Land Niedersachsen

Note: After saving, you have to bypass your browser's cache to see the changes. Google Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge and Safari: Hold down the ⇧ Shift key and click the Reload toolbar button. For details and instructions about other browsers, see Wikipedia:Bypass your cache.
/// chrome://wikilocaledit/content/wikilocaledit.js
/// Manage main app, which is browser panel toolbarbutton
//  Requires:
//     * content/fileIO.js
//     * content/permissions.js
//     * content/prefs.js
//     * locale/locale.js
//  Used by windows:
//     * content/wikilocaledit.xul
/// 2012-12-12 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
/// Fingerprint: #0#0#
/// <nowiki>
/*jshint curly:true, eqeqeq:true, strict:true, undef:true, white:false */
/*global document, gBrowser, HTMLDocument, window                      */
/*jslint  white: true                                                  */
/*globals gBrowser: true, HTMLDocument: true,
          document: true,  window: true                                */

( function ( w ) {
   "use strict";
   if ( ! w.wikiLocalEdit ) {
      w.wikiLocalEdit  =  { };
   WLE        =  w.wikiLocalEdit;
   WLE.pages  =  { };
   PAGES      =  WLE.pages;
   PREFS      =  WLE.prefs;   =  PREFS.getLeading();
   EVENTS     =  { listening: false };
   IO         =  { search:    "*.txt; *.text; *.wiki",
                   select:    "Wikitext: *.txt, *.text, *.wiki" };
   TOOL       =  { };

   First  =  function () {
      // Initialize package. Start event listeners.
      // Uses:
      //    w
      //    TOOL.fresh()
      // Remark: Used as event handler -- 'this' is not WLE
      // 2012-11-30 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
      w.removeEventListener( "load", First, false );   // myself
      TOOL.fresh( false );
   };   // First()
   w.addEventListener( "load", First, false );   // -> gBrowser

   EVENTS.fresh  =  function () {
      // Update listener mode
      // Postcondition:
      //    Listeners are activated or stopped
      // Uses:
      //    this
      //    >  .pages.userURLstatics
      //    >  EVENTS.connect
      //    >  .live
      //    >  gBrowser
      //    >< EVENTS.listening
      //    .pages.fresh()
      //    DOM.addEventListener()
      //    DOM.removeEventListener()
      //    (EVENTS.onPageLoad)
      //    (EVENTS.onButton)
      // 2012-11-30 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
      var e,
          n  =  this.connect.length;
      if (  &&
           ! this.listening  &&
           PAGES.userURLstatics ) {
         for ( i = 0;  i < n;  i++ ) {
            e  =  this.connect[ i ];
            gBrowser.addEventListener( e[ 0 ],  e[ 1 ],  true,  true );
         }   // for i
         this.listening  =  true;
      } else if ( this.listening ) {
         for ( i = 0;  i < n;  i++ ) {
            e  =  this.connect[ i ];
            gBrowser.removeEventListener( e[ 0 ],  e[ 1 ],  true );
         }   // for i
         this.listening  =  false;
   };   // EVENTS.fresh()

   EVENTS.onPageLoad  =  function ( event ) {
      // Any page has been loaded into user browser.
      // Postcondition:
      //    Returns true for continued event processing
      // Uses:
      //    .pages.isPageUser()
      //    .pages.form()
      //    .pages.first()
      //    .pages.furnish()
      // Remark: Used as event handler -- 'this' is not WLE
      // 2012-11-30 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
      var doc,
          emit    =  event.originalTarget,                // Mozilla spec
          got     =  PAGES.isPageUser( emit ),
      if ( got ) {
         doc     =  got[ 0 ];
         doit    =  got[ 1 ];
         socket  = doc );
         if ( doit ) {
            PAGES.form( doc, socket );
         } else {
            PAGES.first( socket );
            PAGES.furnish( doc );
      return true;
   };   // EVENTS.onPageLoad()

