Deutschland – Geschichte der Eisenbahn

Parliamentary elections were held in Guinea on 22 March 2020 alongside a constitutional referendum,[1][2][3] after being postponed four times from the original date of January 2019.[4][5][6][7][8][9]

Electoral system

The 114 members of the National Assembly are elected by a mixed member system; 38 are elected from single-member constituencies based on the 33 prefectures and five communes of Conakry by first-past-the-post voting, whilst the other 76 are elected from a single nationwide constituency by proportional representation.[10]


The elections were boycotted by the main opposition parties. As a result, President Condé's party won a supermajority of seats.

Rally of the Guinean People–Rainbow1,591,65055.27422,417,83689.053779+26
Guinean Democratic Union151,5765.26456,0852.0704New
Guinean Popular Democratic Movement113,7023.95374,3432.7403New
New Democratic Forces76,6122.6624,7110.1713New
Union for Progress and Renewal76,5122.66214,5970.54021
Rally for the Integrated Development of Guinea76,4122.65223,9010.88021
Union of the Forces of Change76,2082.6522New
Democratic Alternation for Reform–Constructive Opposition Bloc76,1882.6522New
Guinea for Democracy and Balance76,0122.64231,6711.1702New
Guinean Party for Renaissance and Progress39,7061.38110
Afia Party39,1261.3611+1
Civic Generation39,1061.3611+1
Forces of Integrity for Development39,1061.3611New
Guinean Party for Progress and Development38,4301.3311+1
Rally for Renaissance and Development38,3101.33110,6080.3901New
Party for Peace and Development38,1761.3311New
Alliance for National Renewal37,9061.3211New
Union of Democratic Forces37,9001.32113,9230.5101+1
Movement of Patriots for Development29,9961.0411New
Alliance for National Renewal29,8001.0311New
New Generation for the Republic29,8001.03112,9170.48010
Guinea United for Development29,1401.01110
Rally for a Prosperous Guinea27,4000.9511+1
Democratic Party of Conservatives12,3240.43016,4410.6100New
Guinean Party of the Renaissance10,2040.3500New
Union for the Defence of Republican Interests7,5360.26024,0460.8900New
Guinean Rally for Unity and Development5,4940.19000
Rally for the Republic5,4220.1900New
Pan-African Party of Guinea2,5500.0900New
Party New Vision8,0380.3000
Alliance of Forces for Change4,6980.1700
Party of the National Defense for Development1,3330.0500
Valid votes2,879,94495.802,715,14891.48
Invalid/blank votes126,1114.20252,9398.52
Total votes3,006,055100.002,968,087100.00
Registered voters/turnout5,179,60058.045,179,60057.30
Source: CENI, CC
