Benutzer:Yotwen/Ola Bergström

Ola Bergström ist Professor für Business Administration an der Universität Göteborg.[1]


Ola Bergström is Associate Professor at the Department of Business Administration at the School of Business, Economics and Law, University of Göteborg, Sweden. He obtained his doctorate at Göteborg University in 1998. His research interests evolve around the interface between organizations and labour markets. He has published articles and books on a wide range of topics such recruitment, organizational discourse, discipline, corporate social responsibility, and temporary work, workforce reduction and labour market policy. He is currently researching how organizations manage restructuring in the face of the financial crisis.[1]


Corporate Social Responsibility, Downsizing, Restructuring, Temporary Agency Work and Contingent Labour[1]

Bergström ist Board-Mitglied der European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS).[2]



  • Ola Bergström und Donald Storrie (2003) Contingent Employment In Europe And The United States; Edward Elgar Publishing ltd.; Cheltenham;
  • Ola Bergström, K. Håkansson, T. Isidorsson et al. (2007) Den nya arbetsmarknaden - Bemanningsbranschens etablering i Sverige; Lund: Academia Adacta
  • Ola Bergström und A. Diedrich (2008) The Swedish model of Restructuring. Restructuring work and employment in Europe; Edward Elgar Publishing ltd.; Cheltenham;


  1. a b c Vorstellung von Ola Bergström auf der Webseite der Universität Göteborg. Abgerufen am 5. Oktober 2014.
  2. Vorstellung des Boards der EGOS auf der Webseite der Organisation; abgerufen am 21. Januar 2014.

{{Normdaten|TYP=p|GND=152740945||VIAF=306217877}} {{SORTIERUNG:Bergstrom, Ola}} [[Kategorie:EGOS]] [[Kategorie:Schwede]] [[Kategorie:Mann]] {{Personendaten |NAME=Bergström, Ola |ALTERNATIVNAMEN= |KURZBESCHREIBUNG= |GEBURTSDATUM= |GEBURTSORT= |STERBEDATUM= |STERBEORT= }}