   EVENTS.onPressButton  =  function ( event ) {
      // Any page has been loaded into user browser.
      // Postcondition:
      //    Returns false for captured event processing
      // Uses:
      //    .pages.isPageUser()
      //    DOM.getAttribute()
      //    .pages.file()
      //    IO.find()
      //    .pages.flush()
      //    .prefs.fetchBasedir()
      //    .pages.setDirBase()
      //    IO.fetchSubdir()
      //    .pages.setDirSub()
      // Remark: Used as event handler -- 'this' is not WLE
      // 2012-12-12 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
      var emit   =  event.originalTarget,                // Mozilla spec
          doc    =  emit.ownerDocument,
          call   =  PAGES.isPageUser( doc ),
          stuff  =  false,
          scan, serve, specific, suffix, suggest;
      if ( call ) {
         serve     =  emit.getAttribute( "action" );
         specific  =  emit.getAttribute( "specific" );
         if ( call[ 1 ] ) {
            if ( serve === "OpenFile"  ||  serve === "SaveFileAs" ) {
               scan     =  emit.getAttribute( "scan" );
               suffix   =  emit.getAttribute( "suffix" );
               suffix   =  ( suffix ? suffix : false );
               suffix   =  suffix.replace( /[^a-zA-Z0-9]/g, "" );
            switch ( serve ) {
               case "OpenFile" :
                  // +text/saved  leer oder gleich
                  stuff  =  emit.getAttribute( "lowcode" );
                  PAGES.file( specific,
                              call[ 0 ],
                              ( stuff === "true" ) );
               case "SaveFileAs" :
                  suggest  =  emit.getAttribute( "suggest" );
                  stuff    =  IO.find( specific,
                                       true );
               case "SaveFile" :   // fall through
                  IO.flush( doc, stuff );
               case "Abort" :
            }   // switch serve
         } else {
            switch ( serve ) {
               case "DirBase" :
                  PAGES.setDirBase( doc );
               case "DirSub" :
                  IO.fetchSubdir( specific );
                  PAGES.setDirSub( doc, specific );
            }   // switch serve
      return false;
   };   // EVENTS.onPressButton()

   EVENTS.connect  =  [
         [ "load",                EVENTS.onPageLoad ],
         [ "wikilocaleditButton", EVENTS.onPressButton ]

   IO.fetchSubdir  =  function ( account ) {
      // Perform local directory sub project selection and storing
      // Precondition:
      //    account  -- DBname . user name
      // Uses:
      //    >  .locale.selectDirSub
      //    .prefs.getDirBase()
      //    .prefs.getDirSub()
      //    .fileIO.find()
      //    .prefs.setDirSub()
      // 2012-12-12 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
      var n, s,
          start  =  WLE.prefs.getDirBase();
      s  =  WLE.fileIO.find( start + WLE.prefs.getDirSub( account ),
                             WLE.locale.selectDirSub + "\n" + account,
                             false );
      if ( typeof s  ===  "string" ) {
         n  =  start.length;
         if ( s.substr( 0, n )  ===  start ) {
            s  =  s.substr( n );
         } else {
            s  =  "";
         WLE.prefs.setDirSub( s, account );
   };   // IO.fetchSubdir()

   IO.file  =  function ( account, achieve, assign, access, ansi ) {
      // Retrieve file name and content and put into textarea
      // Precondition:
      //    account  -- sub path for:  DBname / user name
      //    achieve  -- pattern string
      //    assign   -- suffix for new file
      //    access   -- document of user edit web page
      //    ansi     -- input file is not utf-8
      // Uses:
      //    IO.find()
      //    .fileIO.feed()
      //    (IO.filled)
      // 2012-12-12 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
      var stuff  =  IO.find( account, achieve, false, assign, false );
      if ( stuff ) {
         WLE.fileIO.feed( stuff, access, this.filled, ansi );
   };   // IO.file()

