The New Cambridge Modern History

Die The New Cambridge Modern History ist eine 1957 bis 1979 in 14 Bänden (inklusive Atlas) erschienene Geschichte der Neuzeit. Sie behandelt die Zeit von 1450 bis 1945 und erschien gleichzeitig bei Cambridge University Press (CUP) und Macmillan in New York. Sie war der völlig neu bearbeitete Nachfolger der The Cambridge Modern History von 1902 bis 1912.

Herausgeber waren George Richard Potter.


I. The Renaissance 1493–1520

Herausgeber George Richard Potter, Denys Hay 1957

General Introduction: History and the Modern HistorianGeorge Norman Clark
1IntroductionDenys Hay
2The face of Europe on the eve of the great discoveriesH. C. Darby
3Fifteenth century civilisation and the RenaissanceHans Baron
4The papacy and the catholic churchR. Aubenas
5Learning and education in Europe from 1470 to 1520R. Weiss
6The arts in Western Europe
     (1) Italy
     (2) Northern Europe
     (4) Vernacular literature in Western Europe

     (1) Rudolf Wittkower
     (2) L. D. Ettlinger
     (3) Erinqueta Frankfort
     (4) H. W. Lawton
7The Empire under MaximilianR. G. D. Laffan
8The Burgundian Netherlands 1477–1521C. A. J. Armstrong
9International relations in the West: diplomacy and warJ. R. Hale
10France under Charles VIII and Louis XIIR. Doucet
11The hispanic kingdoms and the catholic kingsJ. M. Batista I Roca
12The invasions of ItalyCecilia M. Ady
13Eastern EuropeC. A. Macartney
14The Ottoman Empire 1481–1520J. V. Parry
15The New World
     (1) Portuguese expansion
     (2)Spaniards in the New World

     (1) H. V. Livermore
     (2) John Horace Parry
16Expansion as a concern of all EuropeE. E. Rich

II. The Reformation 1520–1559

Herausgeber Geoffrey Rudolph Elton 1990

IntroductionGeoffrey Rudolph Elton
1The age of ReformationG. R. Elton
2Economic change
3The Reformation mouvements in GermanyR. W. Scribner
4The Reformation in Zurich, Strassburg and GenevaE. G. Rupp
5The Anabaptists and the sectsJames M. Stayer
6The Reformation in Scandinavia and the BalticN. K. Andersen
7Politics and the institutionalization of reform in GermanyR. W. Scribner
8Poland, Bohemia and HungaryR. R. Betts
9The Reformation in France 1515–1559F. C. Spooner
10The Reformation in EnglandG. R. Elton
11Italy and the papacyDelio Cantimori
12The new ordersH. O. Evennett
13The empire of Charles V in EuropeHelmut Georg Koenigsberger
14The Habsburg-Valois warsMaria J. Rodriguez-Salgado
15Intellectual tendencies
16Schools and UniversitiesDenys Hay
17Constitutional development and political thought in Western EuropeG. R. Elton
19Constitutional development and political thought in the Holy Roman EmpireVolker Press
19Constitutional development and political thought in Eastern EuropeR. R. Betts
20Armies, navies and the art of warJ. R. Hale
21The Ottoman Empire 1520-1566V. J. Parry
22Russia 1462-1584J. L. I. Fennell
23The New World 1521–1580J. V. Parry, G. V. Scammell
24I. A. Macgregor, G. V. Scammell

III. Counter Reformation and Price Revolution (1559–1610)

Herausgeber des 1968 erschienenen Bandes war Richard B. Wernham (1906–1999).

1IntroductionR. B. Wernham
2The Economy of Europe 1559–1609F. C. Spooner
3The Papacy, Catholic Reforms and Christian MovementsT. M. Parker
4Protestantism and Confessional Strife
     (1) Lutheranism after Luther
     (2)The development and spread of Calvinism

     (1) T. M. Parker
     (2) T. M. Parker
5Social structure, office holding and politics, chiefly in Western EuropeJ. Hurstfield
6International diplomacy and international lawG. Mattingly
7Armies, navies and the art of warJ. R. Hale
8The British Question 1559–1569R. B. Wernham
9Western Europe and the Power of Spain
     (1) Spain and Italy
     (2) The Problem of the Netherlands and France to 1585
     (3)The French Succession and the War with England

     (1) H. G. Koenigsberger
     (2) H. G. Koenigsberger
     (3) H. G. Koenigsberger
10The Austrian Habsburgs and the EmpireG. D. Ramsay
11The Ottoman Empire 1566–1617V. J. Parry
12Poland and LithuaniaP. Skwarczynski
13Sweden and the BalticI. Andersson
14Education and LearningR. R. Bolgar
15ScienceMarie Boas Hall
16Political thought and the theory and practice of tolerationM. J. Tooley
17Colonial development and international rivalries outside Europe
     (1) America
     (2) Asia and Africa

     (1) J. H. Parry
     (2) J. B. Harrison

IV. The Decline of Spain and the Thirty Years War (1609–1648/49)

Herausgeber John Phillips Cooper 1970.

