
shuttle landing at Gardens of the Trocadero at Paris
Benutzer / User: CulmSee-Axel-acad.2161 (introduction page)

Hello, this is CulmSee-Axel-acad.2161 = Axel Culmsee from Germany, living at area named "Westerwald" (woodland), located south of Cologne. in addition to my "Wikimedia" and "Local Guides" entries thought it would be interesting for all of you readers / researchers getting some more details at Wikipedia and via Wikimedia, too.

Babel – Benutzerinformationen
de-NDieser Benutzer spricht Deutsch als Muttersprache.
en-2This user has intermediate knowledge of English.
fr-1Cet utilisateur dispose de connaissances de base en français.
Benutzer nach Sprache

...will be continued...

born at Celle, town in Northern Germany (south of Hamburg, north of Hannover), and therefore being (a true) "Cellenser" and having lived there about three decades, am knowing Celle's points of interest and those not yet mentioned commonly...

why CulmSee-Axel-acad.2161 ?
user name reasoned in being Trekkie as a tribute Starfleet Academy established 2161 and the capital letter S from Geman word See meaning Lake

too, having visited Chełmża in 2001...

examples for added new sites:

Bildeiche (Peterslahr),
auf Wikipedia seit 7/2019,
eingangs unter Bildeiche (Burglahr),
seit 10/2021 berichtigt als Bildeiche (Peterslahr), danke

Uwe Langnickel, Künstler und Maler,
auf Wikipedia seit 3/2021

NStZ-RR, juristische Zeitschrift seit 1996,
auf Wikipedia seit 4/2023


examples for favourite entries of mine:

Celle Städtepartnerschaften,
auf Wikipedia seit 10/2018,
zeigend Wegweiser-Kunstwerk mit den Siegeln der Partnerstädte,
an Straßenecke namens „Markt“ neben historischem Alten Rathaus,
eingelassen in poliertem Granit eines mehrseitigen Pyramide-ähnlichen Polygons.

meaning and, too, more photos
at english Wikipedia site of Celle and of the twinned towns / sister cities of Celle in the North of Germany. Placed at a work of art with the further seals of her twinned towns. Inserted in polished granite of a multilateral similar to pyramid polygon
with Signpost of sister cities of Celle, Main sights and Bomann-Museum building
