Deutschland – Kultur

Welcome, traveller, to the Wikipedian Piotr Konieczny aka Prokonsul Piotrus' user page

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On this beautiful day of
22:03 UTC
Wikipedia has 6,881,452 articles.
My best work
Total FeaturedFeatured article count: 23
At modern FA standards: 5 OK
Former featured articles in need of updating: 18 Need updating
Out of that written mostly by me: 17 (7 OK / 10 Need updating)
  1. Need updating Max Weber Nov'04 Sep'06 (review) Sep'10 41kb
  2. Need updating Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth Dec'04 43kb
  3. Need updating Witold Pilecki Dec'04 25kb
  4. Need updating Battle of Warsaw (1920) Jan'05 25kb
  5. Need updating Stanisław Koniecpolski Feb'05 25kb
  6. Need updating Władysław Sikorski Mar'05 37kb
  7. Need updating Polish-Soviet War Apr'05 47kb
  8. Need updating May Constitution of Poland Apr'05 30kb
  9. Need updating Polish September Campaign May'05 49kb
  10. Need updating Sociocultural evolution Aug'05 57kb
  11. OK History of Poland (1945-1989) Jul'05 / Revised: Apr'07 75kb
  12. Need updating Polish-Muscovite War (1605-1618) Nov'05 46kb
  13. Need updating Katyń massacre Jan'06 50kb
  14. OK History of Solidarity - Good article Aug'06 Featured article Dec'06 60kb
  15. Need updating Soviet invasion of Poland (1939) - July'07 60kb
  16. OK Józef Piłsudski - Good article Jun'06 A-class Oct'06 Featured article Jan'08 122kb
  17. OK Polish culture during World War II - Good article Apr'08 A-class Apr'09 Featured article Jun'09 81kb
Minor (I wrote less than half): 5 (0 OK / 5 Need updating)
  1. Need updating Warsaw Uprising Aug'04 30kb
  2. Need updating Blitzkrieg May'05 35kb
  3. Need updating Virtuti Militari Jul'05 38kb
  4. Need updating History of the Jews in Poland Nov'05 60kb
  5. Need updating Warsaw Uprising (1794) Aug'06
  6. OK Tadeusz Kościuszko Good article Apr'13 A-class June'13 May'14
Total A-classA-class count: 8
At current A-class standards: 8 OK
Former A-class articles promoted to FA class: 2 Featured article
Józef Piłsudski, Polish culture during World War II
A-class articles promoted to FA-class then demoted back to A-class: 1 Witold Pilecki
Former A-class articles in need of updating: 1 Need updating
Out of the current A-class written mostly by me: 9 (4 OK / 0 Need updating)
  1. OK Smolensk War (Good article Aug'07 A-class Oct'07)
  2. Need updating Armia Krajowa (Good article Jun'06 A-class Mar'08)
  3. OK Kiev Expedition (1018) (Good article Oct'07 A-class Aug'08)
  4. OK Łódź insurrection (1905) (Apr'08 Delisted and passed again on Jun'11 A-class December'11
  5. OK Stanisław Koniecpolski (March'11) A-class July'12
  6. OK Casimir Pulaski (May'13) A-class August'13
  7. OK Battle of Westerplatte (September'18) A-class December'20
  8. OK Battle of Hel (January'20) A-class June'22
  9. OK Witold Pilecki (January'22) A-class September'22
Minor (I wrote less than half): 1 (1 OK / 0 Need updating)
  1. OK Bolesław I's intervention in the Kievan succession crisis (October'07) A-class August'08