1General IntroductionJ. P. Cooper
2The European Economy 1609–1650F. C. Spooner
3The exponents and critics of absolutismRoland Mousnier
4The Scientific Movement and the Diffusion of Scientific Ideas 1688–1751Alistair Cameron Crombie, Michael Hoskin
5Changes in Religious ThoughtG. L. Mosse
6Military forces and warfare 1610–48J. W. Dr Wijn
7Sea PowerJ. P. Cooper
8Drama and SocietyJ. Lough
Central Conflicts:
9Spain and Europe 1598–1621Hugh Trevor-Roper
10The state of Germany (to 1618)G. D. Ramsay
11The Thirty Years WarE. A. Beller
12The Low CountriesE. H. Kossmann
13Sweden and the Baltic 1611–1654M. Roberts
14International relations and the role of France 1648–60G. Livet
The Unmaking and Remaking of States:
15The Spanish Peninsula 1598–1648J. H. Elliott
16French Institutions and Society 1610–61Roland Mousnier
17The Habsburg lands 1618–57V.-L. Tapie
18The Fall of the Stuart MonarchyJ. P. Cooper
19The end of the Polish expansion and the survival of Russia
     (1) Poland-Lithuania 1609-48
     (2) Russia 1613–45

     (1) H. Jablonowski
     (2)J. L. H. Keep
The Frontiers of Europe:
20The Ottoman Empire 1617–48V. J. Parry
21Europe and AsiaJ. B. Harrison
22The European nations and the AtlanticE. E. Rich
23Latin America 1610–60W. Borah

V. The Ascendency of France (1648–88)

Herausgeber Francis Ludwig Carsten 1961.

1Introduction: The age of Louis XIVF. L. Carsten
2Economic Problems and PoliciesD. C. Coleman
3The scientific mouvementRupert Hall
4PhilosophyW. von Leyden
5Political ThoughtStephen Skalweit
6Church and StateAnne Whiteman
7Art and ArchitekturRudolf Wittkower
8The social foundation of statesGeorge Clark
9French diplomacy and foreign policy in their European settingGaston Zeller
10France under Louis XIVJ. Lough
11The achievements of France in art, thought and literatureDavid Ogg
12The Dutch RepublicE. H. Kossmann
13Britain after the RestorationDavid Ogg
14Europe and North AmericaE. E. Rich
15Spain and her empireJuan Reglá
16Portugal and her empireV. M. Godinho
17Europe and Asia
     (1) The European connection with Asia
     (2) The English and Dutch East India Companies

     (1) J. B. Harrison
     (2)C. D. Cowan
18The Empire after the Thirty Years WarF. L. Carsten
19Italy after the Thirty Years WarGiorgio Spini
20The Habsburg LandsR. R. Betts
21The Ottoman Empire after Mehmed IVA. N. Kurat
22Scandinavia and the BalticJerker Rosén
21The Rise of BrandenburgF. L. Carsten
22Poland to the death of John SobieskiHorst Jablonowski
22Russia: the beginning of WesternisationWerner Philipp

VI. The Rise of Great Britain and Russia, 1688–1715/25

Herausgeber John Selwyn Bromley 1970

1IntroductionJ. S. Bromley
2The Scientific Movement and the Diffusion of Scientific Ideas 1688–1751Alistair Cameron Crombie, Michael Hoskin
3Cultural Change in Western Europe
     (1) Tendencies in Thought and Literature
     (2) Music 1661–1752