   IO.filled  =  function ( arglist ) {
      // Callback after asynchronous reading from local file
      // Precondition:
      //    arglist  -- Array, or false
      //                [0]  path (appoint)
      //                [1]  true: write protected
      //                [2]  content, or false
      //                [3]  document of user web page
      //    achieved  -- string with file content
      // Uses:
      //    ><
      //    .pages.form()
      //    .pages.fill()
      // Remark: Used as event handler -- 'this' is not IO
      // 2012-11-30 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
      var doc, props, socket;
      if ( arglist ) {
         doc     =  arglist[ 3 ];
         socket  = doc );
         if ( socket ) {
            props  =[ socket ];
            if ( props ) {
               props.filepath  =  arglist[ 0 ];
               PAGES.form( doc, socket );
               PAGES.fill( doc, arglist[ 2 ] );
   };   // IO.filled()

   IO.find  =  function ( account, achieve, assign, add, allow ) {
      // Find text file name
      // Precondition:
      //    account  -- sub path for:  DBname / user name
      //    achieve  -- pattern string
      //    assign   -- suggestion for file name
      //    add      -- suffix for new file, or false
      //    allow    -- save a non-existing file
      // Postcondition:
      //    Returns  string with path, or false
      // Uses:
      //    this
      //    >
      //    >
      //    >  .locale.selectFile
      //    .prefs.getDirBase()
      //    .prefs.getDirSub()
      //    .fileIO.find()
      // 2012-12-12 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
      var r,
          pattern  =  [ "", achieve ],
          start    =  PREFS.getDirBase(),
          suffix   =  add,
          suggest  =  assign;
      if ( start && account ) {
         start  =  start  +  PREFS.getDirSub( account );
      if ( ! achieve ) {
         pattern[ 1 ]  =;
      if ( pattern[ 1 ]  === ) {
         pattern[ 0 ]  =;
      if ( suffix ) {
         suffix  =  ( suffix === "*"  ?  ""  :  suffix );
      } else {
         suffix  =  "txt";
      r       =  WLE.fileIO.find( start,
                                  allow );
      return r;
   };   // IO.find()

   IO.flush  =  function ( access, as ) {
      // Write content into text file
      // Precondition:
      //    access  -- document of user edit web page
      //    as      -- SaveAs file path, or false
      // Postcondition:
      //    Returns true if failed
      // Uses:
      //    this
      //    w
      //    >
      //    .pages.feed()
      //    .fileIO.flush()
      //    (IO.flushed)
      // 2012-11-30 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
      var r,
          socket  = access ),
          store   =  ( as  ?  as  :[ socket ].filepath ),
          story   =  PAGES.feed( access );
      r  =  WLE.fileIO.flush( story,
                              [ access, story, store, socket ] );
      if ( r ) {
         // Handle error!
         w.alert( "IO.flush() " + r );
      return r;
   };   // IO.flush()

   IO.flushed  =  function ( approve, arglist ) {
      // Callback after asynchronous written text file
      // Precondition:
      //    approve  -- status code
      //    arglist  -- Array
      // Uses:
      //    w
      //    .pages.flushed()
      // Remark: Used as event handler -- 'this' is not IO
      // 2012-11-30 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
      if ( w.Components.isSuccessCode( approve ) ) {
         PAGES.flushed( arglist[ 0 ],
                        arglist[ 1 ],
                        arglist[ 2 ],
                        arglist[ 3 ] );
      } else {
         w.alert( "IO.flushed() error=" + approve);
         // Handle error!
   };   // IO.flushed()

   PAGES.feed  =  function ( access ) {
      // Retrieve content from textarea
      // Precondition:
      //    access  -- document of user edit web page
      // Postcondition:
      //    Returns text
      // Uses:
      //    DOM.getElementById()
      // 2012-11-30 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
      var elt  =  access.getElementById( "wpTextbox1" ),
          r    =  false;
      if ( elt ) {
        r  =  elt.value;
      return r;
   };   // .pages.feed()

