Wikipedia:WikiProjekt Gambia/A political history of The Gambia, 1816–1994

  • Arnold Hughes, David Perfect, Perfect, David, 1960-: A political history of The Gambia, 1816-1994. University of Rochester Press, Rochester, NY 2006, ISBN 978-1-58046-682-0.


Created Sat, 15 Jul 2023 20:02:07 +0000 by the MissingTopics tool (run again with these settings)

Wanted Title
19 Momodou C. Cham
18 Bakary Bunja Dabo
15 Thomas Bishop
14 Musa S. Dabo
9 National Congress of British West Africa
9 Bathurst Young Muslims Society
8 Demba S. Cham
7 Talib O. Bensouda
7 Kebba A. Bayo
5 Numukunda M. Darbo
4 Alphonso M. Demba
4 Saihou Barrow
4 Herbert Bankole-Bright
3 Emmanuel Ayoola
3 Common People’s Party
3 Bathurst Trade Union
3 Barra-Krieg
3 Armitage School
2 Company of Merchants trading to Africa
2 Solo Darboe
1 Edward Denham
1 Economic Recovery Programme
1 Field Force
1 Board of Health
1 Black Brotherhood Movement
1 Ousman Bojang
1 Reginald Bridgeman
1 Assets Management and Recovery Commission
1 The Bathurst Observer and West African Gazette
1 Adama Bah


Lemma fehlt:


Lemma DEWIKI Lemma Buch
A. S. C. Able-Thomas Able-Thomas, A. S. C.
Aborigines’ Rights Protection Society (Gold Coast) (ARPS) (wd) Aborigines’ Rights Protection Society (Gold Coast) (ARPS)
Accra Conference (1920) (National Congress of British West Africa (wd)) Accra Conference (1920), see also National Congress of British West Africa
George Adcock Adcock, Rev. George
Charles B. Adderley (Charles Adderley, 1st Baron Norton, Charles Adderley) (wd) Adderley, Sir Charles B.
African Charter on Human and People’s Rights African Charter on Human and People’s Rights
Judge Aitken (Aitken) Aitken, Judge
Kitoyi Ajasa Ajasa, Sir Kitoyi
Akadjie Akadjie, Colonel, Nigerian military mission
Aku (Volk) Aku, characteristics of
Albreda Albreda, (French trading post)
Noble J. Allen Allen, Noble J.
Alliance for Patriotic Reorientation and Construction (APRC) Alliance for Patriotic Re-Orientation and Construction (APRC)
Advisory Committee to Almani of Bathurst (Almani of Bathurst) Almani of Bathurst, Advisory Committee to
Anglikanische Kirche in Gambia Anglicans, characteristics of
Anglo-Französisches Abkommen von 1857 Anglo-French Convention (1857)
Animisten in Gambia animists/„pagans“, characteristics of
Henry Anton (wd) Anton, Lieutenant Colonel Henry
Area Council Area Councils: establishment, elections
Armed Forces Provisional Ruling Council (AFPRC) Armed Forces Provisional Ruling Council (AFPRC)
Cecil Hamilton Armitage (Cecil H. Armitage) Armitage, Sir Cecil H.
Armitage School (wd) Armitage School
Kommission zur Vermögensbewertung (Assets Evaluation Commission) Assets Evaluation Commission
Kommission für Vermögensverwaltung und -wiederherstellung (Assets Management and Recovery Commission, AMRC) Assets Management and Recovery Commission (AMRC)
Nana Ofori Atta I (en) Atta I, Nana Ofori
Emmanuel Ayoola (F. Olayinka Ayoola) (en) Ayoola, Chief Justice F. Olayinka


Lemma DEWIKI Lemma Buch
Baddibu-Krieg (Baddibu War) (1861) Baddibu War (1861)
Adama Bah Bah, Adama
Mama Tumani Bah Bah, Almami Mama Tumani
Momodou Lamin Bah (Momadou Lamin Bah) Bah, Almami Momadou Lamin
Wakka Bah Bah, Almami Wakka
F. H. Baker Baker, F. H. (Report, 1955)
Musa Gibril Bala Gaye (Mousa G. Bala-Gaye) Bala-Gaye, Mousa G.
Bubacarr M. Baldeh Baldeh, Bubacarr M.
Cherno Kady Baldeh Baldeh, Seyfu Cherno Kady
Kikala Baldeh Baldeh, Kikala, Assistant Commander
Mathew Yaya Baldeh Baldeh, Mathew Yaya
Michael Baldeh Baldeh, Michael
Paul L. Baldeh Baldeh, Paul L.
T. H. Baldwin Baldwin, T. H., (Report, 1951)
Bambara (Volk) Bambara
Banjul City Council (BanCC) Banjul City Council (BanCC)
Herbert Bankole-Bright (Herbert Christian Bankole-Bright, H. C. Bankole-Bright) (wd) Bankole-Bright, Dr. H. C.
John T. Barber Barber, John T.
Barra-Krieg (Barra War) Barra War (1829)
Basiru Barrow Barrow, Lieutenant Basiru




  • J. F. Easmon
  • Economic Recovery Programme
  • Economy: structure, imports, re-exports and smuggling
  • ECOWAS, Cease-Fire Monitoring Group ECOMOG, Gambian Lberian contingent
  • employment, unemployment, and the labor force
  • exchange of Gambia, see „cession“
  • ex-servicemen
  • external aid