     (1) W. H., Barber
     (2) Frederick W. Sternfeld
4Religion and the relation of church and stateJ. McManners
5International relations in EuropeAndrew Lossky
6The English RevolutionE. S. De Beer
7The Nine Years War 1688–1697George Clark
8The Emergence of Great Britain as a World PowerDavid Ogg
9War Finance 1689–1714P. G. M. Dickson, John Sperling
10The Condition of France 1688–1715Jean Meuvret
11The Spanish Empire and foreign pressures 1688–1715Roland Dennis Hussey, J. S. Bromley
12From the Nine Years War to the War of Spanish successionGeorge Clark
13The war of Spanish succession in EuropeA. J. Veenendaal
14The pacification of UtrechtH. G. Pitt
15France and England in North America 1689–1713Philip S. Haffenden
16Portugal and her empire 1680–1720V. Magalhães Godinho
17The MediterraneanJean Mathiex
18The Austrian HabsburgsJ. W. Stowe
19The retreat of the Turks 1683–1730A. N. Kurat, J. S. Bromley
20-1Charles XII and the Great Northern WarRagnhild Hatton
20-2The eclipse of PolandJózef Gierowski, Andrzej Kamiński
21Russia under Peter the Great and the changed relations of East and WestM. S. Anderson
22Armies and Navies
     (1) The art of war on land
     (2) Soldiers and civilians

     (1) David G. Chandler
     (2) J. W. Stove
     (3) J. S. Bromley, A. N. Ryan
23Economic Activity
     (1) The map of commerce 1683-1721
     (2) Price, population and economic activity in Europe 1688–1715

     (1) Jacob M. Price
     (2) Jean Meurvet

VII. The Old Regime, 1713–1763

Herausgeber J. O. Lindsay 1957

1Introductory SummaryJ. O. Lindsay
2The growth of overseas commerce and european manufactureC. H. Wilson
3The social classes and the foundation of statesJ. O. Lindsay
4The visual arts and imaginative literatureAlbert Richardson
5The EnlightmentA. Cobban
6ReligionR. W. Greaves
7Monarchy and Administration
     (1) European Practice
     (2) The English Inspiration

     (1) J. O. Lindsay
     (2) W. R. Brock
8The Armed Forces and the Art of WarEric Robson
9International RelationsJ. O. Lindsay
10The decline of divine-right monarchy in FranceA. Cobban
11EnglandW. R. Brock
12The Western Mediterranean and ItalyJ. O. Lindsay
13The organization and the rise of PrussiaWalter Horace Bruford
14RussiaIan Young
15Scandinavia and the BalticRagnhild Hatton
16Poland under the Saxon KingsL. R. Lewitter
17The Habsburg DominionsC. A. Macartney
18The War of the Austrian SuccessionMark A. Thomson
19The diplomatic revolutionD. B. Horn
20The Seven Years WarEric Robson
21The development of the American communities
     (1) Latin America
     (2) North America

     (1)J. H. Parry
     (2) Frank Thistlethwaite
22Rivalries in America
     (1) The Caribbean
     (2) The North America continent

     (1)J. H. Parry
     (2) Frank Thistlethwaite
23Rivalries in IndiaC. C. Davies
24Economic relations in Africa and the Far East
     (1) Africa
     (2) Asia

     (1)J. Gallagher
     (2) Victor Purcell

VIII. The American and French Revolutions, 1763–1793

Herausgeber Elliot H. Goodwin 1965

1Introductory SummaryElliot H. Goodwin
2Population, commerce and economic ideas
     (1) Population Growth
     (2) Trade
     (3) Economic Ideas

     (1)John Habakkuk
     (2) John Habakkuk
     (3) John Habakkuk
3Literature and thought: the romantic tendency, Rousseau, KantW. Stark
4Music, art and architecture
     (1) Music
     (2) Art and Architecture

     (1)F. W. Sternfeld
     (2) Peter Murray
5Science and TechnologyD. McKie
6Educational ideas, practice and institutionsA. V. Judges
7Armed Forces and the Art of War
     (1) Navies
     (2) Armies

     (1) Christopher Lloyd
     (2) J. R. Western
8European relations with Asia and Africa
     (1) Relations with Asia
     (2) Relations with Africa

     (1) Kenneth Ballhatchet
     (2) J. D. Hargreaves
9European Diplomatic Relations 1763-90M. S. Anderson
10The Habsburg possessions and GermanyE. Wangermann
11RussiaIan Young
12The partitions of PolandJ. R. Lewitter
13The Iberian States and the Italian States 1763-1793
     (1) The Iberian States
     (2) The Italian States