   PAGES.fetch  =  function ( ask ) {
      // Retrieve unique 64-bit ID number of user window
      // Precondition:
      //    ask  -- document of user web page
      // Postcondition:
      //    Returns ID number string (tabbrowser window count)
      // Uses:
      //    w
      // 2012-11-30 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
      var cif,
          r     =  false,
          win   =  ask.defaultView;
      if ( win ) {
         cif   =  w.Components.interfaces;
         util  =  win.QueryInterface( cif.nsIInterfaceRequestor )
                     .getInterface( cif.nsIDOMWindowUtils );
         if ( util ) {
            r  =  "w#" + util.outerWindowID;
      return r;
   };   // .pages.fetch()  =  function ( ask ) {
      // Ensure persistent window information for this tabbrowser
      // Precondition:
      //    ask  -- document of user web page
      // Postcondition:
      //    Returns ID number string
      // Uses:
      //    this
      //    ><
      //    .pages.fetch()
      //    .pages.first()
      // 2012-11-30 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
      var r  =  this.fetch( ask );
      if ( r ) {
         if ( ! ) {
    =  { };
         if ( ![ r ] ) {
            this.first( r );
      return r;
   };   //

   PAGES.file  =  function ( account, achieve, assign, access, ansi ) {
      // If save, retrieve file name and content and put into textarea
      // Precondition:
      //    account  -- sub path for:  DBname / user name
      //    achieve  -- pattern string
      //    assign   -- suffix for new file
      //    access   -- document of user edit web page
      //    ansi     -- input file is not utf-8
      // Uses:
      //    this
      //    w
      //    >
      //    >  .locale.saveFirst
      //    .pages.feed()
      //    IO.file()
      // 2012-11-30 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
      var leeway  =  true,
          screen  =  this.feed( access ),
      if ( screen ) {
         socket  = access );
         store   =[ socket ].wikitext;
         if ( store ) {
            leeway  =  ( screen === store );
            if ( ! leeway ) {
               w.alert( WLE.locale.saveFirst );
      if ( leeway ) {
         IO.file( account, achieve, assign, access, ansi );
   };   // .pages.file()

   PAGES.fill  =  function ( access, apply ) {
      // Fill textarea with file content
      // Precondition:
      //    access  -- document of user edit web page
      //    apply   -- content
      // Uses:
      //    this
      //     <
      //    DOM.getElementById()
      //    DOM.createEvent()
      //    DOM.initEvent()
      //    DOM.dispatchEvent()
      // 2012-11-30 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
      var elt     =  access.getElementById( "wpTextbox1" ),
          story   =  apply;
      if ( elt ) {
         elt.value  =  story;
         event      =  access.createEvent( "Events" );
         event.initEvent( "wikilocaleditFilled", true, false );
         elt.dispatchEvent( event );
         // Byte Order Mark
         k  =  story.charCodeAt(0);
         if ( k === 255 ) {
            if ( story.charCodeAt(1) === 254 ) {
               story  =  story.substr( 2 );
         } else if ( k === 65534 ) {
            story  =  story.substr( 1 );
         socket  = access );[ socket ].wikitext  =  story;
   };   // .pages.fill()

   PAGES.first  =  function ( assign ) {
      // Initialize page window object
      //    assign   -- windows ID
      // Precondition:
      // Uses:
      //    this
      //     <
      // 2012-11-30 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia[ assign ]  =  { filepath: false,
                                   letwrite: true,
                                   wikitext: false };
   };   // .pages.first()

   PAGES.flushed  =  function ( adjust, apply, address, assign ) {
      // File content has been written
      // Precondition:
      //    adjust   -- document of static user page
      //    apply    -- content
      //    address  -- text file path
      //    assign   -- windows ID
      // Uses:
      //    this
      //    ><
      //    DOM.getElementById()
      //    DOM.createEvent()
      //    DOM.initEvent()
      //    DOM.dispatchEvent()
      //    .pages.setFile()
      // 2012-11-30 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
      var elt    =  adjust.getElementById( "wpTextbox1" ),
      if ( elt ) {
         event  =  adjust.createEvent("Events");
         event.initEvent( "wikilocaleditSaved", true, false );
         elt.dispatchEvent( event );[ assign ].wikitext   =  apply;[ assign ].filepath  =  address;
         this.setFile( adjust, address );
   };   // .pages.flushed()