Total GArticlesGood article count: 105
Not including articles promoted to A-class or above (see boxes above).
Former GA-class articles in need of updating: 0 Need updating
Out of current GA-class, written mostly by me: 80
  1. OK Kiev Offensive (1920) (Jul'06)
  2. OK Polish legislative election, 1957 (Aug'07. Delisted and passed again on Jun'11
  3. OK Poznań 1956 protests (Aug'07)
  4. OK Polish October (Oct'07)
  5. OK] Łódź insurrection (1905) (Apr'08. Delisted and passed again on Jun'11 (promoted to A-class since)
  6. OK Minority Treaties (May'08)
  7. OK Vilna offensive (June'08)
  8. OK Battle of Kostiuchnówka (Jun'08)
  9. OK First Partition of Poland (Jan'09)
  10. OK The Holocaust in Lithuania (Feb'09)
  11. OK Żydokomuna (March '09)
  12. OK Lech Wałęsa (Jan'10)
  13. OK Sociology of leisure (Jan'10)
  14. OK Nouvelles Extraordinaires de Divers Endroits (Jan/March'10)
  15. OK Juliusz Słowacki (March'11)
  16. OK Józef Światło (April'11])
  17. OK Max Weber (April'11)
  18. OK Karl Marx (April'11)
  19. OK Polish Underground State (May'11)
  20. OK Paweł Jasienica (June'11)
  21. OK Émile Durkheim (June'11)
  22. OK Battle of Bautzen (1945) (August'11)
  23. OK Władysław IV Vasa (August'11)
  24. OK Constitution of May 3, 1791 (Jan'12)
  25. OK Constitution of May 3, 1791 (painting) (Apr'12)
  26. OK Great Sejm (June'12)
  27. OK Siege of Smolensk (1632–1633) (June'12)
  28. OK 1919 Polish coup attempt in Lithuania (June'12)
  29. OK Suwałki Agreement (June'12)
  30. OK Sejny Uprising (|June'12)
  31. OK Siege of Mantua (1799) (June'12)
  32. OK Prussian Homage (painting) (July'12)
  33. OK Battle of Byczyna (July'12)
  34. OK Battle of Grunwald (painting) (August'12)
  35. OK Marie Curie (Sept'12)
  36. OK Stanisław August Poniatowski (Sept'12)
  37. OK Polish Legions (Napoleonic period) (Oct'12)
  38. OK General sejm (Oct'12)
  39. OK Stanisław Żółkiewski (Oct'12)
  40. OK Scipione Piattoli (Nov'12)
  41. OK Stefan Czarniecki (Nov'12)
  42. OK Military of the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth (Nov'12)
  43. OK Stanisław Staszic (Apr'13)
  44. OK Tadeusz Kościuszko (Apr'13) Promoted to FA-class.
  45. OK Stańczyk (painting) (Apr'13)
  46. OK Casimir Pulaski (Apr'13)
  47. OK Władysław Sikorski (May'13)
  48. OK Emilia Plater (May'13)
  49. OK Tadeusz Rejtan (May'13)
  50. OK Jan Dekert (Jun'13)
  51. OK Baptism of Poland (Jun'13)
  52. OK Jan Karol Chodkiewicz (Jun'13)
  53. OK Ignacy Potocki (Jun'13)
  54. OK Adam Mickiewicz (Jul'13)
  55. OK Sejm of the Duchy of Warsaw (Jul'13)
  56. OK Sejm of the Land (Jul'13)
  57. OK Sejm of the Grand Duchy of Posen (Jul'13)
  58. OK Sejm of the Estates (Jul'13)
  59. OK Sejm of Congress Poland (Jul'13)
  60. OK Henryk Sienkiewicz (Jul'13)
  61. OK Second Partition of Poland (Jul'13)
  62. OK Erving Goffman (Aug'13)
  63. OK A Polish Nobleman (Sep'13)
  64. OK Sejmik (Sep'13)
  65. OK Stephen Báthory (Sep'13)
  66. OK Polish–Russian War of 1792 (Sep'13)
  67. OK Sikorski's death controversy (Oct'13)
  68. OK Liberum veto (Oct'13)
  69. OK Polish–Prussian alliance (Oct'13)
  70. OK Partition Sejm (Oct'13)
  71. OK Ryszard Siwiec (Oct'13)
  72. OK Roman Dmowski (Feb'14)
  73. OK Jan Zamoyski (Feb'14)
  74. OK Rejtan (painting) (May'14)
  75. OK Zawieszenie dzwonu Zygmunta (July'14)
  76. OK Jan Matejko (August'14)
  77. OK Jeremi Wiśniowiecki (October'14)
  78. OK Florian Znaniecki (October'14)
  79. OK Maximilian Kolbe (January'15)
  80. OK Piotr Skarga (July'15)
  81. OK Janusz Zajdel (August'15)
  82. OK Bombing of Wieluń (June'18)
  83. OK Stanisław Kot (July'20)
  84. OK Speech is silver, silence is golden (May'21)
  85. OK Zygmunt Krasiński (July'21)
  86. OK Dejarik (October'21)
  87. OK Space travel in science fiction (October'21)
  88. OK Bloody Wednesday of Olkusz (September'21)
  89. OK The Greenwood Encyclopedia of Science Fiction and Fantasy (September'21)
  90. OK Earth in science fiction (November'21)
  91. OK The Volunteer (book) (December'21)
  92. OK A Companion to J. R. R. Tolkien (January'22)
  93. OK Dictionaries of the Polish language (January'22)
  94. OK Róża Maria Goździewska (January'22)
  95. OK Sabacc (January'22)
