Tata OneCAT

Vorlage:Future automobile


OneCAT is an upcoming compressed air car. India's Tata Motors is collaborating with Air engine developer Guy Nègre of MDI to produce the vehicle.

The vehicle contains air tanks that can be filled in four hours by plugging the car into a standard electrical plug. MDI also plans to design a gas station compressor, which would fill the tanks in three minutes.[1] There are no gasoline costs (except approx. one-third electric bill, US fare 2008) and no fossil fuel emissions.

The OneCAT is a five seat vehicle with a 200 liter trunk. With full tanks it will run at Vorlage:Convert for Vorlage:Convert range in urban cycle.

It will be priced in a range ($5,100 to $7,800 US) within reach of consumers in a developing economy.[2] The production of another CAT car for local markets might begin early 2009 in Spain and Australia.



See also

Vorlage:Tata Motors

  1. Roger Harrabin: Five-seat concept car runs on air. (web) In: An engineer has promised that within a year he will start selling a car that runs on compressed air, producing no emissions at all in town. BBC News, 13. Februar 2008, abgerufen am 16. Februar 2008.
  2. Technology Review: The Air Car Preps for Market