   PAGES.form  =  function ( adjust, aim ) {
      // Decorate edit/submit user page of /LocalEdit
      // Precondition:
      //    adjust  -- document of static user page
      //    aim     -- unique window identifier
      // Uses:
      //    this
      //    >
      //    .pages.setFile()
      // 2012-12-12 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
      var elt    =  adjust.getElementById( "WLE_select_SaveFile" ),
          props  =[ aim ],
          s      =  props.filepath;
      if ( elt ) {
         if ( s ) {
            this.setFile( adjust, s );
            elt.disabled  =  ! props.letwrite;
         } else {
            this.setFile( adjust, "" );
            elt.disabled  =  true;
   };   // .pages.form()

   PAGES.fresh  =  function () {
      // Update userpage list and page URL listener
      // Uses:
      //    this
      //    >< .pages.userURLstatics
      //    >< .pages.userURLsubmits
      //    .prefs.getUserlist()
      // Remark: Used by  content/config.js
      // 2012-11-30 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
      var i, j, n, s, s0, s1, sift, site,
          userlist  =  WLE.prefs.getUserlist();
      if ( userlist ) {
         n  =  userlist.length;
         this.userURLstatics  =  new Array( n );
         this.userURLsubmits  =  new Array( n );
         for ( i = 0;  i < n;  i++ ) {
            s  =  userlist[ i ];
            j  =  s.indexOf( "/wiki/" );
            if ( j > 15 ) {
               site  =  s.substr( 0,  j + 1 );
               sift  =  s.substr( j + 6 )  +  "/LocalEdit";
               s0    =  site + "wiki/" + sift;
               s1    =  site + "w/index.php?title=" + sift
                             + "&action=";
            } else {
               s0  =  "";
               s1  =  "";
            this.userURLstatics[ i ]  =  s0;
            this.userURLsubmits[ i ]  =  s1;
         }   // for i
      } else if ( this.userURLstatics ) {
         delete this.userURLstatics;
         delete this.userURLsubmits;
   };   // .pages.fresh()

   PAGES.furnish  =  function ( adjust ) {
      // Decorate static user page of /wiki/ /LocalEdit
      // Precondition:
      //    adjust  -- document of static user page
      // Uses:
      //    this
      //    DOM.getElementById()
      //    DOM.setAttribute()
      //    .pages.setDirBase()
      //    .pages.setDirSub()
      // 2012-11-30 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
      var elt, s, specific;
      elt  =  adjust.getElementById( "WLE.inactive" );
      elt.setAttribute( "style", "display:none" );
      elt  =  adjust.getElementById( "" );
      elt.removeAttribute( "style" );
      elt  =  adjust.getElementById( "WLE.client" );
      s    =  elt.getAttribute( "src" );
      elt  =  adjust.getElementById( "WLE.stateIMG" );
      elt.setAttribute( "src", s );
      this.setDirBase( adjust );
      elt  =  adjust.getElementById( "WLE.DirBase" );
      elt.removeAttribute( "style" );
      elt       =  adjust.getElementById( "WLE.specific" );
      specific  =  elt.textContent;
      this.setDirSub( adjust, specific );
      elt  =  adjust.getElementById( "WLE.startEdit" );
      elt.removeAttribute( "style" );
   };   // .pages.furnish()

   PAGES.isPageUser  =  function ( approve ) {
      // Check whether event has been launched from registered user page
      // Precondition:
      //    approve  -- document to be checked for origin
      // Postcondition:
      //    Returns  Array  iff dispatched from requested user page
      //               [0]  document
      //               [1]  false: static, else dynamic action
      // Uses:
      //    this
      //    >  .reDomain
      //    >  .pages.userURLstatics
      //    >  .pages.userURLsubmits
      // 2012-11-30 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
      var i, n, doc, s, src,
          r  =  false;
      if ( this.userURLstatics ) {
         doc  =  approve;
         if ( doc instanceof HTMLDocument ) {
            // is this an inner frame?
            if ( doc.defaultView.frameElement ) {
               // Frame within a tab was loaded.
               // Find the root document:
               while ( doc.defaultView.frameElement ) {
                  doc  =  doc.defaultView.frameElement.ownerDocument;
         src  =  doc.URL;
         if ( WLE.reDomain.test( src ) ) {
            n   =  this.userURLstatics.length;
            for ( i = 0;  i < n;  i++ ) {
               if ( src === this.userURLstatics[ i ] ) {
                  r  =  [ doc, false ];
            }   // for i
            if ( ! r ) {
               for ( i = 0;  i < n;  i++ ) {
                  s  =  this.userURLsubmits[ i ];
                  if ( src.indexOf( s )  ===  0 ) {
                     r  =  [ doc,  src.substr( s.length ) ];
               }   // for i
      return r;
   };   // .pages.isPageUser()

