Deutschland – Geschichte der Bundesrepublik Deutschland bis 1990

Create collections from almost any wiki

Simply drag the following bookmarklet to your bookmark bar or add it to your bookmarks: Send to PediaPress

Now you can navigate to Wikipedia, Wikitravel or any* other wiki you like and build collections of your favorite articles. You can even combine articles from different sites within one collection. If you navigate to a category page you can add all included articles with a single click.

Once you have your collection ready, you can order it as a printed book.

Notice: This tool is solely provided to test drive our service with wiki sites that have not installed the Collection extension. There is no guarantee that it will work properly with your browser or your wiki site of interest. Derived books may have unexpected glitches with the layout. When considering to order a book that was created using this tool, please make sure to check the preview.

There is another option to create collections described here.

* Currently this only works with wikis that use the MediaWiki software.

© 2022 Created with Royal Elementor Addons