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Coverdale in Palatinate-Zweibrücken

Thanks for your contribution in English concerning Coverdale and the Paltinate-Zweibrucken. I guess that in English Wiki this comes into the category of "not many people know that ...!" I see from the linked Article that the Reformation was introduced in Palatinate-Zweibrücken in 1533 by the chaplain and later parish priest Johann Schwebel. Do you know of any possible connection that explains why the magistrates at Bergzaben knew of Coverdale and invited him? ONDB mentions the invitation, but an additional citation would be valuable - it could be in German, if you prefer.

Please do't change Coverdale Article significantly at present, since I am slowly working through it, improving all its deficiencies.--Cylicodiscus (Diskussion) 12:37, 7. Mär. 2015 (CET)Beantworten

Thanks for the compliment. Right at the moment, I only know that Bergzabern was urgently looking for a schoolmaster, as the parson Nicolaus Thomae (one of the more important Reformation activists in the duchy) had to do the schoolwork, too, which was too much. But at the library, there is already a half-scholarly 19th century biography of Thomae's reserved for me, and I will see whether it helps to answer your question (on Monday or so).
-- By the way, don't put too much importance on the year 1533. As far as I see, the Reformation activities of the duke's government (and in particular the 12 Articles from 1533) were not too influential; while a centralized protestant state church was established only in a long process which ended in 1557 (or even after), Thomae, Schwebel and others had already started very loosely linked "local Reformations" in their respective parishes in the 1520s.--Oudeís (Diskussion) 17:21, 7. Mär. 2015 (CET)Beantworten
I've had a look at the register of Frank Konersmann's Kirchenregiment und Kirchenzucht im frühneuzeitlichen Kleinstaat. Studien zu den herrschaftlichen und gesellschaftlichen Grundlagen des Kirchenregiments der Herzöge von Pfalz-Zweibrücken 1410-1793 (Schriftenreihe des Vereins für Rheinische Kirchengeschichte 121), Cologne 1996. The book contains some information on Coverdale's activity in the duchy.
  • p. 208/250: He left the duchy in 1553 and was one of those theologists who left it or had to leave it because the state inclined more to the Lutheran branch of the Reformation [in my impression, this happens untypically early; one would have to look at the citation Konersmann gives (Kurt Baumann, Miles Coverdale, in: Von Geschichte und Menschen der Pfalz. Ausgewählte Aufsätze von Kurt Baumann edited by Kurt Andermann, Speyer 1984, p. 91-106, here: 103-104 / Werner-Ulrich Deetjen, Das Ende der Entente cordiale zwischen den Bruderkirchen und Bruderdynastien Pfalz-Zweibrücken und Württemberg und Pfalz-Neuburg, in: Blätter für Württembergische Kirchengeschichte 82 (1982), p. 38-217, here: 54].
  • p. 387-388 The Alsacian (do you say so?) nobleman Ludwig von Eschenau, very influential for the religious policy of the duchy, "Hofmeister" in Pfalz-Zweibrücken from 1532-1538, "Amtmann" in Bergzabern from 1544, had close contacts to some religious immigrants from England, to some of whom he gave parishes in his Alasacian villages, and also to Miles Coverdale. [Konersmann cites here again the Baumann essay cited above (p.99) and Thomae's biography I will check on Monday].
Ah, and, Heureka! I just found a longer extract from this Baumann essay (p. 94/95) in the Quellen und Texte zur Pfälzischen Kirchengeschichte, edited by Bernhard H. Bonkhoff, Speyer/Regensburg 2005, No. 226/227. It states that parson Thomae wrote a letter to his friend Hubert (I think his given name is Conrad, I will check on Monday) in Straßburg (Straßburg was the city this region looked at, and the Reformation in the duchy was strongly influenced by Staßburg) that he needed a vicar and schoolmaster, and Hubert answered that he knew of nobody more suitable than Coverdale, who had already acquired enought knowledge of German. Under Coverdale's influence Thomae resumed his studies of Hebrew, and he wrote already after a short time of cooperation: "Ich kann dem allmächtigen und allgütigen Gott nie genug danken, daß er auf Befehl unseres Fürsten durch unsere Vorgesetzten mir Dr. Milo Coverdale als Mitgeistlichen mit einem guten Gehalt beigegeben wurde. [corrupt grammar ...] Er ist ein Mann von wahrhaft ausgezeichneter Frömmigkeit und unvergleichlichem Fleiße, wachsam und rührig in allem, was den Dienst Gottes betrifft" (I can translate, if you need).
So this is what I can contribute from the books I have at home. I think this helps.--Oudeís (Diskussion) 18:20, 7. Mär. 2015 (CET)Beantworten
I just checked the new revision of the English article. I would rather not write "headmaster", as I get the impression that there was only one schoolmaster in Bergzabern then.--Oudeís (Diskussion) 22:24, 7. Mär. 2015 (CET)Beantworten
I just checked J. P. Gelbert: Magister Johann Bader's Leben und Schriften, Nicolaus Thomae und seine Briefe: Ein Beitrag zur Reformationsgeschichte der Städte Landau, Bergzabern und der linksrheinischen Pfalz, Neustadt (Haardt), 1868. Gelbert gives no additional information on Coverdale's invitation (only what we already know), but some other points:
  • p. 276/77: The Bergzabern school was a grammar school. At the beginning, Coverdale seems to be the only schoolmaster, but he gets a colleague in 1544. Coverdale is not too fond of the situation of the Palatinian church.
  • p. 277/78: He supports his friend Edmund Grindal, who becomes teacher in Landau
  • p. 283/84: He writes against parson Bernhard from Frankweiler, who apparently held spiritualist beliefs concerning the Eucharist (I don't really see what the point was)
  • p. 288: He stayed in Bergzabern another time probably in 1555/56, invited by Duke Wolfgang, to resume his office. Gelbert knows nothing more on this second stay; in particular what Konersmann states on Coverdale having to leave.
--Oudeís (Diskussion) 11:07, 10. Mär. 2015 (CET)Beantworten

OK, terrific. For now, I'm just going to cite for this short section as follows: - Baumann (pp. 94/95) in the Quellen und Texte zur Pfälzischen Kirchengeschichte, edited by Bernhard H. Bonkhoff, Speyer/Regensburg 2005, No. 226/227.

Shall I try to enter it in Template form and you may check it? Thanks too for the corrections that you have already made re schoolmaster etc. Please bear in mind that this Article Revision is still a huge task, very much "in progress" but heading in the right direction, I think, thanks to help from you and Afterwriter - a truly international effort!--Cylicodiscus (Diskussion) 13:42, 10. Mär. 2015 (CET)Beantworten

I can check that, yes, but where exactly? I don't really understand what you mean by "in template form".--Oudeís (Diskussion) 14:23, 11. Mär. 2015 (CET)Beantworten

Thanks. I'm sorry I did not make it clear. I suggest that I will enter your German-language source as another Reference, or Citation, as they are sometimes called. This will be a part of the editorial work that I am doing on the Myles Coverdale Article in English Wikipeda. Once I have done that, you may read it and please ensure that I have entered the entire reference correctly. By Template I just mean that I use a pre-existing template that is available to editors in English Wiki. Best Regards.--Cylicodiscus (Diskussion) 22:48, 11. Mär. 2015 (CET)Beantworten

OK, I'll check the English article now and then for changes concerning Bergzabern, and correct it, if neccesary.--Oudeís (Diskussion) 14:27, 16. Mär. 2015 (CET)Beantworten