     (1) J. Lynch
     (2) J. M. Roberts
14The development of the American communities outside British ruleR. A. Humphreys
15Social and psychological foundations of the revolutionary eraR. R. Palmer
16The American Revolution 1763-1793: Constitutional aspectsMax Beloff
17The American Revolution in its imperial, strategic and diplomatic aspectsM. A. Jones
18American Independence in its American context, social and political aspects, western expansionEsmond Wright
19The beginnings of reform in Great Britain, imperial problems, politics and administration, economic growthW. R. Ward
20French administration and public finance in the European settingJ. F. Bosher
21The breakdown of the old regime in FranceD. Dakin
22The Historiography of the French RevolutionJ. McManners
23The outbreak of the French RevolutionG. E. Rudé
24Reform and Revolution in France: October 1789-February 1793A. Goodwin
AppendixEstimated growth of population in Europe and North America in the eighteenth century

IX. War and Peace in an Age of Upheaval, 1793–1830

Herausgeber C. W. Crawley 1965

1IntroductionC. W. Crawley
2Economic change in England and EuropeR. M. Hartwell
3Armed Forces and the Art of War
     (1) Armies
     (2) Navies

     (1)N. H. Gibbs
     (2) C. C. Lloyd
4Revolutionary influences and conservatism in literature and thoughtH. G. Schenk
5Science and TechnologyC. C. Gillispie
6Religion: church and state in Europe and the AmericasJohn Walsh
7Education and public opinionJohn Roach
8Some aspects of the art in Europe
     (1) The visual arts
     (2) Music

     (1) David Thomas
     (2) F. W. Sternfeld
9The balance of power during the wars 1793-1814Geoffrey Bruun
10The internal history of France during the wars 1793-1814Jacques Godechot
11The Napoleonic AdventureFelix Markham
12French Politics 1814-47G. de Bertier de Sauvigny
13German constitutional and social development 1795-1830Walter Horace Bruford
14The Austrian monarchy 1782-1847C. A. Macartney
15Italy 1793-1830J. M. Roberts
16Spain and Portugal 1793 to c. 1843Raymond Carr
17The Low Countries and Scandinavia
     (1) The Low Countries
     (2) The Scandinavia

     (1) J. A. van Houtte
     (2) T. K. Derry
18Russia 1798-1825J. M. K. Vyvyan
19The Near East and the Ottoman Empire 1798-1830C. W. Crawley
20Europe´s relation with South and South East AsiaK. A. Ballhatchet
21Europe´s economic and political relations with tropical AfricaJ. D. Fage
22The United States and the Old World 1794-1828F. Thistlethwaite
23The emancipation of Latin AmericaR. A. Humphreys
24The final coalition and the congress of Vienna 1813-1815E. V. Gulick
25International Relations 1815-30C. W. Crawley
Appendix: Note on the French Republican Calendar

X. The Zenith of European Power, 1830–1870

Herausgeber John Patrick Tuer Bury 1960

1Introductory SummaryJ. P. T. Bury
2Economic change and growthHerbert Heaton
3The scientific mouvement and its influence on thought and material developmentRupert Hall
4Religion and the relation of church and statesNorman Sykes
5Education and the pressJohn Roach
6Art and ArchitectureNikolaus Pevsner
7Imaginative LiteratureErich Heller
8Liberalism and constitutional developmentsJ. A. Hawgood
9Nationalities and nationalismJ. P. T. Bury
10The system of alliances and the balance of powerGordon A. Craig
11Armed forces and the art of war: NaviesMichael Lewis
12Armed forces and the art of war: ArmiesBasil Liddell Hart
13The United Kingdom and its world wide interestsDavid Thomson
14Russia in Europe and AsiaJ. M. K. Vyvyan
15The Revolutions of 1848Charles Pouthas
16The MediterraneanC. W. Crawley
17The Second Empire in FrancePaul Farmer
18The Crimean WarAgatha Ramm
19Prussia and the German Problem 1830-1866James Joll
20The Austrian Empire and its problems 1848-67C. A. Macartney
21ItalyD. Mack Smith
22The origins of the Franco-Prussian war and the remaking of GermanyMichael Foot (M. R. D. Foot)
23National and sectional forces in the United StatesDavid M. Potter
24The American Civil WarT. Harry Williams
25The states of Latin AmericaR. A. Humphreys
26The Far EastG. F. Hudson