  96. OK Hyperspace (February'22)
  97. OK Adam Naruszewicz (May'22)
  98. OK Polish proverbs (June'22)
  99. OK Chninkel (July'22)
  100. OK Venus in fiction (August'22)
  101. OK Hans (comic book) (September'22)
  102. OK Bronisław Malinowski (January'23)
Minor (I wrote less than half): 3 (3 OK / 0 Need updating)
  1. OK Mieczysław Jagielski (Jan'09)
  2. OK Kraków (Sept'09)
  3. OK Ewelina Hańska (Aug'11)
In addition: 14 articles improved by my students to Good Article class
To translate:
  1. Missing 'Artykuły na Medal' (Polish WP Featured Articles)
  2. pl:Samorząd terytorialny w Polsce to Self-government in Poland
  3. pl:Wysiedlenie Polaków ze Lwowa to Lwów repatriation
  4. pl:Polscy ambasadorzy to List of Polish ambassadors (add historical)
  5. pl:Diecezja kamieniecko-podolska to Diocese of Kamianets-Podilskyi
  6. pl:Ofiary nazizmu w Polsce (1939-1945) to List of victims of Nazism
  7. pl:Okręg Wilno AK to Wilno District of AK
  8. pl:Ordynacja Zamojska to ordynacja of Zamość
  9. Polskie biblioteki internetowe to Digital libraries in Poland
  10. pl:Muzea Krakowa to Museums of Kraków
  11. pl:Muzea w Warszawie to Museums of Warsaw
  12. pl:Dywizja Strzelców Polskich to Polish Rifleman Division
  13. pl:Pałacyk Michlera to Michler's Palace
  14. pl:Krzysztof Warszewicki to Krzysztof Warszewicki
  15. pl:Władysław Korczyc to Władysław Korczyc
  16. pl:P (oznaczenie) to P (symbol)
  17. pl:Wojna polsko-niemiecka 1002-1005 to German-Polish war (1002-1005)
  18. pl:Eugeniusz Pieniążek to Eugeniusz Pieniążek
  19. pl:Liga Obrony Kraju to Liga Obrony Kraju
  20. pl:Instytut Lecha Wałęsy to Lech Walesa Institute
  21. pl:Zamek w Szymbarku to Castle in Szymbark
  22. pl:Śląski strój ludowy to Silesian folk costume
  23. pl:Kult Edwarda Śmigłego-Rydza to Cult of Edward Śmigły-Rydz
  24. pl:Krótki kurs historii WKP(b) to History of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (Bolsheviks): Short Course
  25. pl:Układ (slogan polityczny) to Układ
  26. pl:Objawienie w Gietrzwałdzie to Gietrzwałd revelations
  27. pl:Kazimierz Grochowski to Kazimierz Grochowski
  28. pl:Antonina Leśniewska to Antonina Leśniewska
  29. pl:Kaplica Moskiewska to Kaplica Moskiewska
  30. pl:Nowa Synagoga w Gdańsku-Wrzeszczu to New Synagogue in Gdańsk-Wrzeszcz
  31. pl:List 34 to Letter of 34
  32. pl:Główny Urząd Kontroli Prasy, Publikacji i Widowisk to Main Office of Control of Press, Publications and Shows
  33. pl:Władysław Wielhorski to Władysław Wielhorski
  34. pl:Antoni Matejkiewicz to Antoni Matejkiewicz
  35. pl:Kabaret Dudek to Kabaret Dudek
  36. pl:Jonka, Jonek i Kleks to Adventures of Kleks (?)
  37. pl:Sobór Metropolitalny Świętej Równej Apostołom Marii Magdaleny w Warszawie to ?
  38. pl:Front Polski (1944) to Polish Front
  39. pl:Bitwa pod Krakowem to Battle of Kraków (1914)
  40. pl:Józef Wincenty Piłsudski to Józef Wincenty Piłsudski
  41. pl:Warszawskie wieżowce to Skyscrapers of Warsaw
  42. pl:Grzegorz Dołgoruki to Gregory Dolgoruky
  43. pl:Czekan (broń) to Czekan
  44. pl:Feliks Turski to Feliks Turski
  45. pl:Tymoteusz Gorzeński to Tymoteusz Gorzeński
  46. pl:Tadeusz Matuszewicz to Tadeusz Matuszewicz
  47. pl:Szwadron Kawalerii Wojska Polskiego to Representative Cavalry Squadron of the Polish Army
  48. pl:Batalion Reprezentacyjny Wojska Polskiego to Representative Battalion of the Polish Army
  49. pl:Michał Wielhorski (generał) to Michał Wielhorski (general)
  50. pl:Franciszek Jerzmanowski to Franciszek Jerzmanowski
  51. pl:Karl Emeryk Aleksander Reviczky von Revisnye to Karl Emeryk Aleksander Reviczky von Revisnye
  52. pl:Gédéon Benoît to Gédéon Benoît
  53. pl:Flora Polski to Flora of Poland
  54. pl:Animowana historia Polski to Animowana historia Polski
  55. pl:Miasto ruin to Miasto ruin
  56. pl:Grabież polskich dóbr kultury w czasie II wojny światowej to Plunder of Polish cultural artifacts during World War II
  57. pl:Żeby Polska była Polską (program telewizyjny) to Let Poland be Poland (TV)
  58. pl:Uchwała Sejmu o detronizacji Mikołaja I to Sejm decree on the dethroning of Nicholas I
  59. pl:Manufaktura to Manufacture (now a redirect)
  60. pl:Szarża pod Rokitną to Charge at Rokitna
