the Republic
Serbia and Montenegro (Serbie-et-Monténégro) flag de Serbia and Montenegro Svetozar Marović
Vuk Drašković
Boris Tadić
Filip Vujanović
Ibrahim Rugova
Bajram Kosumi
Nexhat Daci
president of the Republic
minister of foreign affairs
president of Serbia
president of Montenegro
president of Kosovo
prime minister of Kosovo
president of parliament of Kosovo
Singapur Flag of Singapore Shunmugam Jayakumar
Walter Woon
Alexander Lim
deputy prime minister, minister of Law
ambassador to the Holy See
first secretary
Slovakia (Slovaquie)
Flag of Slovaquie
Ivan Gašparovič
Pavol Hrušovský
Eduard Kukan
president of the Republic
president of Parliament
minister of foreign affairs
Slovenia (Slovénie)
Flag of Slovenia
Janez Drnovšek
Janez Janša
president of the Republic
prime minister
Sri Lanka Flag of Sri Lanka Mahinda Rajapaksa
Milroy Fernando
prime minister
minister of Christian affairs
Sweden (Suède) Flag of Suède H.M. King Carl XVI Gustaf
H.M. Queen Silvia
Göran Persson
King of Sweden
Queen Consort
Prime Minister of Sweden
Switzerland (Suisse) Flag of Suisse Samuel Schmid president of the Confederation
Syria (Syrie) Flag of Syrie Baschar al-Assad
Asma al-Assad
president of the Republic
"first lady"


Country (order per French spelling) Flag Official delegation Title
Tanzania (Tanzanie) Flag of Tanzanie George Kahama Minister for Cooperative Development
Czech Republic (République Tchèque)
flag of the Republic tchèque
Václav Klaus
Cyril Svoboda
president of the Republic
minister of foreign affairs
Thailand (Thaïlande) Flag of Thaïlande Surakiart Sathirathai deputy prime minister
Tunisia (Tunisie) Flag of Tunisie Mohamed Ghannouchi prime minister
Turkey (Turquie) Flag of Turquie Recep Tayyip Erdoğan
Mehmet Aydın
prime minister
minister of state


Country Flag Official delegation Title
Ukraine Viktor Yushchenko
Kateryna Yushchenko
"first lady"
Uruguay Flag of Uruguay María Auxiliadora Delgado de Vázquez "first lady"


Country Flag Official delegation Title
Venezuela Flag of Venezuela Alí Rodríguez
Jorge Giordanni
Rodrigo Chávez
Roy Chaderton
minister of foreign affairs
minister of planning
ambassador to Italy
ambassador to France


Country Flag Official delegation Title
Zimbabwe Flag of Zimbabwe Robert Mugabe
Herbert Murerwa
Mr Bimha
Mr Chihuri
Mary Margaret Muchada
minister of advanced education
secretary to foreign affairs, ambassador
personal assistant to the President


  1. Vorlage:Note Commonly known as Taiwan: "China" refers to the Government of the Republic of China (ROC), rather than the Government of the People's Republic of China (PRC), which does not have relations with the Holy See and did not receive any invitations to the funeral. Although the ROC Government resettled on Taiwan at the end of the Chinese Civil War, the Holy See still recognizes the ROC, but not the PRC, as "China". [1]
  2. Vorlage:Note The low representation of Monaco is due to the death of Rainier III, Prince of Monaco. Monaco's head of state died two days before the funeral of the Pope.

International organizations

Organization Flag Official delegation Title
Sovereign Military Order of the Knights of Malta flag of Sovereign Military Order of the Knights of Malta Fra' Andrew Bertie
Giacomo Dalla Torre del Tempio di Sanguinetto
Count Jacques de Liedekerke
Marquis Gian Luca Chiavari
Jean Pierre Mazery
Grand Master
Grand Commander

Grand Chancellor
Receiver of the Common Treasure
Member of the Sovereign Council

Council of Europe flag of Europe Terry Davis
Adam Daniel Rotfeld
Rene van der Linden
Giovanni di Stasi
président du Comité des ministres
président de l'Assemblée parlementaire
président du Congrès des pouvoirs locaux et régionaux
Arab League Amr Moussa
Mohamed Ali Nasser
Hala Gad
Chief of Protocol, Ambassador
Member of the Office of the Secretary General
United Nations flag of the UN Kofi Annan
Nane Annan
Donald Patterson
Consort of the Secretary General
European Union flag of Europe José Manuel Barroso
Jean-Claude Juncker
Josep Borrell
Danuta Hübner
Franco Frattini
Benita Ferrero-Waldner
president of the European Commission
president of the European Council
president of the European Parliament
commissioner in charge of Regional Policy
commissioner in charge of Justice
commissioner in charge of external relations
NATO Jaap de Hoop Scheffer
Jeannine de Hoop Scheffer
Alessandro Minuto-Rizzo
Consort of the Secretary General
Vice-Secretary General, Ambassador
OSCE Dimitrij Rupel
Ján Kubis
Tatjana Pirc
foreign minister of Slovenia, acting president of the OSCE
secretary general of the OSCE
second secretary of the ministry of foreign affairs of Slovenia
ILO Juan Somavia
Dominique Peccoud
Maria Angelica Ducci
Director General
Coordinator for Relations with the Holy See
Office Head
FAO Jacques Diouf
David Harsharik
Michel Savini
Director General
Adjunct Director General
Head of the Office of the Director General
UNESCO flag of UNESCO Koïchiro Matsuura
Krista Pikkat
Director General
Office Member
IFAD Lennart Båge
Ewa Westman Båge
Cyril Enweze
Consort of the President
Office of the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees Kamel Morjane
Walter Irvine
Michele Manca di Nissa
Assistant to the High Commissioner
Delegate for Italy, Malta, San Marino and the Holy See
Vice-Delegate for Italy, Malta, San Marino and the Holy See
World Food Programme James T. Morris
John Powell
Susana Malcorra
Executive Director
Adjunct Executive Director
Adjunct Executive Director
U.N. Office on Drugs and Crime Antonio Maria Costa Executive Director of UNODC

Religious leaders

Unofficial delegations

A selection of dignitaries not seated in the section for official national delegations during the funeral:


Individually invited (by the Holy See):

Presidential delegation (invited by the President, but did not seat for Mass of Requiem):


All representing Quebec


United States

Members of Congress and other dignitaries (not part of the official delegation, thus no VIP treatment):

Vorlage:John Paul II

ategory:History of the Papacy ategory:Pope John Paul II ategory:Lists of Pope John Paul II|Funeral