   PAGES.setDirBase  =  function ( adjust ) {
      // Write base directory path into static /LocalEdit user page
      // Precondition:
      //    adjust  -- document of static user page
      // Postcondition:
      //    Returns base directory
      // Uses:
      //    DOM.getElementById()
      //    .prefs.getDirBase()
      // 2012-11-30 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
      var elt  =  adjust.getElementById( "WLE.dirbase" ),
          r    =  PREFS.getDirBase();
      if ( elt ) {
         elt.textContent  =  r;
      return r;
   };   // .pages.setDirBase()

   PAGES.setDirSub  =  function ( adjust, account ) {
      // Write project directory path into static /LocalEdit user page
      // Precondition:
      //    adjust   -- document of static user page
      //    account  -- DBname . user name
      // Uses:
      //    DOM.getElementById()
      //    .prefs.getDirBase()
      //    DOM.removeAttribute()
      //    DOM.setAttribute()
      // 2012-11-30 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
      var eltButt  =  adjust.getElementById( "WLE.DirSub" ),
          eltPath  =  adjust.getElementById( "WLE.dirsub" );
      if ( eltButt && eltPath ) {
         if ( PREFS.getDirBase() ) {
            eltButt.removeAttribute( "style" );
            eltPath.removeAttribute( "style" );
            eltPath.textContent  =  PREFS.getDirSub( account );
         } else {
            eltButt.setAttribute( "style", "display:none" );
            eltPath.setAttribute( "style", "display:none" );
   };   // .pages.setDirSub()

   PAGES.setFile  =  function ( adjust, address ) {
      // Write text file path into user page
      // Precondition:
      //    adjust   -- document of static user page
      //    address  -- text file path
      // Uses:
      //    DOM.getElementById()
      //    DOM.setAttribute()
      // 2012-11-30 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
      var elt    =  adjust.getElementById( "LocalEditFilePath" ),
      if ( elt ) {
         if ( address ) {
            elt.textContent  =  address;
            style  =    "margin-bottom: 1em;"
                      + "border-bottom: solid 2px #0000FF;";
         } else {
            style  =  "display:none";
         elt  =  adjust.getElementById( "LocalEditFileDiv" );
         elt.setAttribute( "style", style );
   };   // .pages.setFile()

   WLE.toolBarClicked  =  function () {
      // Button on panel has been clicked.
      // Start or stop listening on events.
      // Uses:
      //    >< .live
      //    TOOL.fresh()
      // Remark: Used as event handler -- 'this' is not WLE
      // 2012-11-30 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia  =  !;
      TOOL.fresh( false );
   };   // .toolBarClicked()

   TOOL.fresh  =  function ( all ) {
      // Update toolbar menu state
      // Uses:
      //    this
      //    >  TOOL.panelButton
      //    >  .live
      //    DOM.getElementById()
      //    EVENTS.fresh()
      // 2012-11-30 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
      var show;
      if ( ! this.panelButton ) {
              =  document.getElementById( "wikilocaleditToolbarbutton" );
      if ( this.panelButton ) {
         show  =  "chrome://wikilocaledit/skin/wikilocaledit-24" + "x24"
                  +  ( ? "" : "-off" )  +  ".png";
            this.panelButton.image  =  show;
         if ( all ) {
            this.panelButton.tooltipText  =  "";
   };   // TOOL.fresh()

} ( window ) );

/// EOF </nowiki>   content/wikilocaledit.js