  61. pl:Obwarzanek krakowski to Obwarzanek krakowski
  62. pl:Hołd Szujskich to Shuyskiy Homage
  63. pl:Witajcie w życiu to Witajcie w życiu
  64. pl:Pan Lodowego Ogrodu to Pan Lodowego Ogrodu
  65. pl:Demokracja szlachecka to Nobles' democracy (now a redirect)
  66. pl:Joachim Denisko to Joachim Denisko
  67. pl:Jerzy Rekuć to Jerzy Rekuć
  68. pl:Polska w okresie rozbicia dzielnicowego to Fragmentation of Poland (currently just a redirect)
  69. pl:Kopalnia ropy naftowej w Bóbrce to Oil Mining Museum in Bóbrka
  70. pl:System podatkowy w Polsce to Tax system in Poland
  71. pl:Konflikt wawelski to Wawel conflict
  72. pl:Narodowy Dzień Pamięci „Żołnierzy Wyklętych” to National Day of Remembrance of Cursed Soldiers
  73. pl:Narodowy Dzień Pamięci Powstania Warszawskiego to National Day of Remembrance of the Warsaw Uprising
  74. pl:Dzień Solidarności i Wolności to Day of Solidarity and Freedom
  75. pl:Święto Wojska Polskiego to the Polish Army Holiday
  76. pl:Narodowe Święto Odrodzenia Polsk to National Holiday of Poland's Rebirth
  77. pl:Rezerwaty biosfery w Polsce to Biosphere reserves in Poland (now a redirect)
  78. pl:Niemieckie represje wobec Polaków niosących pomoc Żydom to German repressions for Poles aiding Jews during the Holocaust
  79. pl:Zbrodnia w Markowej (1944) to Markowa massacre
  80. pl:Podział administracyjny Kościoła katolickiego w Polsce to Administrative division of the Catholic Church in Poland
  81. pl:Broń pancerna II RP to Armoured warfare units of the Second Polish Republic
  82. pl:Odprawa posłów greckich to Odprawa posłów greckich
  83. pl:Arnold Hecht to Arnold Hecht
  84. pl:Akcja rewindykacji cerkwi prawosławnych w II Rzeczypospolitej to Appropriation of Orthdox Churches in the Second Polish Republic
  85. pl:Konfederacja Spytka z Melsztyna to Confederation of Spytko of Melsztyn
  86. pl:Bitwa pod Jezierną to Battle of Jezierna
  87. pl:Masakry w Warszawie 1861 to Warsaw massacres of 1861
  88. pl:Lektura szkolna to required reading
  89. pl:Obozy NKWD dla jeńców polskich to NKVD camps for Polish prisoners of war
To create:
  1. Economic history of Poland from various
  2. parent article to Template:Campaignbox Poland 1944-1945
  3. military fiction from [1]
  4. for Category:Diplomatic missions of Poland from pl:Kategoria:Polskie placówki dyplomatyczne i konsularne
  5. Any bios missing from [2]
  6. missing articles in Administrative division of Poland#Historical
  7. Museums of Katowice from pl:Kategoria:Muzea w Katowicach
  8. Hugenot refuge, based on Huguenots#The Netherlands
  9. Missing Enlightnment by country articles: Dutch Enlightenment, French Enlightenment (now a redirect), Italian Enlightenment, British Enlightenment
  10. Boris Tsankov (Bulgarian media figure)
  11. 1991 coup d'état in Haiti
  12. Spectators (media)
  13. Battle of Sochi (part of the Russian – Circassian War)
  14. Sociology of everyday life (now a redirect)
  15. Cambridge Keynesians
  16. Intellectual property activism
  17. Polish Antarctic Expedition
  18. Katyn Museum ([3])
  19. Missing articles from pl:Kategoria:Radziecka okupacja Kresów Wschodnich II RP 1939-1941
  20. Wikipedian Protester
  21. Mikołaj Cebulka from [4]
  22. Mieczyslaw Haiman
  23. Emblem of Good Will from [5]
  24. Weber's prophecies: Ethical prophecy, Exemplary prophecy, Messianic prophecy (now red or redirects)
  25. cosplay masquerade
  26. 1892 strike in Łódź
  27. Polish 1946 protests
  28. Kali's morality from pl:Kali (postać literacka)?
  29. campus protest
  30. Baltic grain trade (source: [6])
  31. Independence movement/Separatist movement/Independence organization/Separatist organization (currently just redirects)
  32. Social manufacturing
  33. Duchies of Poland (currently just a redirect)
  34. German ultimatum to Poland
  35. Knowledge production/knowledge creation (just redirects)
  36. moral progress
  37. Easter in Poland
  38. History of religion in Poland
  39. Women's rights in Poland (emancypacja w Polsce)
  40. Secrecy of negotiations
  41. Poland and the United Nations
  42. Structure of Polish society from [7]
  43. Waves of democracy
Tip of the day...
Article deletion process

