Land Bremen

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Also, a template to put in each article is being developed.

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Atomic theory

Franck–Hertz experimentInvestigation and support of Bohr model of the atomGood start level page
Gas emission spectrum experimentKicked off the discovery of new chemical elements and atomic physicsHistory covered in Spectrum analysis, good experimental page missing?
Lomonosov-Lavoisier experimentBoosted atomistic theories by demonstrating the conservation of mass in chemical reactionsMissing, but explained in biographic articles.
Millikan's Oil-drop experimentCharge of the electron establishedArticle describes mostly the generic experiment, more historical, more picture. Improving to GA-Article

Classical mechanics

Foucault pendulumDirect demonstration of rotation of earthsolid article, with referencing and editing could be a GA


Hubble and Humason's discovery of Hubble's lawBig BangGood Article
Penzias-Wilson microwave detectionHot Big Bang theoryWithin "Discovery of cosmic microwave background radiation" (Start?)
COBE FIRAS experimentCrucial test of hot big bang (black body temp curve)Subsection in COBE, start class
COBE DMR experimentCrucial test of cosmic inflationSubsection in COBE, start class
High-z supernova observationUnexpected results show accelerating expansionSmall stubs at High-z Supernova Search Team and Supernova Cosmology Project, subsection in Dark energy


Young's Double-slit experimentWave nature of lightReasonable coverage in article on generic experiment, more historical background would be nice

Classical electromagnetism

1887 Heinrich Rudolf Hertz EM-wave transmissionFirst wireless communicationStart quality in bio

Quantum fields

Lamb-Retherford experimentInspired and tested Quantum electrodynamics (QED)Larger section in Lamb shift article.
Landé g-factor experiment of the electronCritical test of Quantum electrodynamics (QED)Missing. Some text in Anomalous magnetic dipole moment and Landé g-factor

Forces and fields

Lamb shift discovery (Lamb-Retherford experiment?)Inspired and tested Quantum electrodynamics (QED)Larger section in Lamb shift article.
Landé g-factor experiment of the electronCritical test of Quantum electrodynamics (QED)Missing. Some text in Anomalous magnetic dipole moment and Landé g-factor

General and special relativity

Hulse-Taylor binary pulsarIndirect confirmation of the existence of gravitational radiationstrong stub in PSR B1913+16
Pound-Rebka experimentDirect test of the gravitational redshift of lightstrong stub
Eddington experimentDirect test of the gravitational deflection of lightdiscussed in Arthur Stanley Eddington and tests of GR
Hafele-Keating experimentTest of SR and GR time dilation (velocity and gravity difference)B-class, needs improvement, under dispute on inclusion of GPS
Kaufmann–Bucherer–Neumann experimentsFirst test of relativistic mass increase. Initially thought to be at odds with STR?
Ives-Stilwell experimentCrucial test of SR.?
Kennedy-Thorndike experimentCrucial test of SR.?
Michelson-Morley experimentUnexpected result led to questions in pre-SR theoryGA?

Newtonian gravity

Eötvös experimentclassical equivalence principlestub in Loránd Eötvös
Cavendish experimentestablished the value of the Newton constantstrong stub

Nuclear structure

Chadwick experimentIdentifying the neutronSection in James Chadwick, stubby start?
Geiger-Marsden experiment a.k.a. Rutherford experimentAtomic nucleus (Rutherford model)B-quality
Hahn-Strassmann discovery of fissionUnexpected nuclear reactionUnder Nuclear fission#History
Fermionic condensateFermionsmore detail, data, and explanation needed

Particles and symmetries

Anderson's cosmic ray experimentProved the existence of antimatterMissing, mentioned in positron and Carl David Anderson
Cowan and Reines neutrino experimentDirect detection of the neutrinoB-class
Cronin-Fitch experimentDiscovery of CP-violationSubsection in CP-violation, start
Parity_violation in β-decayParity_violation in weak interactions verifiedmissing (Chien-Shiung Wu)
Thomson cathode ray tube experimentsIdentified the electron via mass-to-charge ratioPart of Electron
UA1 and UA2Discovery of the W and Z bosonsStubs. But also see W and Z bosons.

Quantum mechanics

Davisson-Germer experimentWave–particle duality for electronsstub, see also [1], [2], [3], [4]
Aspect experimentsSeries of tests of QM using CHSH inequality and similar predictionsMissing (mentioned in "Bell_test_experiments")
Clauser and Horne's 1974 Bell testTests of QM using CHSH inequalityB-class and under dispute
Stern-Gerlach experimentDiscovery of spin of electron/atomlooks reasonably complete; no class rating

Solid state

Bragg diffractionProved the periodic structure of atoms within certain solidsB-class, concentrates mostly on theory
Onnes experimentSuperconductivity discovered by OnnesMissing. Section in History of superconductivity

Thermodynamics and Statistical mechanics

Joule experimentMechanical equivalent of heat establishedstart quality in James_Prescott_Joule#The_mechanical_equivalent_of_heat