Benutzer:Marc Tobias Wenzel/Liste von Open-Source Programmen

Das ist eine Kopie der Liste von Open-Source Software der englischen Wikipedia (gemacht am 17.3.2004)

Das Original steht hier:

Ein Teil der Link-Zeichen wurde entfernt.

Falls man einen Artikel zu einem dieser Programme anlegt: immer zuvor pruefen, ob er unter einem anderen Namen vorhanden ist.

This is a list of open-source software packages: Computer software licensed under an open source license. Software that fits the Free software definition may be more appropriately called free software; the GNU project in particular objects to their works being referred to as "open source".

See also: freeware, shareware, public domain, SourceForge

Data storage and management



Applied fields


  • BRL-CAD — 3D solid modeling computer-aided design and much much more
  • QCad — 2D CAD '(newer versions are no longer open-source)'


  • GnuCash
  • JCash
  • JMoney
  • JGnash

Geografische Informationsysteme


  • GAP — (Groups, Algorithms and Programming) computational discrete algebra, mainly for group theory.
  • KSEG interactive geometry program for exploring Euclidean geometry.
  • LaTeX — mathematical typesetting system.
  • Maxima (Computeralgebrasystem) — a computer algebra system, based on the original Macsyma
  • NTL — number theory library
  • GNU Octave — a MATLAB-style language.
  • PARI/GP — computer algebra system.
  • R — Computational statistic package.
  • SINGULAR — polynomial computations, commutative algebra, algebraic geometry, and singularity theory.
  • Yacas — computer algebra system.
  • experix — data acquisition, array arithmetic and math with graphics.

Document editing

Office software suites


Scientific Text Editors


Learning support


Rastersondenmikroskopie - Scanning probe microscopy (SPM)


Other educational programs

Graphical user interface

Windowing system

Desktop environments

Window managers

  • AfterStep
  • Blackbox
  • Ctwm
  • Enlightenment (X window manager)
  • Fluxbox
  • FVWM
  • IceWM
  • Ion (X window manager)
  • Kahakai
  • Kwin
  • Metacity
  • Openbox
  • Oroborus (window manager)|Oroborus
  • PekWM
  • PWM (window manager)|PWM
  • Ratpoison
  • Sawfish (window manager)
  • Twm
  • Waimea (X Window System)
  • Window Maker
  • WindowLab
  • WMI (X window manager)


See List of free game software

Weblog systems

Wiki systems

Networking and Internet

File transfer

P2P file sharing

Remote access



Other networking programs


Audio editors / audio management

See Free audio software

CD-writing software


  • KeePass
  • Password Safe
  • PINs

Personal information managers

  • Chandler — In development by Mitch Kapor and the OSAF.
  • Elephant Memory
  • KAddressbook
  • KNotes
  • KonsoleKalendar
  • Kontact
  • KOrganizer
  • Mozilla Calendar — A Mozilla-based, multiplatform calendar program.
  • Multisync (software)
  • Treeline
  • Novell Evolution
  • Flurry
  • KISS Image Screen Saver
  • Matrix32
  • Really Slick Screensavers
  • Vital desktop
  • xmatrix
  • XScreenSaver




  • MRTG - monitor traffic and create graphs over time
  • Nagios - highly configurable systems and network monitoring

Other security programs


  • ArgoUml — ArgoUML is a modelling tool that helps you design using UML diagrams
  • Active2
  • AstroGrep — Grep with a GUI
  • Autopackage — a package management system for Linux
  • BibleTime — Study Bible software
  • Bochs — PC emulator
  • Cygwin — Open source Unix environment for Win32
  • Link Checker — checks HTML documents for broken links
  • Memtest86 — stress-tests RAM on x86 machines
  • Open Scene Graph
  • TeX — a document formatting system
  • Vitrite — allows transparency in Windows 2000/XP programs
  • WINE — Windows executable support on Linux/BSD

CD compilations of open-source software for Windows

  • GNUWin II
  • Open Source Software CD — ~700 MB, most complete, updated monthly, available via BitTorrent/HTTP/FTP
  • TheOpenCD — ~300 MB, most polished, available via BitTorrent/HTTP/FTP
  • WinLibre