The Wikipedia article deletion process can be accomplished several ways, after validating the reason for deletion and trying alternatives to deletion. Deletion of articles from Wikipedia occurs through one of four processes.

  1. So-called speedy deletion involves the scrutiny of only a few people before an article is deleted. The allowable criteria for speedy-deletion are deliberately very narrow. The list of candidates for speedy deletion can be viewed at Category:Candidates for speedy deletion.
  2. Another quick method is the use of proposed deletion: simply add {{subst:prod|reason goes here}} to the top of the article. This is meant for articles where the deletion is believed to be uncontroversial, yet does not meet the criteria for speedy deletion. A proposed deletion can be contested by any user by removing the {{prod}} tag within seven days, and if anyone still wants the article deleted the full Articles for deletion process is required.
  3. For unsourced articles about living persons created after 18 March 2010, adding {{subst:prod blp}} will propose the BLP for deletion. If sources are not added within 10 days, the article may be deleted.
  4. Articles which do not meet the narrow criteria for speedy deletion and whose deletion is (or might be) contested are discussed by the community through the Articles for deletion (AfD) process.
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{{tip of the day}}

Links of interest:

My IMs:
  • ICQ/AIM 70822962
  • Skype: prokonsul_piotrus
  • YIM proconsul_piotrus
  • GG 1298166
  • MSN piokon at post dot pl
Multi-licensed with the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike License versions 1.0 and 2.0
I agree to multi-license my text contributions, unless otherwise stated, under Wikipedia's copyright terms and the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license version 1.0 and version 2.0. Please be aware that other contributors might not do the same, so if you want to use my contributions under the Creative Commons terms, please check the CC dual-license and Multi-licensing guides.

Widtsoe, Utah
Widtsoe is a ghost town in Garfield County, Utah, United States. It is located in John's Valley, northeast of Bryce Canyon and along the Sevier River at the mouth of Sweetwater Creek. A small number of settlers arrived in the area in 1876 and it became a town around 1908 after farmer Jedediah Adair was followed by a more significant population. Initially known as Adairville, after Adair, the town later became Houston and Winder, before attaining its final name after John A. Widtsoe, the president of and an agricultural scientist at the University of Utah. The population declined significantly from 1920 following droughts, and the town emptied in 1936. Most buildings were demolished shortly afterwards. This photograph by Dorothea Lange shows Widtsoe's Emery Valley Mercantile Co. grocery store in 1936.Photograph credit: Dorothea Lange; restored by Yann Forget


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