XI. Material Progress and World Wide Problems, 1870–1898

Herausgeber Francis Harry Hinsley 1962

1IntroductionF. H. Hinsley
2Economic conditionsCharles Wilson
3Science and TechnologyTrevor I. Williams
4Social and political thoughtDavid Thomson
5LiteratureA. K. Thorlby
6Art and ArchitectureNikolaus Pevsner
7EducationA. Victor Murray
8The armed forcesM. E. Howard
9Political and social developments in EuropeTheodor Schieder
10The German EmpireWerner Conze
11The French RepublicJ. Néré
12Austria-Hungary, Turkey and the BalkansW. N. Medlicott
13RussiaJ. L. H. Keep
14Great Britain and the British EmpirePaul Knaplund
15India 1840-1905Percival Spear
16ChinaCharles Patrick Fitzgerald
17JapanW. G. Beasley
18The United StatesW. R. Broock
19The states of Latin AmericaCharles C. Griffin
20International RelationsA. J. P. Taylor
21Rivalries in the Mediterranean: The Middle East and EgyptA. P. Thornton
22The partition of AfricaR. E. Robinson, J. Gallagher
23Expansion into the Pacific and the Scramble of ChinaF. C. Langdon
24The United States and the Old WorldA. E. Campbell

XII. The Shifting Balance of World Forces, 1898–1945

Herausgeber Charles Loch Mowat 1968

1Introductory survey: On the limits of Modern HistoryC. L. Mowat
2The transformation of social lifeDavid Thomson
3The world economy: Interdependence and planningAsa Briggs
4Science and TechnologyDouglas McKie
5Diplomatic History 1900-1912J. P. T. Bury
6The approach of the war 1914J. M. K. Vyvyan
7The First World WarBrian Bond
8The peace settlement of Versailles 1918-1933Rohan D’Olier Butler
9The League of NationsJ. L. Brierly, P. A. Reynolds
10The Middle East 1900-1945E. Kedourie
11India and South East Asia
     (1) India
     (2) South East Asia

     (1)Percival Spear
     (2) D. G. E. Hall
12China, Japan and the Pacific 1900-1931J. W. Davidson, Colin Forster
13The British Commonwealth of NationsJ. C. Beaglehole
14The Russian RevolutionIsaac Deutscher
15The Soviet Union 1917-1939George F. Kennan
16Germany, Italy and Eastern Europe
     (1) Austria-Hungary 1900-1914
     (2) The Balkan Peninsula
     (3) Italy 1900-1914
     (4) The Aftermath of the First World War
     (5) The Great Depression: Hitler becomes German Chancellor
     (6) Gleichschaltung in Germany and Austria
     (7) Czechoslovakia 1929-1938
     (8) The attack upon Poland expands into a Second World War

     (1)Elizabeth Wiskemann
     (2) Elizabeth Wiskemann
     (3) Elizabeth Wiskemann
     (4) Elizabeth Wiskemann
     (5) Elizabeth Wiskemann
     (6) Elizabeth Wiskemann
     (7) Elizabeth Wiskemann
     (8) Elizabeth Wiskemann
17Great Britain, France, the Low Countries and Scandinavia
     (1) The political system and the organization of the society at the beginning of the century
     (2) Government and liberal bourgeoisie 1900-1914
     (3) The Interwar Years 1921-1939
     (4) The Second World War 1939-1945

     (1)Maurice Crouzet, K. Lloyd-Jones
     (2) Maurice Crouzet, K. Lloyd-Jones
     (3) Maurice Crouzet, K. Lloyd-Jones
     (4) Maurice Crouzet, K. Lloyd-Jones
18The United States of AmericaDenis Brogan
19Latin AmericaJ. H. Parry
20Literature 1895-1939A. E. Dyson
21Philosophy and Religious Thought
     (1) Philosophy
     (2) Religious Thought

     (1)Renford Bambrough
     (2) W. R. Matthews
22Painting, sculpture and architecture
     (2) Sculpture
     (3) Architecture

     (1)M. E. Cooke
     (2) M. E. Cooke
     (3) M. E. Cooke
23Diplomatic History 1930-1939D. C. Watt
24The Second World WarBasil Liddell Hart
25Diplomatic History of the Second World WarLlewelyn Woodward

XIII: Companion Volume

Herausgeber Peter Burke 1979

1Introduction: Concepts of Continuity and Change in HistoryPeter Burke
2The environment and the economyEric L. Jones
3IndustryWilliam N. Parker
4PopulationJacques Dupâquier
5PeasantsEmmanuel Le Roy Ladurie
6BureaucracyG. E. Aylmer
7WarfareGeoffrey Parker
8RevolutionVictor G. Kiernan
9The Scientific RevolutionsPeter M. Heimann
10Social Thought and Social ScienceWilliam Outhwaite
11Religion and SecularisationPeter Burke
12On the last 2500 years in western history and some remarks on the coming 500Johan Galtung, Erik Rudeng, Tore Heistad

XIV: Atlas

Herausgeber H. C. Darby, Harold Fullard, 1970.