Land Baden-Württemberg

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Welcome to the embassy of the Icelandic Wikipedia! If you have any announcements or questions regarding international issues or the Icelandic wikipedia you are invited to post them here or on the discussion page of this article.
Velkommen til ambassaden på den islandske Wikipedia! Hvis du har spørgsmål eller annonseringer vedrørerende internationale emner eller den islandske Wikipedia, kan du poste dem her eller på diskussionssiden.
Willkommen auf der Botschaft der isländischsprachigen Wikipedia. Fragen und Vorschläge zu internationalen oder isländischen Themen können hier oder auf der Diskussionsseite zur Botschaft gepostet werden.

Páll Guðmundsson (Q2120154)

Saell! Páll Guðmundsson (Q2120154) is using a steinhörpum. There is a Icelandic stamp agout the i strument. Is it possible to upload a copy of the picture of the sramp to commons? Thanks in advance! Best regards no bias — קיין אומוויסנדיק פּרעפֿערענצן — keyn umvisndik preferentsn talk contribs 9. ágúst 2019 kl. 18:38 (UTC)[svara]


no bias — קיין אומוויסנדיק פּרעפֿערענצן — keyn umvisndik preferentsn talk contribs 9. ágúst 2019 kl. 18:46 (UTC)[svara]

Takk fyrir Þjarkur! Með kveðju frá München!
no bias — קיין אומוויסנדיק פּרעפֿערענצן — keyn umvisndik preferentsn talk contribs 10. ágúst 2019 kl. 02:05 (UTC)[svara]

What is the longest article on the Icelandic Wikipedia?

What is the longest article on the Icelandic Wikipedia? CampWood (spjall) 14. september 2020 kl. 18:53 (UTC)[svara]

According to the special page on this matter, it's Deilatafla (179.877 bytes). If we exclude articles with very big lists, it's Emmy Noether (99.673 bytes). -Svavar Kjarrval (spjall) 15. september 2020 kl. 07:18 (UTC)[svara]
Takk. CampWood (spjall) 19. september 2020 kl. 02:44 (UTC)[svara]

What's the main difference between this and the US wikipedia?

I'm new here so I would like to know. Feel free to go the US wikipedia and leave a message there if you can answer my question. You can do here too I can read the notifications. Blaze The Movie Fan (spjall) 11. maí 2024 kl. 16:35 (UTC)[svara]

Mainly the language, but also some of the rules. See Wikipedia:Overview for an English introduction. Icelandic is heavy on declensions and takes a long time to learn. Snævar (spjall) 11. maí 2024 kl. 16:50 (UTC)[svara]
Oh also where is the Icelandic articles for creation page? I can’t find it. 11. maí 2024 kl. 22:43 (UTC) Blaze The Movie Fan (spjall) 11. maí 2024 kl. 22:43 (UTC)[svara]
Just put the article into your Notandi:Blaze The Movie Fan/sandkassi page (sandkassi means sandbox). I will make a note of looking at it whenever you feel like it is ready. There is no formal proccess for this like on English Wikipedia, there has not been a need for it. Snævar (spjall) 12. maí 2024 kl. 08:08 (UTC)[svara]

0 13. júní 2024 kl. 17:35 (UTC)[svara]